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Everything posted by julianf

  1. A couple of people have expressed interest in mbseq panels, but, as theyre not exactly the easiest panel to produce in 1-off quantities, im considering making another small run, and wondered if anyone would be interested? There are some photos and the like from the last batch i made on this thread - ...and, indeed, at time of posting, theres even this photo of sinesurfers build in the gallery section - If youre interested in a panel, check the original thread, as there are some small structual alterations to Wilbas original design, and the details of these are outlined in full. The cost per panel would be GBP 100 inclusive of EU tax. As per last time, i will cut some screens and include these with the orders, however, the screens are also hard to cut, and get very fine scratches on them if im not exceedingly carefull. Because of this, ill say the same as i did last time - the screens are a freebie, and should not be looked upon as part of the GBP 100 charge. I think last time evreyone was happy with the screens, but (as you have noticed when ive been selling off b-grade items for lower prices) im just not happy to ship imperfect items and still charge the same money, so its easier if i just say the screens are free, and leave it at that : ) For EU customers, i think the price charged works out pretty competative against the usual suspects, esp when you take into account that you should get some free screens in there too. For customers outside of the EU the price should still be slightly cheaper than 'the other engraving place' but, i admit, the saving is not as significant as im able to give on the mb6582 panel sets : ( But do check the details / exchange rates etc if you are interested. As per normal (for anything other than custom work), i do not want any funds up front. Indeed i will not want any money untill peoples parts are packed and good to go, but what i would like, if people do want the parts, is a public display of commitment to purchase, to try and safeguard me from making far too many on the strength of PMs and then never hearing from people again. (i should add that evreyone who expressed interest on the last run completed and recieved their panels wihout incident - thank you : ) Here are some photos from the thread before - Ill do as before, and leave this list open untill it reaches critial mass (probably about 5-off) and then leave it open for another week or two with a notice of the closure date. So... If you would like a panel, could you please post below, indicating the colour infill you would like, and the number of panels : ) Thank you, Julian ps. Postage is always at cost. insurance / tracking optional unless paid with credit card. Credit cards are processed with Google Checkout and surcharged at cost. Bank payments can be made in either Sterling (GBP) or Euros.
  2. ...recieved. Panels now packed and weighed. Details will be sent out shortly : ) Thanks, Julian
  3. Update - The red panel now has a buyer (Max) - the green panel remains... Thank you, Julian
  4. As per the subject line - I have one good panel left from the last batch - green infill and a set of (free) screens - GBP 100 (this may not be the exact panel, but theyre all the same : ) I also have one b-grade panel - red infill, no screens. - GBP 55 (this is the exact panel for sale : ) If youre curious - the computer that drives the machine crashed right at the end of the job on that red one, and dropped the cutter down, through the panel, through the clamps, and into the table itself : / Standard postage / payment deal from me - I dont charge for packing I dont overcharge for postage (you pay the ticket price only) Can take payment by bank transfer in GBP or Euro (euro price converted according to HSBC's 'buy-rate' at time of order) Cards by google checkout (surcharged at cost) Insurance / tracking optional with bank payments, required (non-optional) for card payments Thanks, Julian
  5. im out of town at present (only on dialup) so not saying much... the led holes on the panel were not altered from wilbas design, and all the panels were cut the same. most electronic components vary in size a little, so you could try a different brand? matching the leds to the existing holes would certainly be easier than opening out the exising holes, but, of course, we're not talking mb6582 panels, so if you do need to open up the holes, thats possible too. if you do want to open the holes up, id advise drilling from the rear of the panel, and making very sure that you lie the front side of the panel on somthing relativly soft, like, for example, paper. id drill them with a battery powered drill too, as they generally run slower, and are more controlable. but, again, it may well be easier to try a different brand of leds first? (again, im away at the moment, but will be back on dsl next week) julian
  6. This is actually a bad example, as the panel in the photo has milling errors, but it does show off the colour all the same. Its a rather nice blue finish, not exacly matt, more of a slightly metalic satin kind of finish. The blue looks different in different lights which is kind of interesting too. This one is infilled in white, but i also think it would look nice with silver engraving. Thanks, Julian
  7. hi there, i think i have one (or possibly even two - but i think just one) remaining. ill have to check what colour it is.
  8. Roope, PM me, and ill forward you my partners address - she is going to handle invoicing etc on these. Thanks, Julian
  9. Thanks to my partner, i now have some photos - She (Rachel) has taken pictures of the worst of the flaws on two of the fronts and two of the backs. Most if not all others are better than the four pictured, they may have a minor flaw to the front and/or back, or possibly one only noticeably on one side. Indeed somtimes the flaws are only noticible in some lights. If i were only using these cases for myself, i would not be so botherd, but, as i build x0xb0x units for other people, i have to be much more fussy. The cases are all sorted now and part wrapped, so im afraid there are not photographs of each individual one, however, the ones in the photos below should be the worst of the lot - Indeed, ive put aside the one with nasty scratches to the top and this wont be sold at all. Rachel will probably be handling these sales, so if you want a case, PM me, and ill give you her mail details. Thanks, Julian
  10. Ive been meaning to put this post up for ages, but keep not getting arround to it - As ive mentioned in threads before, i buy the pactec pt-10 cases by the box load for x0xb0x builds. To be honest, im not that impressed with the quality of these cases - every crate i buy has a number of cases in it that i dont consider of the standard that i want to use for x0xb0x builds. Some may have rubbed together in transit, but others sometimes have things like tooling marks UNDER the shrink wrap that pactec applies - ie they left the factory like that! I buy the cases almost direct, so im guessing all the other retailers [RS etc.] of the cases have the same stock but just sell them all the same? Anyway, like i say, i split off the perfect cases, and use them for x0xb0x builds, and have a load of 'graded' cases left over. Ive just looked up the price at RS, and here are the details - GBP 23.40 each, plus GBP 10.00 US stock charge, plus GBP 5.85 17.5% UK VAT This means that the total price is £39.25 on a 1-off order! ( http://uk.rs-online.com/web/search/searchBrowseAction.html?method=getProduct&R=2508440591 ) ...so, to the point in question - I have a load of 'graded' cases. If you order from RS, im guessing you may get a perfect case, but im guessing you may also get one in identical condition to the ones im selling. The main difference is that RS will charge you £39.25 (delivered in the uk) And ill charge you £24.00 (ex delivery, transaction costs) As always with me, packing is free, postage is at cost price only (i think uk recorded delivery on one of these is about GBP 4), and, if you pay by bank transfer in GBP or Euro there are no credit card charges at all : ) In short, a uk buyer would save themselves over 25% - i dont know how the sums would work out for EU buyers, but im not even sure as RS ships to the mainland? I shall post some photos up tomorrow to show you the typical reasons why ive graded these cases - but, again, i honestly dont think theres any guarantee that you would get better from RS anyhow (like i say, sometimes the marks are under pactec's shrink wrap!), but, what i do know, is that if you buy from RS youll end up paying £39.25 on a 1-off regardless!
  11. Hi there, I may have a spare white one left over - ill have to check. As for evreyone else - Im sorry im being slow in sending off the invoices. Evreything is packed and weighed, but the payment requests just havent got sent out yet. Julian
  12. i did cut extras intending to give some away to previous customers (like you and phil, etc) but a lot of the acrylic didnt turn out so well (see comments above), so, in the end, i ended up without as many as i wanted. if i ever cut more, i will able to cut them better, without any surface damage, but itll just take longer, and, as i was doing these ones for free anyhow, im afraid i did not feel inclined to go back and do them all again : /
  13. yes, and no... i did cut extra, but wasnt happy with a lot of them, so, although i have extra, theyre not 1st class. youre welcome to a couple if you want them? one thing to note - your panel was cut to wilbas spec, without so much alteration. I think the countersink on your panels window was 1.5mm, rather than the 2.0mm im now cutting. This meens that the rear of the window will sit proud of the back of the panel by 0.5mm. How bad are your current windows? Ive probably got about 4 or 5 spare (ie 2.5 sets) and i can go through them to get the best out of them for you, but i dont know if they will be better than what you have at the moment? Ive learnt from cutting these - the acrylic is weak, and scratches very easily the protective film is loose, and comes off easily (too easy for cutting through) so, what id do in future (not that im really wanting to make any more of these panels just yet!) is take off all the backing, and cover the acrylic with brown packing tape, which will stick harder to the surface, and enable me to cut through it, without anything (chippings etc) being 'blown' across the surface. the brown tape would then have to be removed, and probably cleaned off with solvents.
  14. julianf


