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Everything posted by th0mas

  1. Totally unrelated to midiboxing, but this is the forum I know and love. For my girlfriend this valentine's day I'm thinking about taking a little mint container (hello kitty to be precise), dremelling a heart out ot the top and inserting a semitransparent plastic layer underneath, then having a little red LED fade in and out. I don't have much time so I cannot require ordering parts, and if I can help it want to stick to radioshack since there's one three blocks away VS about an hour bussing during my work hours for any real electronics store. The two suggestions I've seen are using two 555 IC's with very slightly different oscillation frequencies (but 50/50 duty cycle) fed through an XOR gate. The effect would be sorta like PWM. I at least understand how this one works. The other suggestion I've seen is from http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/Bill_Bowden/page5.htm#eyes.gif (scroll down to the "Fading Red Eyes" header), involving a 1458 opamp. I really have one question: can I swap the 1458 for a TL082 opamp? I have no clue what opamp's do so I can't really tell based on datasheets, and am wondering if anyone knows. Thanks guys. Tom
  2. I live in Ottawa but you can't have my stuff :D Seriously, I've had nothing but the best dealing with SmashTV. Dealing with electronics houses in the states is a bit rougher, sometimes the fees are a lot so try to order as much as possible. Nothing sucks more than finding out you need one more part from them after an order ships.
  3. WTFOMGBBQ AudioCommander that is some sick work. I was about to just wire my speakjet up to 8 buttons for a fun little playback module.. but you've unleashed the power of this beast!!! damn you! 'cuz now I need another MB CORE! :D
  4. get either cygwin or msys environment, then you get not only unix diff but also other great unix utilities like find, grep, sed, etc. the msys environment is found at the mingw32 page. google search "mingw32" or "cygwin" and they'll each be their respective top hits..
  5. If anyone else is in my situation (no CS step C / one SID) you can make the following change to the code in order to get this functionality onboard: in cs_menu_buttons.inc, change the lines: CS_MENU_BUTTON_Sel1 ;; select button #1, set cursor to 1st position movlw 0x00 ;; rgoto CS_MENU_BUTTON_Select_Cont To the lines: CS_MENU_BUTTON_Sel1 ; ugly hack by th0mas - Sel1 is now also the "SID1" button ; to allow for play/stop the 303 seq for a step A CS. movlw 1 << 0 call CS_MENU_BUTTON_SID_Cont ;; select button #1, set cursor to 1st position movlw 0x00 ;; rgoto CS_MENU_BUTTON_Select_Cont Now, if you press Sel1 + Menu (in that order) the 303 seq will start! This is ugly but as far as I can tell has no adverse affects for a CS Step A.
  6. I think it's wrong if you pay some profiteering person money to do a slight change to an open-source program that other people have worked hard on. For example, if you paid someone to make a minor change to a midibox application, they just profited on what is around 99% (or probably higher) the work of Thorsten - who just happens to be cool enough to make the code open source.
  7. heh, apparently there's not too many gif button creator applications out there :)
  8. th0mas

    TB-303 seq?

