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Everything posted by Rio

  1. I will test later. j16E is from the LPC17 core board, right?
  2. I can do that. do I have to pay attention to DCO connections? I have a dds120 here: https://sigrok.org/wiki/SainSmart_DDS120 the probes can be switched 1:1, 1:10. The software is a modified openhantek variant ... however, what is completely unclear, why is the failure rate dependent on the amount of devices connected and powered on the midiports?
  3. it goes through this loop: https://github.com/midibox/mios32/blob/3cb2f368e39a686451ce2759966530251f455681/mios32/common/mios32_sdcard.c#L181 and ends up here: https://github.com/midibox/mios32/blob/3cb2f368e39a686451ce2759966530251f455681/mios32/common/mios32_sdcard.c#L190 and MIOS32_SDCARD_PowerOn is repeated thereafter (after a while)
  4. a delay - based on? The startup is already delayed enough by the logo display (about 3 sec)
  5. I need an accurate timing, especially when reading data. where did you get the SPI speed information from?
  6. I would like to find out why there is a problem with the cards or if there is a common problem with the massive port connections of external devices in conjunction with the SD cards and if there is a possibility to solve it via a hardware or software solution (for stable boot/detection)
  7. The Sandisk Extreme 4GB is a SDHC. The other slow card has a writing speed of 2 MB / s - so i would like use the extreme.
  8. A slow card (1Gb) always seems to be running. This has FAT as file system and I can override it via sdcard_format in terminal. For the Sandisk 4GB Extreme: the SEQ will usually hang there (as well as when booting). I have a second Extreme Card. It shows the same behavior... So the card ist NOT defect. After successful formatting with SdCardFormatter for that card, nothing has changed.
  9. I could try it, but I do not think it changes anything. it seems to me that the mass of the devices that hang up is decisive. Can this possibly be fixed by sourcecode? (possibly for the loop when initializing, because then it runs constantly, as soon as the card recognized...) @gerald.wertI have a USB dco at hand, I'm not sure how I can meaningfully measure what.
  10. I have replaced the cable with a thicker and kept the cable as short as possible. but unfortunately it did not improve. Does somebody still have an idea?
  11. I had thought so synonymous and turned off one by one (for each boot process), but in the end, no statement can be made, which device is the cause, but it depends only on the amount of devices which are connected and turned on.
  12. Hey, thanks for the first hints. I have now tested the following: if I provide no power to all my devices, which are connected from SEQ through several ports (INs, OUTs,IICs) , then the SEQ boots always fine with detected SD. It starts to hang more often when more devices are turned on while booting. And yes hawkeye - it's true - it only affects the bootup. Once detected, the SEQ is working fine with the SD. I'll take your advice with the wiring...we'll see, or someone else has a different guess.
  13. Can it be that the connection to the SD card is too unstable, or is influenced and would a decoupling cap make sense for the power supply of the reader? Just strange, that once it has been correctly detected, it also works stably. I would be grateful for any help..
  14. Has anyone noticed a similar behavior ?: When starting the SEQ V4, it often stops at "Searching SD Card ..." and nothing happens. If I take out the card and push it back in, then sometimes it reads the card (or after the searching sdcard is timed out). Once the card is detected and in the running app, I can always put and push the card without problems.Then the card is always found. The problem only occurs during booting. I am usingLPC1769 core. SD Card is SanDisk Extreme Pro 4GB. EDIT: Once I noticed the following message in the terminal: [SEQ_FILE_HW] ERROR while reading file, status: -7 But if bootup seq and it hangs then I get these messages for the commands: system [2528.370] MIDIbox SEQ V4.096 (C) 2019 T. Klose [2528.370] Operating System: MIOS32 [2528.370] Board: MBHP_CORE_LPC17 [2528.370] Chip Family: