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Everything posted by Rio

  1. To that topic (because i want use C64keyboard and LED outs at one core): is it possible to use also a DOUTX4 in combination of C64Keyboard matrix, so that the first 74HC595 of DOUTX4 will be used of Scan Matrix Driver and all the other digital output shift registers can used for LED outputs? Should be ok, or? greets,rio EDIT: Yes it works, i have not tried that before.
  2. Hello all, is there an example written in C, where i can control LEDs with J5 like the example in http://www.ucapps.de/mios/j5_dout_v1e.zip ? Thank you very much. Greets, rio Edit: ok i found useful informations here: PS: oh wrong topic...that should be in "Mios Programming ( C )"
  3. Hi all, i have read of following MIDI CC implementation: --------+-----------+---------+------------------------------------------------ 0x40/ 64| 0x00-0x7f | 0x00 | sets the step of the track which should | | | be played on next step increment. Especially | | | useful in conjunction with Loopback function! | | | (one CC track controls the steps of another track) | | | Value 0 will be ignored | | | Value 1-32 changes the step | | | Value 33-127 are mirrored to 1-32 (don't use..) --------+-----------+---------+------------------------------------------------ .. and in my setup it could be useful to reset all playing patterns at once. So is there an easier way to set all tracks/all patterns to step 1 maybe via 1 CC instead of 16x NRPN CC? PS: thats only a question, maybe i have overseen something like this in the manual... Thanks for any suggestion, how i can get it somehow to work :). Best greets, rio
  4. Hey thorsten, very nice!! I can test the new version today in the evening :) yes that CC will 100% help me. Thx thx thx. greets, rio
  5. hi thorsten, i would be lucky for that feature ;) so that i can choose and dump one of the mixermaps via cc. thanks for your effort. greets rio.
  6. hi thorsten, that are good news. Thx. I have played around a bit with the mixermap and i have noticed that the SyncPatChg option does not wait for the mixermap in phrase/song mode. The mixermap will change immediately before the next pattern will be played. Would it be possible to fix that too or would that to complicated (I know that the MBSEQV3 is outdated)? Is there also another easy way to switch between different mixermaps without using song/phrase mode? (Maybe via MIDI control)? Most time i am playing around in pattern screen and there it would be nice to switch a mixermap within switching the pattern. Thanks for all your advices. Best regards, rio
  7. so i have swapped the IIC IDs of the IIC modules: Module:ID (--> changed to ID) 1:IIC1 (0x10) --> 1:IIC4 (0x16) --> this module does not work in mixermap (sends f3 f3 / f2 f2 f2 for volume/ nothing for prog.change) 2:IIC2 (0x12) --> 2:IIC3 (0x14) --> this module does not work in mixermap (sends f3 f3 / f2 f2 f2 for volume/ nothing for prog.change) 3:IIC3 (0x14) --> 3:IIC2 (0x12) --> this module works (sends "c1 xx" values for prog.change / LTC-Module are connected & sends this out too!) 4:IIC4 (0x16) --> 4:IIC1 (0x10) --> this module works (sends "c3 xx" values for prog.change / LTC-Module are connected & sends this out too!) I have tested all with diconnected LTC-Modules too, but therefor i got the same results like described above. So now i have swapped all back to default configuration. Then I have swapped the ICs (e.g. from IIC3-Module to IIC2-Module), but i got the same result - IIC3 (0x14) is not working in mixermap by default configuration. The result is wired. What could be the reason?, Could it be a software bug for IIC ID3 and ID4 or what could that results mean. Additional info: SEQ gets the power from a commodore power supply unit, so it should get enough power for all the boards. greets,rio
  8. ;) ok i will check that all tonight and can give report tomorrow. greets rio.
  9. hi torsten, oh i discovered that it works for IIC1 and IIC2 Port correctly. For both Ports IIC3 and IIC4 are additional LTC-Moduls connected. Both IIC3 and IIC4 Ports don't work with the mixer, but everything else works fine with them. Strange. Do you have an idea what i can test/do so that it will all work, also with LTC? EDIT: so now i have disconnected the both LTC-Moduls from IIC3 and IIC4, but nothing has changed (IIC3 and IIC4 Ports are not working with mixermap like described) So i'm not really sure, whats wrong with Port IIC3 and IIC4 for mixermap. Very strange that in Edit-Mode of a track, i can setup CCs for that ports, which are working correct. Best regards, rio
  10. hi torsten, it uses the last application 3.4f and Mios v1.9g. So it is not modified. I have just downloaded the last version and uploaded to the box(setup_mbseq_v3.hex) Nothing changed, that looks strange... what could be wrong? Greets rio.
