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Everything posted by ssp

  1. why not just get a gm5 kit? put your name in the wiki list for the next run of gm5 boards and chips, its a real nice cheap usb powered midi interface, you could place that inside your case and link that to the core using the internal mi/mo pins to send midi to and from the core via usb. then on the rear of the case you would only need holes for the psu and usb socket.
  2. ssp

    bpm controller

    all is going good with this project, i have now got all the switches i needwith all the button caps required, also many thanks to wilba for selling me some spare lcd's and a load of rotary encoders. today i laid out the components on the desk to see an approximate size of it and its not too bad, i have to work out placement on a few things when i get the knobs and i can bring things a little closer together. plan is now to combine the mb64e in there as the main controller unit along with a midimon unit and have it all controlled via a usb gm5 unit running midi using the digital terminals as per my hu-mon build. so as of yet the next parts to get are the two cores, 4 dinx and an ain also a dout board and some small form 4digit 7segment leds power will come from a 9.5v psu that delivers 2.5a so that should be enough for both units i hope. i will add some pictures later of the layout. right now im back to solidworks and loads of technical parts drawings and building the casework.
  3. futureman. thats a really nice looking case there and the front panel is really nice, im just wondering though. it would look really nice if all those dome head silver screws were replaced with countersunk black screws and the knobs changed to a black knob with a red line marker in the top. it would look really nice then and a touch old school access virus looking also. but i do like that very much, very very niec! mule> that looks really nice build there, as you say very 80's indeed.
  4. sorry for lack of updates, been a little busy getting ready for the next project and sorting other things out. well i have a weekend of quiet this weekend as wifey is away!! today i wired up the 15 momentary array to the shuttle board, making sure that i kept in mind relative button layout to the numberd buttons on the board. by doing this i have now set it up so that i know what each button on the array is in numbered sequence and i can assign them using the command software when needed and get the lazertran sheets done in the upper right you can see the psu unit covered with some thermal resistant plastic sheet this will make sure that the psu doesnt touch any of the lid mounted components and shield tham from heat also. i was going to fit two seperate psu's into the unit one for the touchscreen and one for the core's 9v requirements, however after speaking with nils and driftzz on the chat site it was suggested to fit a +v reg with a prefix of 7809 this being a 9v output voltage regulator, so after finding the feed and gnd points i made a little board extansion for the 9v output and wired it up to the main outputs of the psu, a quick voltage check giving me 9.2v at 1.2a a good feed for the core unit and lcd along with the mtc display and the illuminated switches. tomorrow i will do the leads from the fused iec connector to the psu unit at the same time running an earth wire to the case, connecting it all up and checking it for function , i also will then make some side braces and two internal braces to keep the case solid and then in the side brace panels make several holes for the side cheecks to be screwed into. more to follow over the next few days. socrates: well the case was just over £200 to have laser cut, studded out and then powdercoated and then delivered so all of that for that cost and i was very happy.
  5. the front to rear width of the desk will prevent the back and fore shake, also the structure is extremely rigid with the consturction techniques used, by using cam dowels and cam locks along with 10mm dowels the whole structure becomes very rigid and can take a massive amount of abuse, the and the fact its made out of 22mm mdf gives it the weight to dimensions load that will make sure it doesnt go anywhere. good thing about mdf is that its not too slidy , and when flexi places his 1210's on the desk the rubber feet will adhere tothe mdf quickly making sure they dont go anywhere. i have made dj desks before and from first hand experience i know that when everything is on there and all the vinyl is in also the thing isnt going to go anywhere.
  6. Update: Well the casework finally arrived today, the courier was going to go without delivering as he thought that thre may not be someone in ... go figure.. anyway, the casework arrived well boxed so it was like kid at xmas i opened it up to find this made out of 1mm mild sheet steel all laser cut i carefully opened the packing and checked the casework, the oyster white powdercoat really shows this off nicely, this will look really nice when the lazertrans is applied i think. i then flipped the lid over and checked all the studwork. heres a few pics of the casework pre assembly touchscreen brackets keypad retainer baseplate together well i have been busy this evening getting things in and refining a few things and cables but its getting there, i just have to fit the gm5 and the psu unit finish connections and put the internal braces in then do the end cheeks and front rest. however heres the first test fit, the white keypad is going to have new legends on shortly. here is the rear panel, it has a fused and switched iec connector for the 240v feed in to the psu's, also it has the usb input for the gm5 which links to the core and the rear midi ports are for a set of midi outs, the other midi sockets are for the core and should i need to take the gm5 out i can replace the ic i took off the core and run midi directly into it again. also theres the svga input for the touchscreen as well, i need to take the frame off the lcd and have it painted in the same white to match the casework, something i will get done next week. it wont be long now until its fully assembled with the wood sections in beech also. more to follow!! : forgot to add, im having some new shuttle/jog wheels made to replace the black and silver ones. they will do in the meantime though.
