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Everything posted by julianf

  1. Quick post here, as, i suspect if anyone is interested, they will be on the yahoo group anyhow. Im running a very small group buy type thing for 19" 9090 panels. The order page is here - http://www.thebeast.co.uk/9090.html Its this type of thing - Ive found that life in the 9090 lane is slow, and so this wont have anything like the frenzy that the euro[C]rack stuff attracts - indeed, its taken the 9090 mailing list about two months to get close to the ten orders that id like to have to be able to make the price - so dont expect any real rush, but, if youre keen - well, you have the link : ) Julian
  2. Does anyone know where the distance between the centers of the threadded fixings on the front panel rails are mentioned? Ive looked through all the datasheets that i can find, and cant find the measurement anywhere! To clarify - The top surface fits against two rails that run the length of the case. One option (which is what Wilba has chosen) is to profile the edges of the panel to slide into the recess in these rails, but another option is to use the 'tapped strips' (rather like eueorack subracks) that were supplied with the cases, and mount the front panel to these. However, as i say, i cant find the details for the centers anywhere. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Thank you, Julian
  3. Panel now reserved for "emzii". Thank you, Julian
  4. Oakley Cascaded OTA Filter with tick marks and corner radius £40 As per files on Tony's site but with tick marks Polymoog with tick marks and corner radius £45 (Price incl. VAT @ FPD is 87.44 € ) design in fpd format - http://modularsynthesis.com/jhaible/resonator/DJB-Polymoog.fpd Oakley Noise & Dual Filter graded panel - very small engraving offset to top (im sure you would never notice unless id told you, and even now you might have to ask twice for me to explain!) £20 As per files on Tony's site but with tick marks Oakley State Variable Filter with tick marks and corner radius £38 As per files on Tony's site but with tick marks 5u Oakley VC-LFO no tick marks £10 As per files on Tony's site. 5u MFOS Rotary sequencer panel £65 Thomas White's design with minor tweaks to match in better with Oakley visuals. I only have 1-off each item at this price. Shipping from me is always at cost price only. Im happy to ship interntionally. Payment by bank transfer in GBP or Euro, or by card using Google Checkout (standard surcharges apply - again at cost price only). Packing is free. Postal prices are here - http://www.royalmail.../airmail/prices (for tracking options, look under "Airsure") These are priced low as theyve been hanging about a while, and id like to shift them. If youre thinking of building one of these modules, the prices above should offer you quite a considerable saving!
  5. We're moving, and id like to shift some old stock. I have this panel - for sale - GBP 69.50. (Wilba's 3mm "wilba_mbseq_19in_opt.fpd" comes out at 154.72 € when ordered from FPD) I only have 1-off this item at this price. Shipping from me is always at cost price only. Im happy to ship interntionally. Payment by bank transfer in GBP or Euro, or by card using Google Checkout (standard surcharges apply - again at cost price only). Packing is free. Postal prices are here - http://www.royalmail.com/delivery/delivery-options-international/airmail/prices (for tracking options, look under "Airsure") I do not know, at present, how much the item weighs. Id imagine somthing like 700g packed - but that's just an estimate. Again, i have just 1-off these. I think the price is good and id like to sell it quickly : ) Thanks, Julian
  6. My main desire is for an optomised drum sequencer, so it seems like what youre working on is just what im after : )
  7. Hi there, Sorry for the slow reply - i dont always see posts in threads. Yep, i can cut you custom stuff. If you get as many details together on what you want, then i can quote you. Do be aware that spraying aluminium is a little more involved than spraying, say, steel. You would need to find yourself some etching primers - if you just use normal paints, the results will be dissapointing : (
  8. i was asking to see if you were eu... if you think i can help you, parts wise, with your development, let me know. we're moving at the moment, but will be setup again soon. (in case its not clear, im not talking about trying to sell you stuff : )
  9. im quite interested in the idea of a stand-alone drum sequencer where abouts in the world are you? thanks, julian
  10. Two things - First - due to the issues with the case group buy's im obviously not making 100s of these in preparation just yet, and... Second - we are in the process of moving location, so there will be some points where my lead times are not as swift as they usually are (normally i aim to ship the same week the order comes in, even on custom 1-off jobs) What may be best is if i wait to see how the case issues pan out, and then make up some smaller batches and see how they go. At present (as i type this) i do have a few mbseq panels in 19" 2.0mm format. I will have to check, but i think i have matt red, and gloss blue / gloss black in stock for immediate shipping. Thanks, Julian
  11. Yes. Im just waiting on the case group buy to check all the details, but the intention is to produce the rear panels also. Cost of rear panels TBC. They will be more than strong enough for the desktop enclosure. You will be supporting virtually no weight / force from them, and they will be supported themselves by the enclosure on both the top and lower edge. There is no doubt at all that they are quite adequate for the application.
  12. The 2mm panels, which are the ones that come in all the different colours / finishes should be GBP 85 for the top, and GBP (unknown at the moment) for the back. The 3mm panels, which come in matt black, and natural (silver) only would probably be GBP 100 for the top, and GBP (unknown) for the rear. To give referance to this, Wilbas price optomised file, if ordered from schaeffer, would come to just over Euro 150 inc tax, for the top section alone - which, at the median conversion rate is currently GBP 131 - ie 31% higher than my 3mm price!