  11. hi, i have now monitored the events in mixermap: if i rotate the Page [3] Prog.Change: nothing happends. if i rotate the Page [4] Volume / [5] Panorama / [6] CC1 # 91 a.s.o : i get only the same values: 00000BFA 1 -- F3 F3 -- -- --- Song Select 00000C39 1 -- F3 F3 -- -- --- Song Select 00000D62 1 -- F3 F3 -- -- --- Song Select ... ..same happends in song/phrase mode (if i set up a mixermap there): 00014A2D 1 -- 93 30 00 4 C 3 Note Off 00014A37 1 -- 93 30 7F 4 C 3 Note On 00014BDA 1 -- 93 30 00 4 C 3 Note Off 00014BE4 1 -- 93 30 7F 4 C 3 Note On 00014E55 1 -- F3 F3 -- -- --- Song Select 00014E56 1 -- F3 F3 -- -- --- Song Select 00014E57 1 -- F3 F3 -- -- --- Song Select 00014E69 1 -- 93 30 00 4 C 3 Note Off 00014E6A 1 -- 93 30 00 4 C 3 Note Off ... i don't know, what is going wrong there. Did i have forgot something in configuration? thanks for any help. Best regards, rio
  12. hi torsten, yes, i can give more report at evening. Short question: Will SEQ send out the MIDI events like 'program change' instantly after rotating the encoder on that mixer page [Prog.Chg]? Because I only can see flashing MIDI-OUT LEDs while rolling the encoder at Volume/Pan-Pages etc.. But they will not recognized at synth-side. (I am a bit confused, because on the other hand (against the mixermap) the volume/pan ccs are send and received 100% correct, when I defined that CCs as events with CC values in a track). greets, rio
  13. Hello everybody, i use a seq V3 and please can anybody give me an advice, how i could setup the mixermap for a program-change etc.? I don't get it to work. I tried to setup a Prog.Change value for a special Port and Channel, but it doesn't changed a patch on my synth, same issues is with Volume or Pan (but on the other hand - if i set #CC7 in a track, volume values will be recognized and changed). i tried also to add the special mixermap into phrases/song mode like descriped on changelog of mbseq, but it doesn't work.. Thank you very much for hints, help.. greets, rio
  14. danke danke für die Info ;)
  15. Hello, i have upgrade my last SID application from rc17 to rc38. Now i want to try out the play function (which has work fine in rc17 with SID1+MenuButton), but it doesn't work anymore. Is there something wrong with my setup or has something changed in rc38? thanks for feedback.rio
  16. hello everyone, I know the asm version of seq will not further be developed or changed - thats allright - and so please see my question only as an hobby trial :) and not as a request: For me i want an additional adaption for mbseq3 in the MUTE SCREEN - Maybe someone has some skills and can give me a hint or bit help therefor. My skills in asm are very low, but i want to try that a bit. The goal for me: I want change patterns up and down of a selected bank by using rotary encoder in mute screen, because i am using very often the mute options of tracks and I want to change patterns (for the one of the 4 groups) there too. The normal way is: I have to go from MUTE SCREEN to PATTERN SCREEN, and change the patterns there and switch back to MUTE SCREEN, which could be a bit time consumption for live performance... So my try here ( CS_M_MUTE.INC ): 1. part: i have to exchange the MUTE Option for rotary encoder to SELECT Option of groups (That works very well): CS_M_MUTE_GP_Callback ;; do nothing if button has been depressed btfsc MIOS_PARAMETER2, 0 return ;; part 1: use encoder for selecting groups (1..4: G1, 5..8: G2, 9..12: G3, 13..16: G4) ;; if incrementer != 0, encoder has been moved SET_BSR SEQ_BASE movf CS_MENU_ENC_INCREMENTER, W bz CS_M_MUTE_GP_Callback_Go CS_M_MUTE_GP_Callback_Enc ;; branch depending on button movf MIOS_PARAMETER1, W andlw 0x0f JUMPTABLE_2BYTES_UNSECURE rgoto CS_M_MUTE_GP_Callback_1 rgoto CS_M_MUTE_GP_Callback_2 rgoto CS_M_MUTE_GP_Callback_3 rgoto CS_M_MUTE_GP_Callback_4 rgoto CS_M_MUTE_GP_Callback_5 rgoto CS_M_MUTE_GP_Callback_6 rgoto CS_M_MUTE_GP_Callback_7 rgoto CS_M_MUTE_GP_Callback_8 rgoto CS_M_MUTE_GP_Callback_9 rgoto