  7. i had a look at the pics, there are ball joints, and pool joints there, these are very very succeptable to freeing themselves from the pads. i used to work for panasonic and various other companies and when inspecting we would remove and rework anything that was not grade A soldered even through a smt paste and oven set up through to flow tanks. because a ball joint has minimal pad contact its the first one to lift when there is a thermal build up and cool down process, this is because the surface area that the solder grips to has no cohesion. the pool joints always look like they will hold and will do however 9 times out of 10 they lead to dry joints that will need re-working. as nils stated earlier in the thread the best way to achieve a good solder joint is to have a clean tip, get some solder, apply the tip to the pad and componeent leg, then gently feed the solder to the point of the tip and it will flow around the pad and component. the solder effect your looking for is a nice clean flow around the pad and leg, you can achieve this without using loads of solder, getting a full contact area with the solder achieves maximum cohesion and will ensure a good firm joint this is also known as "wetting the joint" personally i would rework some of the joints this will make sure that there is proper adhesion and flow between pads and components, otherwise if things are not working correctly when powered up you may still have to do some re-work. heres a picture of the solder joints on my core which as you can see have just the right amount of solder on them the pads are fully encased and theres a flow towards the tip of the component leg, there is no dryness to the solder its clean and not over fluxed either. here is an interesting article that can explain the process in more easy to understand laymans terms with some graphical explanations. http://www.twyman.org.uk/PCB-Techniques/Email-Article.htm
  8. blagged.... blagged!!!!! cheeky kipper :P you want this desk or not sonny :D :D :D flexi all i need is one more gm5 chip and a gm5 board not the 5x5x5 as i have two 5x5x5 boards coming from nils soon. i need the small board for the bpm controller. god i hope tk does another group buy soon i will have to have a load off him!
  9. i have got a sales rep from mec cmoing tomorrow morning, with a set of switches for me and a look at the stock and samples too, i will get as much info and photos as i can, i will test as many as i can too. if they are as good as they say i can stock these switches here the sales rep also said on button legends can be used from thier current legend library to custom work, however he did not give me pricing details and quantities for custom legends. i have had the okw stuff turn up though and its good quality, im working on stocking some of their knobs and rotary dials etc here too. more to follow tomorrow
  10. try here http://www.canford.co.uk/search/DefaultGoogle.aspx?q=rean try here http://www.rapidonline.com/products.aspx?tier1=Tools%2c+Fasteners+%26+Production+Equipment&tier2=Fasteners+%26+Fixings&tier3=Knobs also try cpcfarnell.co.uk and try rs electronics also try in the uk its uk.farnell.com/rean thats a good start
  11. ok i mamaged to figure it out after several errors and i forgot one app to install, i did everything else right. so now i have compiled the asm file to hex and i wil try it today hopefully.
  12. ok i have found the relative sections in the asm file that thorsten pointed me to, and i have edited them. do i now need to compile that to hex or does the hex file use that asm in its upload? im off to have a read now and see what i can learn on this.
  13. thanks again lyle, i have pm'd you a big thanks as well, im going to take time out now, wife is a little worried now as im not good, i will catch you all in a day or so i think. thanks again.
  14. to try something different, to break the mold and learn something new that maybe hasnt been done before. experimentation is the key, i just want to learn again, re-learn what i have lost, and trust me its heartbreaking for me not to remember things so easily any more. i had a msg from thorsten whos taken the time out to get in touch and he has offered me a solution, thanks thorsten. Hi Simon, Faders are "analog signal sources" which have to be read with the internal ADC of the PIC. There is no way to connect them to a DINX4 module, as it can only scan digital sources like buttons or encoders (to say it on the hard way: this is absolutely nonsense - therefore you won't find documentation about such an option ) There is no need to use an AIN module, since you don't plan to connect more than 8 faders - accordingly multiplexing isn't required, just connect the fader directly to J5, let multiplexing and motorfader option disabled. Code: #define DEFAULT_NUMBER_AIN 8 #define DEFAULT_ENABLE_AIN_MUX 0 #define DEFAULT_ENABLE_MOTORDRIVER 0 Note: all unusued analog inputs (in your case: J5.A7 if faders are connected to J5.A0..A6) have to be connected to ground, otherwise the application will send out random values. It is recommented to set DEFAULT_NUMBER_AIN to a value which is a power of 2 (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 or 64) You could already make some experiments with this option to get a better understanding, as you already own a core module. E.g., set DEFAULT_NUMBER_AIN to 1 and connect a trimpot between J5.Vs/Vd/A0 Thereafter set DEFAULT_NUMBER_AIN to 2, let J5.A1 unconnected, put your finger over A1 - you should see some random CC values. Clamp it to ground and the random values won't be sent (stable voltage). Now connect a second trimpot to J5.A1... etc
  15. ssp