  13. I know that itlld be nice for the panels to come to people at the same time as the cases, but, whilst i do know the case dimensions, i think that, for the sake of a small delay, it would be better for me to wait untill i have an enclosure in my hands to make 100% sure that evreything fits right, before i cut a load of panels. I know from so many other things in the past that you can look up a dimension off a datasheet (of a jack bush diameter, etc) and then you measure it in real life, with a good set of verniers, and the two numbers are not the same! If i have a case in my hands, i can use real-world measurements to make certain that evreything fits together as nicely as possible : ) I think being sure is worth a short delay : )
  14. A new colour - green (i know ive been promising the photo for a while, but ive finally gotten arround to pointing the camera at it!)
  15. I do not have the pcbs, however, i want to have one of the enclosures so as i can be 100% certain of the measurements for the panels, especially to test the slot in the enclosure that the front panels slide into. At some point, of course, i will get the pcbs and make the whole device, but i seem never to get time for personal builds! Thank you, Julian
  16. Mine is paid - echeque though (sorry) as, apparently, my debit card has expired, and i dont have time to update it on paypal before the payment deadline : /
  17. Yep, that's 100% the reason why i cut the cheaper, single stroke, panels - i personally dont think there is enough difference to justify spending over 2x as much on the multitroke ones, and, like you, some people even like the single stroke more. Of course, i can still cut the multistroke, but, since producing the cheaper option, not one single person has asked me for the more expensive panel : ) Trevors original panel set design, when purchased from shaeffer, comes to over GBP 240, which is crazy - there's no need to spend that much. In the sequence above, there are 5 shots - the first is two matt black panels, the next a matt red (not a great photo - the finish looks quite a bit nicer in real life) and the final three photos (two on woodwork, one on plants) are all the same panel, which is the one called bronze. The colour is hard to represent. Its almost like a grey/gold colour. The near side of the first shot maybee shows it best? The last shot (on the plants) makes it look very grey and hardly brown at all. Its not especially rich in brown / orange tones, but it is a little more so than the photos show. A touch more brown, a touch less grey looking (at least to my eye) than the photos really show. Im sure you get the idea though! : )
  18. I use silicon greese. As you know, petroleum rots some things, but i dont know about pot shafts etc.
  19. Ahh - ive made an error above - The 9090 in the photo is expensive. Its a complex multistroke panel and takes quite a while to make. Because the cost of it was prohibitive for a number of builders, i simplified the design (to lower the cost) and started cutting these for people - There are three photos of the 'bronze' as its not an easy colour to represent. Its not really bronze at all, but that's what my supplier calls it! Its a nice colour though... The single stroke 9090 panels are the ones that are GBP 65, and, whilst im happy to still cut the other ones, im not sure as theyre worth the extra money (id have to look it up, but i think they were about 2x the price) Julian
  20. 9090 are GBP 65 each (regardless of colour) I have matt red, matt 'bronze', and, i think, natural silver cut and in stock (yep, i know im rubbish at updating the on-line shop!) Im fairly certain i dont have black pre-cut at the moment, and im just (as i type this) cutting a pair for someone in matt blue. I forgett the price of the Klee panels - the ones in the photo were a 1-off (well, 2-off) job for someone last year, but i have the authors permission to re-cut their design. I think they were about GBP 130 each in the 2-off quantity. (they are 4u to fit the bud-industries enclosures from mouser) Thanks, Julian
  21. Just a quick note to say that ive been cutting a batch of mb6582 panels. Ill update this post with photos, but currently i have in stock - Matt red with white infill - ive not had this finish before in 6582s - it looks very nice - possibly nicer than the gloss red i was cutting last year, i think) Matt green with white infill - i just ordered a small ammout of the green. its unusual, and, i think, quite smart looking Matt black with white infill - the old favourite Anyhow, all the above are in stock currently. As i say, ill try and update with some photos tommorow. Thanks, Julian
  22. Ugghh... Its because of your comments that i havent even signed on to this group for months. Do you really think that i sat here thinking "How will i become a millionaire - i know, ill sneakily post in the Midibox Seq section, rather than the Fleamarket section" Is there even a price tag on any of the panels? I sell panels, sure. Everyone knows i sell panels. I wanted to let people know, specifically, about the colours, as i (personally) had been considering them in relation to the case bulk buy (indeed, i put my name on the wiki for them months ago for a silver case, but i now think that ill go for black, as i think itll look good against the matt red) I sell panels on many groups. You know i never encounter this sort of petty jumped up non-moderator policing anywhere else but here? I almost didnt bother making these 2.0mm panels (which save people a hell of a lot against going to FPE - which quite a few people are actually gratefull of!) because of your (yes, your personal) flak when i even suggested making them. Yes, the ones in the photos are all 19" ones, but the same colours can be used for the desktop enclosure. In that case, the rack ears will obviously not be included, and a milled slot will be cut along the edges of the panels, so as to slide into the recess in the desktop case.
  23. ...possibly, but i was more interested in highlighting what was availible. So, it was more of an announcement as to the colours, than an invite to buy & that was why i posted it here insted of in the fleamarket. But i do understand that there is very little border between. I (personally) have been trying to decide what mbseq desktop finish i want from the current group buy (black or silver) and the availible colour of the front panel will influence that decision long before i cut myself a panel (as it may influence other people long before they come to purchase a front panel) I guess if i had have done it the other way arround, i could also have been critisised for trying to post information in the fleamarket section! : )
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