CS_M_MUTE_GP_Callback_10 rgoto CS_M_MUTE_GP_Callback_11 rgoto CS_M_MUTE_GP_Callback_12 rgoto CS_M_MUTE_GP_Callback_13 rgoto CS_M_MUTE_GP_Callback_14 rgoto CS_M_MUTE_GP_Callback_15 rgoto CS_M_MUTE_GP_Callback_16 CS_M_MUTE_GP_Callback_1 CS_M_MUTE_GP_Callback_2 CS_M_MUTE_GP_Callback_3 CS_M_MUTE_GP_Callback_4 movlw 0 rgoto CS_M_MUTE_GP_Callback_Cont CS_M_MUTE_GP_Callback_5 CS_M_MUTE_GP_Callback_6 CS_M_MUTE_GP_Callback_7 CS_M_MUTE_GP_Callback_8 movlw 1 rgoto CS_M_MUTE_GP_Callback_Cont CS_M_MUTE_GP_Callback_9 CS_M_MUTE_GP_Callback_10 CS_M_MUTE_GP_Callback_11 CS_M_MUTE_GP_Callback_12 movlw 2 rgoto CS_M_MUTE_GP_Callback_Cont CS_M_MUTE_GP_Callback_13 CS_M_MUTE_GP_Callback_14 CS_M_MUTE_GP_Callback_15 CS_M_MUTE_GP_Callback_16 movlw 3 rgoto CS_M_MUTE_GP_Callback_Cont CS_M_MUTE_GP_Callback_Cont movwf MIOS_PARAMETER1 ;; do nothing when button has been released btfsc MIOS_PARAMETER2, 0 return ;; get selected track(s) of current group SET_BSR SEQ_BASE lfsr FSR1, SEQ_SELECTED_TRKS_G0 movf SEQ_SELECTED_GROUP, W, BANKED movff PLUSW1, TMP1 ;; clear all selections movlw 0xf0 movwf SEQ_SELECTED_TRKS_G0, BANKED movwf SEQ_SELECTED_TRKS_G1, BANKED movwf SEQ_SELECTED_TRKS_G2, BANKED movwf SEQ_SELECTED_TRKS_G3, BANKED ;; set new track group movff MIOS_PARAMETER1, SEQ_SELECTED_GROUP ;; store selected tracks in new groups lfsr FSR1, SEQ_SELECTED_TRKS_G0 movf SEQ_SELECTED_GROUP, W, BANKED movff TMP1, PLUSW1 ;; request display re-initialisation bsf CS_STAT, CS_STAT_DISPLAY_INIT_REQ clrf CS_MENU_ENC_INCREMENTER ; don't increment pattern number ;; part 2: get rotary direction (up or down?) ;; part 3: Change pattern for that group return CS_M_MUTE_GP_Callback_Go Now the 2. part is to decide, whether the rotary encoder is rolled up or down, and at least the 3. part it have to change the pattern for that group. Has someone an idea to solve the 2. and 3. part? thank you very much. best regards, rio
  17. this is really a cool design. best regards, rio
  18. i only ask, because of that thread:
  19. i have not tested it yet, but are you sure it is the same sysex command for PIC18F4685 like PIC18F452?
  20. Hi, what is the sysex dump request to read out the EEPROM of the PIC18F4685? best regards, rio
  21. oh man...thx for that info ;))) greets, rio
  22. hi, i'm not sure where that MIDI options are stored: Keyb.Chn. T/A Split Midd.Note Merger IN OUT Src.Chn.->Dst.Chn. MIDI Clock # 4 off C-3 off Int. IIC1 --- --- on I changed the Keyb.Chn. several times and i have stored the FLASH and EEPROM via midi-sysex: FLASH F0 00 00 7E 40 00 01 00 00 10 00 F7 EEPROM F0 00 00 7E 40 00 01 20 00 00 20 F7 If i send the *.syx back to MBSEQ --> that Keyb.Chn. doesn't changed. I don't get it :) Maybe someone can help. Besides, what is just stored in FLASH and EEPROM of MBSEQV3? Greets, rio
  23. so by the way..., i think the best is, that i will try to change my setup first, to solve that ;). so best wishes :), rio
  24. Hi, TK, i know thats very special and not a bug. But maybe you can give me a hint: I have noticed that a sequence, which is set to "Restart ON" will only restart that sequence, if no other note is playing currently on that channel. Sadly, it's necessary in some setups for me that those tracks are restarted instantaneously by sending a new note in that channel, no matter whether a note is still playing currently or not on that channel (but of course if there is a playing note, it should release it first before restart). So my question - Could that easy to change? If yes, can you give me a hint, if it would not be to complicated. But all in all, the MBSEQ3 is finished....maybe it should not be further changed. I can understand that. best regards, rio
  25. Hi all, i've test it...it has no changes. so if someone want to solve that and who has skill in asm and is interested to solve that, then please let us know...my skills in asm are totally bad :) but for me that problem is not priority! so thx for help anyway. best regards, rio
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