    bpm controller

    lyle no problems mate, its a real bad day for me today i havent slept properly for two days and my head is full of schematics and asm code and other stuff inbetween puking. im trying to figure this out myself and its getting really frustrating now.i have scoured the net for linear encoders and im not getting anywhere past infinitys ones. time out for me.
  16. lyle i had a msg from thorsten, the answer was no to these. i guess im still looking for the definative answer. sorry im a little bit pi553d off tonight as its been a bad day, meds are making me puke and im still trying to figure a few thngs out and trying to learn asm stuff and as thorsten pointed out to me yes you can use the 8 motorfaders and 16 enc set up but i dont need motorfaders i just want 7 linear faders to act as encoders if possible running to the din board and not an ain board. i think i need time out for a while now.
  17. ssp

    bpm controller

    thanks lyle. well i have put up a once and for all answer thread in the parts questions section of the forum because i have spent the best part of two days getting nowhere and im getting a little bit more than peed off now. i do not want to have to fit an ain board to this, surely the din4x board will take 7 faders amoungst everything else in there?? i am really hoping that thorsten will pop in and give a definative answer to this quandry because i cant remember if someones told me in chat, or if its a yes or no, or if theres a pdf or anything, because once i know im going to add it to the wiki and do a pdf schematic to add to the mb64e section because i dont want anyoneelse to get as frustrated as i have become, but then again im so fuzzed up on medication now i can rmember things when they are in front of me.
  18. im going around and around now and im not sure if someone has said yes i can in chat or no, or if i have been pointed by someone to a bit of info that says yes or no. to put it plain and simple, im going to build a replica bpm unit using the mb64e however i also need 7 non motorised faders as well. now i dont want to have to use an ain module so can i connect 7x60mm linear faders to the din4x board along with all the other encoders and buttons? if so what part of the code would i need to change. i have spent the best part of 2 days going round and round reading and reading as much as i can drawing things down and trying to figure this one out on my own, but the only thing im stuck on now is the 7 faders. can someone tell me once and for all if i can use them on the din board and relevent procedure to the code if theres a code switch to use in the asm. i have figured out hardware/ modules/ connections/ and all the other bits but its just these damn faders im lost on, i have found the infinity faders as used by behringer and digidesign etc and if need be i will have to stump up for those if i have to and they will work with the mb64e. thanks again guys.
  19. ssp

    bpm controller

    hi lylehaze. its probaly me thats at fault, the mb64e section is sparse in information really i had to goto the din board section to get more info. i dont know whats possible or not thats why i put the schematic change up and explained what i wanted, i will need 7 60mm faders in there somehow. im sure the 64e uses encoders instead of pots, anyway right now just when i thought i had a clue about things i dont again, looks like another days reading and trying to make sense of going back and fore in pages and pdfsok is it possible to use these faders instead as they are linear encoders same as used in behringers. http://www.infiniumtechnologies.com/categories/20090619 60mm i want http://www.infiniumtechnologies.com/downloads/20090617_2/download
  20. ssp