LPC17xx [2528.371] Serial Number: D0217070A6316535E67E9BE47000005F [2528.371] Flash Memory Size: 524288 bytes [2528.371] RAM Size: 65536 bytes [2528.371] MIDI IN Ports: ... [2528.376] Systime: 00:00:30 [2528.376] CPU Load: 54% [2528.376] MIDI Scheduler: Alloc 0/ 0 Drops: 0 [2528.377] Stopwatch: no result yet [2528.377] Current Root Note (via Keyboard): C-3 [2528.377] done. sdcard [2639.600] SD Card Informations [2639.601] ==================== [2639.601] -------------------- [2639.601] CID: [2639.601] - ManufacturerID: [2639.601] - OEM AppliID: [2639.601] - ProdName: [2639.601] - ProdRev: 8 [2639.601] - ProdSN: 0x00000001 [2639.601] - Reserved1: 169 [2639.601] - ManufactDate: 3 [2639.602] - msd_CRC: 0xb0 [2639.602] - Reserved2: 4 [2639.602] -------------------- [2639.602] ERROR: Reading CSD failed with status -256! ...I reformatted the 4GB card and initialized it with the default FAT32 (4kb clustersize). But it has not changed .. Then I tested the following: I once pulled out all the midi cables of the connected devices. So far, it could always be booted with SD with a lot of test. It starts hanging again sometime as soon as several midi devices hang on it .. no matter which and how many. It makes also no difference whether I connect via USB or external PSU. Greetings, rio
  15. I'm just trying to compile the git master. It fails: project_build/core/seq_cv.o: In function `SEQ_CV_IfSet': D:\Temp\midibox_seq_v4/core/seq_cv.c:154: undefined reference to `AOUT_IF_MaxChannelsGet' collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status make: *** [project_build/project.elf] Error 1 Did I miss something? I'm compiling for LPC1769 / Midibox v4. EDIT: Sorry, I forgot to switch to the new MIOS32_PATH for my environment variable. Everything is fine. Best regards, rio
  16. Hey ok, so did you test the PICs with MIOS Studio ? All I know, it’s hard to damage PICs… maybe the untouched ones give a livesign for their ID there. Maybe someone has experience with PICKit2 for that chips, if you stuck in any case... I'm interested in the result, if it worked well with the pickit2… Good luck, greetings rio
  17. Are you sure that you fried it? Maybe only the mios/bootloader needs to flash again (http://www.ucapps.de/mios/mios_v1_9h.zip). Therefor you need to upload mios til 2 seconds after switch on! It should show READY afterwards… Please try it first. Pay attention about yoir PIC Ids too. You have to chose the correct Id inside mios studio. It also possible to change the ids via http://www.ucapps.de/mios/change_id_v1_9g.zip greetings, rio
  18. Hehe - 17 years! Enormously to see the evolution. For me the most useful features are: - mixer - router - track options, especially the transpose option - massive support of ports ... these controller options right on the board saved additional equipment (and the associated complex handling) - everything can be automated in all. very well thought out. Greetings, rio
  19. Hey TK, Thank you very much for your efforts on the MBSEQ firmware ... when did it all start? It is already a life's work ... Awesome: D Greetings, Rio
  20. Thanks for detailed Infos. maybe it will be good next time to commit what has been changed and for which variant it is (or affects). Thanks and greetings, rio
  21. Ok, and what has changed in rev. 2597? Please can you explain it to me? It affects TPD and blm8x8 sources - or I am wrong? greetings, rio
  22. It is not good to use further check-ins in this way ... the branch was always cleanly maintained for years. I use the master branch all the time for my V4. At this point, I'm not sure if I can continue build releases from that branch.
  23. Please can anyone explain me what the last commit 2597 in repository means: It is a bugfix or a discussion? It isn‘t clear for me … Is it v4 related or only v4+? If I take a look inside source, it’s more blm8x8 related, right? I hope the master branch will not mixed up for uncertain testing purposes… greetings. Rio
  24. Based on the shruthi-1 original filter board ;) - Great to see a stereo version for connecting AOUT modules..! Thanks a lot.
  25. Rio

    Sample Player 2

    I like that wooden ‚chess‘ case ;)
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