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Posts posted by Smithy

  1. People, will you please wait for batch for rare parts to be offered first. Mike said he might do it after he finish few batches he is doing right now. So please be patient and wait like everybody else. Come on forum regularly and you want miss it, but don`t expect Mike fetching your orders here. There is a Bulk order forum and wiki page for that but let`s wait until (if) he, announce it again. Thank you.

    We're not being impatient, we're letting him know that we would be interested, whats wrong with that?

    At least then he can put a figure on how many people would be in on the next bulk order.

  2. Prof: I have sent to your email a BOM I picked up from ladyada.  I am concerned about the difference in length between the text document that you have as the parts order list.  Looks lots shorter then the BCbox BOM.  It's in excel 48KB.

    Have you added on the rare parts list too?



    Im posting it just in case you havent, im not tring to insult your intelligence or anything!

  3. 2x303s, 1x909, 1x808, a mixer, and plenty of fx pedals to mess with G!

    Its fully modular too, you have to drag the cables to the I/Os, just like you would do with the real hardware.

    Its actually more advanced than Re-birth 2.01, and its a flash application!!!

    The only downside that its a basic sequencer, just a matter of play and stop!

  4. I'll be sure to exhaust multiple search ideas before posting again.

    Lol, i dont find typing a few keywords, and clicing a button that "exhausting".

    The main members of this forum are extremely busy contributing to the community, it sorta takes over their lifes,

    they cant be spoonfeeding people all the time, so its good practice to search the info first, otherwise people just get lazy and demanding.  ;)

    • Scenario 4: I have recently discovered the MB-6582 project and have no parts for it at all. Where do I start?
      You can get in on bulk orders for parts now and wait for the PCBs and base PCB parts kits.

    Im just looking for a confirmation here on how to "get in on bulk orders" for newbies in  Scenario 4.

    Do you mean that they,

    have to wait to order the kits from smash's shop

    when they become available?

    Or can they put down there name as of now via some other option?

    Im just trying to clarify this for a newbie ive being showing around the site lately, and it just seems a tad confusing.

    Probably best to add "YOU MUST WAIT FOR THE KIT TO BE AVAILABLE FROM SMASH TV'S STORE" to make it clear for newbies if thats the case.  :)

    It has being asked about in the chat thread, but has not being confirmed yet.

  5. Ive recieved mine this morning also.

    Goblinz i cant thank you enough for putting this order together, i really appreciate it!  ;D

    Im delighted also, that the knobs are as big as i expected them to be from looking at them on screen.  :)

    I think another user thought they were small before, so i was afraid they might have ended smaller than they looked.

  6. This thread should answer some questions, i was clueless myself:


    You need both rectifiers im pretty sure.

    The reverse voltage is the max amount it can handle asfaik, so 800v is safer.

    But since we're dealing with a voltage of 12v max, a 100v rating should be adequete.

    Just make sure the Average Rectified Output current is at least 0.8a, a higher one would be better, and the Recommended Input Voltage is at least 40V.

  7. nnnn



    They're just similar, it 'rings a bell' :)

    NO NO! lol

    his alternative url:



    It redirects to avishowtech, maybe subconciously it reminded you of coinop, and you forgot it!   ;D

  8. I just spotted this on hackaday if its of interest of anyone wanting a cheap cnc mill:


    The thought of MB-6582 base/control pcbs entered my head,

    but maybe its too complicated a task to do, and theres the concern of quality and of redoing the artwork, and getting Wilbas apporval etc...

    One positive i could see is that it could help with the overwhelming demand for them,

    it was just a quick thought that popped into my head so dont bite! lol

    http://ohiopctech.com/dp/?q=node/19  <-- the page for it (still needs updating)

    Weird, that url so reminds me of smashtv's one!

  9. Well multiple tags is good too, helps narrow it down... I mean, in addition to 'pcb', it would be good for example to have one of proto or vero or perf... because just 'pcb' is a bit ambiguous, so without more tags we're actually creating noise in the 'pcb' tag. ... but all of them seems overkill...

    hehe yeah, i didnt mean multiple tags generally, i should of being more specific!

    (I'd say just go with 'proto')

    Hehe yeah, i was thinking of matrix because its different to all 3 words, but

    that could easily get confused then with modulation matrix etc.. so proto it is!

    You can tell we have the engineer's mentality anyway, even when it comes to tags,

    we try to make them more efficent, more accurate, and more helpful!  ;D

    Well i guess i didnt, but i will now in future lol!  :P

  10. Groovy. Expensive but groovy.

    Edit: Cleaned up this crazy tag "Veroboard Stripboard PCB proto "

    How do you mean crazy?

    I just thought the more tags you add the easier it makes something to find.

    I was thinking along the lines of keywords/tags on youtube.

    Is there a problem with adding too many tags to threads?

    I forgot that some of the words are already used in the the thread, which would come up in the search anyway.

    So should we have unique words for the tags ya?

    just asking because im a bit clueless! lol

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