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Everything posted by julienvoirin

  1. problem solved ! buttons weres defective. exchange with KSA works (but I had to fold them, cause hasn't the same size than D9), pin compatible. soon : the PCB, but I have to add info like col/row number for buttons and C0-R0 for connecting, and front/back side. But have also a look at monome.org, they now free release the monome40h PCB !!! really easy to make, just double sided. Firmware published too. Thanks for help.
  2. Hello Thorsten thanks for a so fast answer apparently, you have done a such panel. Did you use veroboard ? Is there a possibility of using capacitors closed to the buttons ? I repeat : the realy strange thing is that this panel works perfectly well if I return it , I mean if I use it with the buttons faced to the ground. That's why I had though to a mechanical problem, especially that these buttons were in destock in a supply store. I will check one more time the connection to DIN and DOUT tomorrow. But for me button quality is engaged ...
  3. the lost treasures of the old communist block ... :D
  4. c'est un peu le truc que tout le monde cherche en ce moment mais c'est, jusqu'à nouvel ordre, super chaud à concevoir. va voir ça : http://4colors.free.fr
  5. hello all I have designed a board for the scan matrix created by bill and thorsten but for D9 (or KSA) buttons, not for the c64 keyboard. It is based on the schematic of TK (one diode for one button). I have checked the lines, electrical circuits are goods, connections are right. Application in the PIC is scan matrix v1 or v2 (same behaviour) and mios 1.9e. BUT if I let the frontpanel in the normal position (mean buttons looking the sky) and if I shake the board , it produces random note on and note off, event X on not always followed by the event X off. If I return the board (mean button looking the ground) this erratic behaviour disappears, and the device works perfectly well. So I have though to a mechanical problem the buttons are the classical D9 (or D6), maybe to poor quality for a so fast scanning (no real spring inside, but a shitty system using a coin an folded edges). So here are my questions : 1/ did someone tried such a panel ? 2/ I noticed there was not the possibility of using DebounceSet with the matrix. Am I right ? I will try with better buttons in 2 days (KSA), and let a feedback. If this corrects the problem, the PCB will be published. Cheers
  6. big job wilba ! congrat' CS = Control Surface. In fact i am interested by a CS and a motherboard pcb too .. think about Cheers
  7. i discover yesterday that a router appli exists ... i am a crap. The hardest was to drill : i broke rear panel with circular holes, finally made a rectangular hole (with a saw, hardy). the jumper is to make a direct link between merge out and thru in : can be replaced by a switch on the front panel.
  8. Hi all here is what i did these last days : a box, capable of merging two inputs (circuit of TK), and redistribute it through 4 thru outputs. In between, an out and an in, destinated to my MIDI Hardware Recorder of the moment : an MMT8. So Merge in 1+2 =>merge out=>MMT8 in =>ECHO=>MMT8 out =>Thru in=>Thru Out 1+2+3+4 A jumper has been added to bypass the MMT8 if needed. It links the Merge out to the Thru in. The schematic to create midi thru is very easy : the idea is to recopy the input. It uses Schmidt triggers. Find out more on http://m.bareille.free.fr As I wanted being nomad, I have added a battery supply. I just measured the current consumption : 50 mA, so considering a 9V squared battery (500mAh), it can belong 10 hours, so approximatly 5 live gigs. I also added bridge before the VR 7805 : so don't have to worry if the supply is well connected or inverted between + and - pin. I have put two DC in : one is for the Midibox, the other is a copy, in order to supply another machine. The diameters used are : 2.1 and 2.5, it covers every possibilities (my MMT8 is 2.5 for example) : it reduces the number of power supply that lay on the ground in your flat. I don't have a PCB maker, and the one of my School is out of order : I made it by hand and brain, on veroboard : there is only one wire under but several bridge upper. I was very long (approx 10h) to make.
  9. hi jaicen in fact it is my project. have a look at : http://4colors.free.fr some diy devices exists : i don't have the urls on the computer i am typing to, but it is a german project. it can read and record midi file at format0, store on mmc card, several song possible. a japanese has also done this on a pic 16F84 with bankstick for storage. the german is in .c for atmel, so i think can be adapted ; it use a 2x40 lcd driver 44780 (like ucapps does) another possibility is to get a MMT8 from Alesis : i have one, it is very good and there is a hack to get more memory (the lack of the machine) keep in touch
  10. yeah , that rocks ! :D finally, when you explain what you play it's exactly what i want to do with my MMR. did you receive the questionnar ? cheers
  11. Super Job Thorsten i like a lot the user guide webpage, very academic ! Cheers
  12. salut mec si tu veux j'ai un pur circuit qui fait alim 48v, ça coute genre 2 euros à faire, on alimente en 9v CC. énorme ton téléphone ! il est mieux que l'orange et je t'imagine en train de chanter dans le combiné je me marre déjà :) ++
  13. salut tu cherche une puce sid ou la machine toute montée ? j'ai aussi des pcb que je peux faire quand je veux (j'ai une machine pour) @+
  14. Holy shit, there is in this page everything i've ever been looking for ! Thank you guys ! And yes the MMT8 is a bomb, i got one and love him so much ... Cheers
  15. Hi Dudes here is my SID, made a year ago and moved to a new box 3 months ago. Just a simple CS version, vintage look. chip 6581. 3 Banksticks for storing patches. [/users/julienvoirin/Desktop/CIMG2464.JPG] wants to listen the bass or lead of the SID ? go www.myspace.com/4colors Cheers CIMG2464.JPG CIMG2465.JPG CIMG2466.JPG
  16. hi tom i d to exchange my sid 6581 for a 8580 but i live in paris... do you think it is possible to send that by mail ?
  17. Hello Boxers I exchange two 6581 extracted from old commodores against 8580 or 6582. I live in Paris. I already own a MidiBox SID CS1 with 6581 ; it is to make a Full Sid Box with 8580 soundstyle
  18. Hello midiboxers I exchange my two chips 6581 (got them from old commodores) against chips 8580 or 6582. I need those to make a SID with the double chip, cause i own three 6581 in total. I live in Paris.
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