    From the album: Julian F

  15. Sorry for posting 3x - trying to work out how to delete!
  16. Like some kind of fool, ive just uploaded the same image 3x, and cant for the life of me figure out how to delete 2 of them. The only possible way seems to be to delete the whole folder. Have looked in the help files (nothing) and even done a search of posts, but still cant work it out : / Julian
  17. ugg how do you delete images?
  18. I have cut some acrylic windows for the panels - In photo one, it looks like there is no screen, but its in place, there is just no reflection. The panels and the screens are cut so there is a 1mm recess on the front (which will hopefully serve to protect the windows a little too), and at the rear it is flush. The windows turned out ok, but im a little unsatisfied, as the acrylic marks ever so easily, and i have to take the backing off to cut them. I even managed to mark one quite badly wiping it with a duster! (i threw this one out) Any marks are less significant than a fingerprint though, but i guess im just fussy. Anyway, ill be including the windows for free with all of these orders. I honestly think youll be quite happy with them, but, if not, nothing lost on your behalf : ) I will start packing these for shipping and sending out payment requests. Thank you, Julian
  19. Just a brief note to say that evreyone's panels are now done : ) The job took longer than id have liked, but the plus side is that my margin for error (in that i bought extra metal, in case many went wrong) did not get used up, so i do have a few spares. Before i start packing / invoicing etc i still want to give these acrylic windows a go - Ill see if i cant pick up some material for them this evening, and, if they work out, i will include them with the panels without additonal charge.
  20. Thank you. You have been added to the list. The list is now closed. I will upload some photos here when the panels are made, and speak with those on the list privatly about delivery etc. Thank you for the interest, Julian
  21. I think you mis understand me - im not talking of making threadded blinds in those positions - im talking about cutting 2mm recesses, the same as the other mounting positions. If you look at this file - http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/lib/exe/fetch.php?hash=7ff190&media=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.mb6582.org%2Fwilba_mbseq_plans%2Fwilba_mbseq_pcb_dimensioned.pdf The positions are all marked (thank you wilba : ) Some of the hole positions Wilba made to be threadded blinds in his fpd file (these i will cut as 2mm recesses, as explained above) and some of these positions the wiki suggests to use 10mm spacers and create a surface-to-surface epoxy bond. These type of bonds are not that strong, however... So, what i was saying is that i could cut them as per the other holes, all to 2mm deep, so you use the same 12mm spacers through out, but just have more mounting points. Its probably un-necisary as a chain is only as strong as its weakest link anyhow, but there was interest above, so i can cut them if required. Indeed, if they are cut you dont have to use them! Ill check for you, but, basically, i grabbed a spacer from my parts cabinate, measured it along the largest span, and added a bit to take account for differences in peoples availible parts (remember the switches / switch caps are used to locate the points in the resin so these are not ment to be a tight fit or anything - theres probably about half to one mm or so to play with)
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