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Everything posted by julianf

  1. I cant actually locate my initial posts on this, so im hoping its the correct thread! Attatched are some images of a panel made for someone earlier in the week. As i can't/dont want to get into doing threadded blinds on the rear of the panel, i suggested just milling circular recessed in the back (2.0mm dp) that some threadded spacers could be 'sat' in and epoxy 'poured' in arround them. The recess will serve to increase the contact area for the epoxy on both the panel, and the spacer, and hence improve the bond. There are 18 or 19 of these contact points. I think they would be able to withstand more force than the panel components themselves (ie somthing else would break first if you were whacking the sequencer that hard! : ) ps. please ignore the infill residue arround the key caps and led holes on in the photo!
  2. Thank you for the comments - very much appreciated : ) Looking at other peoples photos always reminds me that my digital camera is about 7 years old... : / As a side note - im a little late in sending out last weeks work, but, as of today (thursday) all of last weeks orders have been shipped. Google checkout should have forwarded on evreyones tracking numbers to them. The website for tracking is - http://track.royalmail.com Erik, your klee panels have also been sent - (photos on my girlfriends camera, but with poor lighting now insted...)
  3. julianf


    From the album: Julian F

    Different finishes, all in 1.5mm : x0xb0x - matte black mb6582 - gloss red mb6582 - gloss black
  4. julianf


