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Status Replies posted by rosch

  1. Wow! Upgrades! This looks NICE. Where is teh pp donation buttons?

  2. is heading out to AUS for vacation nao. See you guys in February :D Yes, that's right. February.

    1. rosch


      down under... getting dizzy already. have fun!

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  3. cool, finally ordered my Wilba SeqV4 panel + windows from Schaeffer. decent 3mm with blind holes.... so looking forward for the JB job in 1 or 2 weeks!!! yay!

  4. hiding/waiting for smashklaus to take the cookies...

    1. rosch


      good thing is, santa smash comes not only once a year! hohoho

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  5. Cabinet and PSU done. The good ole MB-SEQv4 boots up normally once more, this time it controls a whole lot more show plus blinkenlichts. I want to do all the analog bits ASAP and make weird, wonderful noises!

    1. rosch


      your systemS look gorgeous. need to have a look again... but i second the video wish :D

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  6. cool, finally ordered my Wilba SeqV4 panel + windows from Schaeffer. decent 3mm with blind holes.... so looking forward for the JB job in 1 or 2 weeks!!! yay!

  7. Slightly OT, but one of the DIY giants passed away much too soon. RIP Jürgen Haible. Thanks for all the sheer brilliance.

    1. rosch


      indeed. i've never bought boards from him as i felt the projects were still over my head. eg when i heard the phaser demo i thought it's the best sounding phaser i've ever heard.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  8. Slightly OT, but one of the DIY giants passed away much too soon. RIP Jürgen Haible. Thanks for all the sheer brilliance.

  9. cool, finally ordered my Wilba SeqV4 panel + windows from Schaeffer. decent 3mm with blind holes.... so looking forward for the JB job in 1 or 2 weeks!!! yay!

    1. rosch


      uhoh haven't done the 6582 yet. if i was THAT fast (since 2009) i'd probably already have at least ONE synth in a case hehe. but the sid will be easier & cheaper, plan to use acrylic (leds on pcb)

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  10. is assembling the Rockit 8-bit synth while waiting for parts. Classic Burt Bacharach lounge from Spotify plays in the Sennheisers.

    1. rosch


      you already have yours... i'll probably need to cuddle with customs first

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  11. Have all the remaining parts for mb6582, time to test and finish CS

    1. rosch


      longest ever to complete? hehe that must be me!

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  12. Just stabbed myself with a SID. I now have 28 tiny holes in my chest :-S

    1. rosch


      hm imagine you grabbed the iron by the wrong end instead :D

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  13. Already burnt off a pad lead. pretty pissed and bummed.. going to walk away from it... =(

    1. rosch


      if it doesn't stick just put a wire to the next component lead it's supposed to connect to. those kind of things happen all the time... unfortunately :)

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  14. LPC17 & STM32 seem to work! YAY! so SeqV4 testing tomorrow (w/o panel & leds)

    1. rosch



      today i've stuffed the MB6582 so far. need to hack together a psu now and then testing. for the MB6582 i'll go with a clear acrylic panel.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  15. LPC17 & STM32 seem to work! YAY! so SeqV4 testing tomorrow (w/o panel & leds)

    1. rosch


      woohoo it works! at least it's on and the CS works- but no idea HOW it works... reading time!

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  16. LPC17 & STM32 seem to work! YAY! so SeqV4 testing tomorrow (w/o panel & leds)

    1. rosch


      :) i hope to find time tonight to get the Seq working. can't wait to finally play with it. just a few cables + firmware upload (i hope). enjoy your holidays Antix, looks like i caffeine overdose at home :D

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  17. santa smash was here! 6582 & SeqV4 ready to solder.... umm, gotta look for panels now :D

    1. rosch


      i'll go with julian's panels, atm it's more a question of cash... so i'll try the seq without leds, right now i'm trying to figure out the STM32 and whether i've stuffed it correctly... or not :)

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  18. MB6582 boards just ordered :)

    1. rosch


      hehehe smashTV says it's my turn for SeqV4 CS kit now!!!! YAAAAY!!! feels like Xmas!

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  19. MB6582 boards just ordered :)

    1. rosch


      with the seq it's the same. got literally everything here, but got stuck with the DIN/DOUT chains, as i made some really bad kludge with the additional caps.

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  20. MB6582 boards just ordered :)

    1. rosch


      yeah! the base board is already complete, so it won't take me more than 2 years from now ;-)

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

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