    bpm controller

    ok well i finally found what i needed to read up on things, had to look elsewhere to find the info on adifferent page but i got it in the end this does not include the lcd for the mb64e here or the midimon stuff yet, i will add that later on. now the pdfs show say using 4 din4x boards that im looking at 16 encoders and 32 buttons per din4x board. now then i will need 25 encoders 7 of which will be 60mm 10k linear faders non motorised in place of a rotary encoder and i will then want 53 buttons. i have figured the layout now but i have a question. can i mix faders and buttons on a din4x boards connections?say i used 5 of the terminals for buttons and the remaining two for encoders is that ok? apart from that theres no other questions really i have taken the 8 buttons needed for the mbe64 lcd and the 4 for the midimon lcd i will also fit in as well. took a little looking around with a heads up from smashtv to let me know to use the din4x rather than the ain board once i knew that what i needed was on the din page, it might be a good idea to have some of the din4x pdfs on the mb64e pages as well as they are relevent to that design, as i spent ages reading and looking through that page to find the info i needed. i will add some of my stuff as pdf to that page as well if its wanted.
  21. looking for a gm5 board and another gm5 chip also, a kit will be fine if someone has it lying around, i will need a gm5 for my next project. thanks
  22. well i have decided to show you the case design i did in its glory with a full render and painted with the wood. now the first design i had i chose to go with a graphite flake satin powder coat similar to the one used on mackie desks, the reason for this was that the keypad i got for the unit was a dark colour so it would have to be that sort of colour for the facework, i then decided on a walnut wood front rest with side cheeks as the darker wood suited it better. so i sent this one to the powder coaters only to find a lighter keypad on the net from hong kong, so i ordered that and have had a new case made in the meantime. heres the initial colourscheme and casework. So as i got the new keypad on its way i decided to go with a lighter colour and wood, i chose a powder coat colour ral-1013 oyser white with satin beech wood. i recently got to have a hands on with the new atruria origin synth and loved its colour and the layout graphics for the buttons and dials, the colour scheme was really nice so it meant that that was the way i was going to go with mine so i took as many high res photos as i could for reference. also going into the case is a 15.4 touchscreen assembly this will allow on screen control of the faders and meters etc in digital performer which will make things much easier for me. internally there will be the gm5 interface using the digital midi link to control the core and the dout/mtc display coming off a 9v supply, then theres a supply for the screen and one for the internal 4 port hub. also going in is a canniblised shuttle pro with a new array of buttons and a keypad for transport controls for digital performer and punching into a specific time location. the rear of the unit will have a fused iec power connector socket with built in on/off switch and a midi in out from the gm5 should i want it, also the svgs hd input d connector for the screen, i did think of using a 5pin screen connector to take everything from a rack unit but due to not finding the connector i wanted in stock i went with this design instead. in the meantime until i can finish things heres the final render of the casework and wood that is supposed.. supposed to be here monday, im hoping. i have also given the project a name and im in the process of reistering the domain name and i want to do a blog thing on there and here of the build of this and other things i want to build, i also want to have a solidworks section on there showing the case design etc just in case its too much stuff to put on here (are the mods and tk ok with that??) heres a rear pic of the case showing the name i gave it "HU-MON" and also a nice big jpeg all fancy and stuff as nils puts it.
  23. yes i do all my stuff in solidworks, its great because i can do a whole assembly in there and check the interference in real time and adjust it in 3d. i cant take credit for the desk as its similar in design to the prodecks ones, its just that after looking at them and seeing that the feet were flimsy and prone to breaking as per the numerous compliants about them and the fact its not a thick enough mdf, i re did it for flexi as he was good enough to send me two gm5 chips for my gm5x5x5 boards im getting. its important to give a little back as and when i can, however if theres an issue with this being here then the mods can remove it all, i have no problem with that. i was talking with the guys about doing faceplates and panels etc in works and then supplying the drawings and cad files to whoever wants them, as long as i get tech info for parts, spacings etc then i can build anything for you. in the meantime heres the desk with the stands and laptop shelf as described, however i have to do a couple of changes for mr fussy... i mean flexi ;) enjoy
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