    From the album: Julian F

    MB6582 top panel in 1.5mm gloss red
  5. From the album: Julian F

    MB6582 rear panel in 1.5mm gloss black
  6. julianf


    MB6582 top panel in 1.5mm gloss black
  7. I eventually have gloss red in stock now, and have cut a panel from it. I am pretty pleased with the result. It looks a *lot* better than the non-gloss red i cut the x0xb0x panel from before. The colour seems deeper, and the finish is all together better. I have taken some decent outdoor shots now - Thank you, Julian
  8. Matt panels back in - I might update the photos later - my camera is rubbish indoors, and it makes the cut look real shoddy, but its the same quality as the other photos in the thread. Some matching x0xb0x ones too, if anyones keen on matching sets : )
  9. Hello, Right, ive done a stock take, and can cut - Unlimited mb6582 panel sets in matt black Very limited mb6582 panel sets in gloss black Both finishes will be cut as per the photos earlier in this thread (of course, without the letter smoothing though!) so the finish will be black with silver writing. I will cut corner holes (again, as per the photos) - these were not included on Wilba's original design, but alleviate the issues people have been having with gluing bolts to the rear of the panels. The matt black sets will remain at the GBP £68 I charged last time. The gloss black sets will rise to GBP £75 per set. All prices are inclusive of eu tax, but exclusive of shipping. I think shaeffer charge about GBP £110 per infilled set, and do not supply gloss at all. I can take payment by uk cheque, uk bank transfer (in GBP), euro bank transfer (at my banks current euro buy rate), or google checkout (3.4/4.4% + GBP 0.25 fee applies, in line with uk trading regulations) I found last time that a number of people asked me to hold panels, and then took a long time to transfer funds. One person even told me that they *had* initiated a bank transfer, and then, a month later, asked me for my bank details again! Because I only have a small amount of the black gloss at present (again, I have plenty of matt) I will not be putting panels on hold this time, and will only consider a panel set sold when either when - *a card payment has been nameised by the customers bank, or *a statement is made here that a bank transfer has been initiated (bank transfers are cheaper, but take a few days to go through - I do not want to sell the same panel 2x!) Im very sorry if this seems difficult, but, out of all of this, I find the order management the hardest - keeping track of what's on hold for months hurts my brain! I want it to be clearer for evreyone what is sold and what it availible, but I still want to be able to accept bank payments (they save people money - I think we all give too much to credit card companies!) I will start cutting tommorow (tuesday). Thank you, Julian
  10. A package turned up from my supplier just now, although there are problems. Out of the 9 sheets that they ordered, only 1 turned up! I purchased all of this, but, as its the same as i use for the x0xb0x units, i do not want to sell it all here, and then be left with none myself. And there were again no sheets at all of the gloss red : ( All the uk suppliers of this specific engraving material are having this same trouble. The manufacturer is simply not sending it out to the distributors for some reason : ( I have called them all. So, i hopefull have a small ammount of black gloss for mb6582 panels, but again no red gloss. I did not order satin red, as there seemes little interest, but i have ordered quite a bit of flat matt black as i want it for somthing else anyhow. I think that the flat matt is the same finish that shaeffer supplies [however i am still considerably cheaper : ] but i do not think they carry the gloss finishes at all. I have not opened the package yet, and am about to quit for the day (it is my partners birthday today : ) I will probably update on the quantities availible after the weekend. Thank you for your paitence! Julian
  11. I dont think there are any left... The ones still here are just on hold, awaiting payment. Im considering doing a batch in satin red, but i need at least 5 takers if im not to have material left over. Well, I guess its not the end of the world if i have a bit left over, but i just dont want to order a whole load of metal for one panel set. Here is a x0xb0x made in the red that im talking about - (same image as on another thread) The red that i can get at the moment is a satin brushed (ie has a grain) finish, rather than a reflective gloss (with no grain).
  12. Satin red example on a x0xb0x - I still dont have a fixed date on the gloss : (
  13. I just had a glance on RS's site, and the price seems to have gone crazy - http://uk.rs-online.com/web/search/searchBrowseAction.html?method=getProduct&R=2508440591 Im confused, and hoping that im i looking at the wrong thing!
  14. Just a quick note that im stilll (!) waiting on the gloss red anodised alluminium in 1.5mm that i mentioned weeks back. It appears my own supplier is having some troubles with their supplier (i just spoke with them on the phone) They are, however, sending me a couple of samples in matt red today. I should get these tommorow, and will, in time, cut a panel if anyone is interested in what it looks like (i know there were some people here still waiting on the gloss red). It appears that matt blue is also in stock, in 1.5. And, i think, gloss gold, again in 1.5. Once again, Im sorry for the unexpected delay on the gloss red : ( Thank you, Julian
  15. Oh, no - not at all... i hadnt got any of that. Basically, the bottom line is - I cant quite do evreything shaeffer does (or at least not at a sensible price), but... For those wanting what i can do, my pricing generally works out significantly cheaper : ) If someone is wanting to watch expenditure, esp. if they live in europe, id like to think i offer a good choice for what i offer - indeed, i actually offer some things that shaeffer doesnt too (with regards to thicknesses, finishes, etc) It all depends what people desire, and what their situation is. Id always encorage people to spend their cash according to their personal desires! Thanks, Julian
