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Posts posted by Smithy

  1. i'm all for this man!!  i'd love to see a documentary on the SID and Bob Yannes and even the technology that was out at the same time in competition for various micro-computers etc...  keep us posted!

    Haha cool! It wont be as great as that im afraid, more of a breakdown of the features of the chip,

    and the history will be of what i can piece together from wikipedia, and that in depth SID page!

    I wont be flying over to Mr. Yannes to interview him unfortuneatly!

    But hey at least its a start, maybe it will inspire someone to do a professional docu on the sid or something!

  2. You need to get yourself a "7-pin DIN Socket".

    I cant seem to find ones that mount onto PCBs, the ones like the original c64 socket.

    all im finding are the Chasis Mount ones.

    You will have to solder wires from the connector to the PCB, if you cannot find a PCB mount socket.

    This is what it looks like, make sure the holes are in the same position:



  3. it's great!  you can watch it here.  although, the SID only really does get "mentioned" and there is no background on the SID.  it's more like a name drop.

    Aha! Thanks for the link buhler!  ;D

    How can you have an 8-bit documentary without giving

    the best 8-bit analogue synth chip ever made, a proper tribute!

    I guess the Nintendo Famicon being more widely known today has a lot to do with it!

    I think its time to show the world the power of sid!

  4. I found this while i was searching for a documentary on the Sid Chip, to see if such a thing existed,

    I've been thinking of doing one myself the last few weeks

    - well more of  "a history of" the sid chip, and an informative technical demo of the synthesis capabilities of the chip,

    to educate people what it is and what it can do. If anyone is doing something similar or interested in helping out in any way,

    sure get in contact. Im not working or in college so have plenty of spare time on my hands.  :P

    According to wikipedia the sid gets a mention in this docutmentary:


    Has anyone seen this documentary? Yatagatsu in paticular? It was showcased in texas this year.

    At the moment only the trailer and 3 clips have been released.

  5. They speak about a guy from germany who builds a PCI Interface Card to connect the C64 with a PC. No word about a SID in this video.

    With this card (so the video) you can connect the C64 with a PC. No further information, what the card is....

    They also speak about games for the C64 you can download from the internet and when you have this card in your PC you can play them.



    Thanks man. I thought i spotted a MOS chip on the PC card, but maybe it was just a MOS processor, or not a mos at all.

    Must look into it.

  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UKyUnaZgFVo&feature=related

    They put a c64 on sale for 350 in a modern computer store lol!

    Id love to be able to understand what is been said but theres some really old c64 footage which makes it worth watching!

    Can anyone explain what red PCBs are been built towards the end?

    Theres like a PCI card with what appears to be a sid chip, so im guessing either a reduced version of the c64 in pci form? 

    Or maybe hardsid? ???

  7. Forgive me for not quoting this before i posted:   :P

    Bah cut him some slack... it's kinda like 'studio advice in 20 words or less'... In 20 words or less I dunno if any of us could do a lot better ;)

    The reason its 20 words or less is he because he keeps getitng mixed up and stalling! LOL

  8. I did exactly what frailin did, and it is the safest way to go.

    I was using stripoard so what i did is stick the Probes in the next hole up from the soldered joint.

    Its safer this way so that the probe doesnt slide off the solder blob and end up hitting the wrong pin and creating a short.

    My c64c transformer had the exact same pin out as the most popular pinout fortuneatly enough.

  9. Alco_orangestripe.JPG

    Those are maybe my favourite knobs ever, I almost bought those... But they just didn't match with the colour scheme I wanted, nor the milspec rating I was after at the time.

    Those look like they have really excellent grip!

    Goblinz those albs knobs are by far the prettiest ones ive ever seen i have to say.

    Shame they dont produce them with more colours!

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