    Or if you want another really annoying sequencer to use just get an mc-303 ;).
  9. Seriously, just make a midibox. You probably won't find a commercial solution as versatile. If just processing MIDI is all you need, then you just need to buy a CORE module. The soldering isn't very hard - even if you have to find someone to solder your core for you, once your environment is set up you can write software in C that deals with MIDI events on a high (read non-annoying) level.
  10. Is there a menu option to start and hold the 303 sequencer? My motivation is I want to have my SID have the capability of being a standalone little box to edit sequences while sitting on the couch/etc. I looked around on the bassline tutorial page and the main SID page and couldn't unearth a feature such as this, but would like to ask before I delve into the code :). edit: it looks like it's accessible via a full control surface by pressing menu and.. whatever the top-left button is on the full CS (from the youtube sid demo). I'm still wondering if it's in the menu, though. Thanks, Tom
  11. Don't feel bad, I plugged a SID chip in backwards *ducks* (and it didn't break ;) ).
  12. Note that that touching chips isn't really a good idea - the oils on your skin stay on the chip, creating hot spots that will burn out the chip. But it sounds like you might have already burnt your chip. - question - what do have connected to the core? really bright LCD or something like that?
  13. Just to chime in with the post above, yeah. you need to allocate an extra byte for the null termination of the string, so 17 works but 16 won't.
  14. Got this in the email today: New SoundGin Sound Coprocessor IC Released! Posted by: "Ken" kenlem@maine.rr.com kenprime2001 Wed Oct 18, 2006 8:24 pm (PST) The SoundGin picks up where the SpeakJet left off! http://www.speechchips.com/shop/item.asp?itemid=22 The SSG01 Sound Coprocessor (Soundgin) is a single chip 6-voice electronic music synthesizer sound effects / voice synthesizer chip. It produces complex sound effects, synthesizer style music and English speech with an unlimited vocabulary. Soundgin provides wide- range, high resolution control of pitch (frequency), tone color (harmonic content) and dynamics (volume). For use in manufactured electronics, educational and home projects. The SSG01 (Soundgin) consists of six synthesizer "voices" which can be used independently or in conjunction with each other to create complex sounds. Each voice consists of a Tone Oscillator / Wave Generator, an Envelope Generator, an Amplitude Modulator and Ramping / Target controls. The Tone Oscillator controls the pitch of the voice over a wide range. The Oscillator produces one of eight waveforms at the selected frequency, with the unique harmonic content of each waveform providing simple control of tone color. The volume dynamics of the oscillator are controlled by an Amplitude Modulator which can control by the Envelope Generator, the Ramping / Target control or by another oscillator. When triggered , the Envelope Generator creates an amplitude envelope with programmable rates of increasing and decreasing volume. In addition to the six voices, two mixers are provided to combine the waveforms outputs of the oscillators. Available in an 18-Pin DIP or SOIC package. 2.0 to 5.0 Volts Operation 16Khz Sample Output Rate 2400 or 9600 Baud Serial Connection 6 Independently Controlled Voices Amplitude Modulation Frequency Modulation Ring Modulation Hard Sync ADSR Envelopes Musical Notes English Phonemes Sound Morphing In-Chip Presets Object Class for ooPIC Not all the info's available on the website but I bet it's an incremental update to the speakjet
  15. I'm going to tell people that when they laugh at the spot where I had to contact cement another peice of plastic onto the case to cover up a hole I accidentally overdrilled. In my defense, my first case was metal, so I got used to being able to sit there and dremel my heart out without overdoing the hole... compared to that this plastic is like butter.
  16. I finished my MB SID in the downtime :D. No, no pictures, it looks like total shit since I dremelled every hole by eyeballing it's position. To me it's not how it looks, it's how it sounds. And it sounds AMAZING :).
  17. the schematics are up on Noah's site, but it's just an atmega32 processor and it's written in C. Thats why I figure it's a suitable idea for mb sid. The question I'm unsure about is whether or not the PIC can bitbang out a 1-bit waveform and do UART at the same time (TK saying something about "you'd have to disable interrupts" comes to mind, which equals dropped midi notes iirc). I know the atmega can do it since he uses external interrupts to capture the tap tempo timing (or so I understand from a quick view of the source). The other option's just to get the parts he's talking about, but I think a CORE-based solution would be amazing since we all have extra CORE modules around (or at least, I do ;) )
  18. I've been looking at the awesome 1-bit groovebox from Noah Vawter. He basically invented 1-bit synthesis, you can check out his website here: http://web.media.mit.edu/~nvawter/projects/1bit/index.html He uses an atmega32 processor. What I'm wondering is.. could we use a CORE module instead? I'm not caring about the groovebox aspect of the device, but more the idea of a midi-controlled 1-bit synth. If you want to know what's making me interested, check out the sound demos on the burnkit2600 site. This thing rocks! http://burnkit2600.com/gear/?p=33
  19. ;) You're probably right, I should have put a bit more time into it before releasing a video.. I set it all up and recorded a video and said "what the hell, people put themselves dancing on youtube". The compressor's actually in the mail, I bought one on ebay.. hopefully it successfully evens out my levels so I can bring up the glitchyness. Thanks for the reply.. it'll get a lot more interesting in the next couple days, I bought 6 alesis FX units off ebay and they're in the mail. *edit: i didn't buy the compressor on youtube.
  20. bend the socket pin back? Other than that, I find I always have to bend dip pins inwards to get them to fit in the socket, so maybe it'll just work?
  21. I just made a quick video of myself screwing around on my circuit bent tr-505: I'm planning on making a post on my blog that details the bends if anyone's interested
  22. I think he just stacked the standard PCB's.. awesome work though.
  23. I was thinking more that each square was just a different button that you assigned to a different sample or pattern, and you didn't need to identify peices. But, if you want to identify peices, any electronic chess game you get is already doing so since well.. that's how it works. You'd have to reverse engineer how it's doing it but rest assured it's already possible on the board (how is another question)
  24. baaahhahaha the electronic chess idea is golden. Imagine that as a pattern controller for a sequencer like seq24, glass peices with LED's underneath.. oh man.
  25. Very cool TK! That bouncing concept blows my mind a little, but the video explains it well (and very awesome tunes to boot!)
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