  16. Hehe... i didnt realise there was a thread here, or id have commented earlier. The quote i gave to Johan was for the routing as specified (ie window cut in rear etc) but with the holes right through the panel, rather than with threadded blinds. I made the comment that ordering from me with the proposed changes would work out almost GBP £50 cheaper than ordering the panel as spec'ed from shaeffer. Shaeffers price will certainly become cheaper if you take out the threadded blinds (ie then giving more of a like-for-like comparrison although my price will still be cheaper even then : ) but this was not the point i was making in the original quote - simply that if anyone wanted threadded blinds, shaeffer would a better option, all be it at considerably more money (which is where the 30 somthing percent came into it!) As for non-threadded blinds - thats entirely possible. Its not the milling thats the hassel, but the threadding. Non-threadded blinds are no more complex than the stepped cut-out arround the viewing screen. For those who havent seen my rantings on the SID forum, and dont have much of an idea what im on about, the following link may shed some more light - http://www.thebeast.co.uk/cnc/ Thank you, Julian
  17. Rather embarrasingly, ive ended up with some b-grade panels from the first production run. Im quite fussy, and wouldnt normally consider a panel with errors salable, however the errors are realy quite small, and the machine time thats been spent on the panles quite great, so i thought id offer them for a reduced rate all the same. I (thankfully) only have 4 sets of these, and would be happy to see them go for GBP 63 per set (ie front and rear) To give some perspective on this price, shaeffer (if they carried gloss materials, which i dont believe they do) would want GBP 109 per set once the tax was paid. Below are two (large) photos. The first is of the panel as it should be, and the second is of the b-grade panel. The errors are cosmetic (ie engraving, not milling) and visible. I will let you spot them : ) Shipping - UK - £2.14 + 75p (1st class recorded - maximum compensation £39) UK - £5.40 (fully insured / next day) EU - £2.99 + £4.50 (airmail + tracking / insurance) ROW - £5.31 + £4.50 (airmail + tracking / insurance) (2 sets will cost slightly more to post, but nowhere near double the cost) Payment by bank in sterling or euro, google checkout in any other currency @ 4.4%. Credit card orders must be tracked & insured. Optional / at buyers risk otherwise. And, lastly, a quick update on the red gloss panels - Im still waiting on the materials (my own supplier is having to order in the gloss red in 1.5mm especially) but they should be here somtime next week. The gloss red panel sets will be priced at GBP 75 per set, and i will make sure i dont waste half of them in the same way as i have the black!
  18. Im in the UK. I filled in the website form asking about uk distributors, and no reply. The only displays ive found are boring ones... If anyone has an easy source for me here in england, id be keen to know, as, i suspect, buying in 1-off quantities from the states is going to be prohibitivly expensive. ...but i havent realy looked in detail yet. ps. im after one for the mb6582 device
  19. Ill update the photo below tommorow some time (the background will change from being a 606 to being outside on grass or wood or stone) This is the rear panel, cut to Wilba's original design -
  20. Right... Depending on confirmations, ive got enough buyers for the first batch of mb6582 panels, so im closing the list on tommorow at 5pm (GMT) If anyone else wants a set, PM me before then, and ill be certain to make you a set. The reason for closing the list is that i want to make these in batches, rather than all the time, hence wanting to close this run, make them, and get it all concluded before making more. The list wont be opened again untill all these are shipped. The price for this batch, as mentioned, is GBP £68 ex delivery / card fees (but i can accept payment by BACS in both sterling and euro without any fees at all) If this all turns out more hassle then expected, the next batch may change in price, but i think ive got a good idea of whats what from the panels in the pictures. So, yes, anyone confirming before tommorow night gets on this list, at this confirmed price. No payment will be accepted before the panels are reddy for shipping.
  21. Im in england, and was thinking of getting one of these - http://www.rapidonline.com/Electronic-Components/Optoelectronics/LCDs-And-Accessories/Alphanumeric-LCD-display-modules/29437/kw/lcd (but i must admit, i havent checked out the spec sheet properly yet) However - What i really want is a red on black display I know the proposed buy isnt for them, but i just wanted to register my interest, should there be any developments : )
  22. Price is GBP £68 + post + transaction fees (but only if applicable!) The company accounts are run in both sterling and euros, so BACS payments from most of europe is completely without processing cost, as will be a UK cheque from you. Indeed, you can even go into a branch of HSBC and save yourself the stamp cost : ) I really dont like paypal, and use google checkout to process card payments. Fees are the same, but you get a company who a) doesnt try evade uk trading regulations, and b) actually reads, and answers your mails - with relevant answers and evreything! ; ) ...see, im almost ranting allready, such is my loathing! As a buyer, its even simpler than paypal. Not even any need to setup an account - its all done through a google page on one of their 'secure' servers. Ill have to look through but i think the numbers are almost up to five. As soon as they are, ill start. Indeed, im putting in a metal order in the next few days, so if you all want red or blue or green or any other colour, i can order that, and use them insted of the black (which i have in stock right now) It does need to be a MOQ 5 per colour though : ( Oh, and, as for the fan - Ive concluded that its probably best to stick to wilbas specified cut-out on this. I realised that a fan cover can be fitted on the outside without a fan fitted to the inside. If i cut the panels like that people have the option of fitting the fan or not, and, at the same time, the machine time is way lower for a large hole than a matrix of smaller ones.
  23. Sorry, havent worked it out yet, but i always ship at cost. The cheapest option will be with Royal Mail - here's a link to the pricing - http://www.royalmail.com/portal/rm/jump1?catId=400023&mediaId=400033 The airmail alone is dead cheap, but the irritating catch is that credit card orders need to be signed for etc. which adds to the cost, not to mention the credit card fees themselves : ( Hi Garry, I can cut 1-offs too, but the panel above is a fair bit of work, which is why i want a (allbeit small) MOQ at the stated price. I can, and do, cut 1-offs all the time.
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