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Posts posted by jojjelito

  1. Sure they could, but not without jumping through some interesting hoops first.

    What you have in the GK cable is basically audio and a couple of extra signals. This audio would have to be treated so that you can get a synth oscillator to track the frequency of the guitar string. This frequency is preferably the root note (or fundamental frequency) that the pick-up is fed.

    So, here you need a fast root note detection. Ok, then convert the frequency to some CV to control an oscillator somewhere, or just use the root note to reset a ramp wave which then has a different amplitude depending on how far the ramp got. Worst case: did it top out because the input frequency was lower than that of the ramp? Either way, you would then have to compensate the amplitude to be more or less constant and this is now your slave oscillator.

    In analog you use some kind of f-v (frequency to voltage) process. There are special chips for this even, but you'd still need to figure out the fundamental frequency first. Guitar synths are complex beasts and the task of root frequency detection and so forth is usually done with proprietary DSP algorithms these days. Or, you get a guitar that speaks MIDI, but that's another beast.

    You'd need some special sauce to make this process fool-proof. Then output MIDI or CV.

    Take a peek at Wikipedia and follow the links for some pointers, this is a complex problem flowers.png

  2. Yay! Beer! flowers.png

    Did you install anything beyond the bootloader that was on the chips? Like, the test tone app, updated the bootloader (can be done later), or the SID app?

    You then need to move the selector and install the SID application on the other cores as well, or use the MENU key on your not yet built control surface to clone the app from the master core. See here: http://ucapps.de/mid..._manual_hw.html

    I have a vague memory of doing this like so:Each core got handled the test tone app, I attached the LCD and tested those SIDs in those sockets, but this was done during summer a few years ago... Then upgraded the bootloader to what was then the current using the bootloader upgrade procedure, then the latest MB SID v2 app on core 1, then I did the cloning trick.

    I could stop by if you get stuck, someone here ought to be able to walk you through this whistle.pngMaybe it could be an added step in Hawkeye's great tutorial if it isn't already there?

    Better go check.


  3. This is great news indeedflowers.png

    I was thinking of hacking in support for the MAX695* series of ICs, so that they could take care of a time-code display with 14- or 16-segment LEDs as well as some debounced button scan, but those functions could be made with a PIC as welllogik.png Or the ICM7243.

    Decisions decisions...

    Merry Christmas!

  4. Guilty as charged.

    The general idea is to check the sub-components at http://ucapps.de/ as Ilmenator said. Then, the general sub-forum for the MBseq you already posted in is here:


    and the particular thread about the Ponoko panel is here:

    Wilba's particular front panel is linked from the MBseq description at ucapps.de, but the link is here: http://www.midibox.o...id=wilba_mb_seq

    Hardware options in general for the sequencer is described ici-la: http://www.ucapps.de..._manual_hw.html

    Suggested reading is all of the above, then PM me back if you have specific questions, or let's continue in this thread.

    For instance, there's this Hedenreich tabletop case, but I don't know what the status of that is at the moment. Someone may do a bulk order so keep your eyes peeled at the forum.

    Cheers thumbsup.png


  5. There are special graphite/carbon buttons that you glue on your silicone rubber key. I know that TME EU (Transfer Multisort Electronics) have them, they should be easy to get at Reichelt/Farnell/DigiKey/Mouser/RS and the usual suspects. Or do a search for remote control repair kit.

  6. 2x16 OLEDs from Rapid Electronics (they have red on blacks!) work fine for old synths, Shruthis and possibly MiDIbox in 8bit mode as well. The 4x20s don't like the 4-bit 6582 connection, plus you need to do driver and bootloader hacking. Also, the Newhaven OLEDs seem to need some jumper remixing and have +5V as an absolute maximum voltage. You might want to bring that down to 2.5 or 3.3 V using a 74HC4050 buffer just to be safe.

    If this doesn't sound like an insane amount of work, then by all means do it and tell the rest of us how ninja.png



  7. Hi Arkay, Hawkeye,

    A lack of a few other components at Mouser saved me from buying lots of the Bourns encoders with switch, sans detents. There's 200 on order that will arrive later next year so any of us LED ring board owners will likely need more, lots more. The Alphas used by the 6582 are twice the price sans switch - I have to locate a good alternative with switches that doesn't break the bank getlost.png



  8. Moar hints: The Satistronics are cheap and cheerful. Otherwise, if you got money to spend try an Optrex display, or something else with red, green, blue, orange, yellow or white characters to suit. This display will be driven i 4-bit mode and the 4x20 OLEDs got mongo from from that, so stick with an LCD.

    My OLED didn't quite get there during experimentation so I donated it to my PreenFM instead where it works just fine.

  9. Hehe, thanks all!

    Guess I'm not over the hill yet, just mature like... Nah turned.png

    To all neighbors and others: Moose calf fillet with potato purée is fantastic food. People should cultivate more moose.. Nom nom nom.

    Now I need to check "stuff old people like" and start retirement planning, get a sports car and try to be seen around young women...

    Take care and solder safelyhug.gif

  10. Well, there's the 1ms note on delay for a MIDI note on event if you're really picky about your timing :fear:

    But no, it's not that important in most use cases. Unless you stack 8 or so drums on the same measure. You could hear some flam effect then.

    Edit: The TK/Kogz23 begs for an OLED display if custom characters are defined as the normal HD44670 LCDs. It will be crisp looking :whistle:

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