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Everything posted by ssp

  1. the lc can be used in hui mode, you can also build an mb controller and assign anything on there to do whatever you want, as long as you know the relative commands for the interface/daw software or if it has a midi learn function in your daw then use that on each encoder fader and button and then save the mapped preset as a default load , you could also save the setup on a bankstick as well the other thing is , if the desks faders are audio faders then you would need to get dual strip faders with seperate strips per fader for audio and for fader automation as you cant mix the both. im sure one of the other guys will explain this in a more succinct way than myself. i had a console here recently that i thought about automating however as the required faders were ridiculously expensive it never came about.
  2. the one thing you will find about being a member here or about this site in general is that nothing is not shared, all of the projects designed by either thorsten, nils, wilba or anyone here is always made freely available all the way down to the pcb drawings to have your own sets made. the main crux of this site is to share what you learn, its a way of giving back to the community and those who spent time helping others. since i have been here i have had help and i now offer help in return where i can. just because someone doesnt contribute , it doesnt make them any less likely to learn from the project. not every member here is as technically minded as some, so things like this on the forum will only help educate them further, as have we helped you in this thread since you started it, we have not placed any conditions on sharing this information of which it is all available on ucapps and throughout this forums many thousands of threads. just my 2 cents ;)
  3. did a power up last night but i didnt connect the core this time i just took a power reading from the psu first to make sure the 9v was still there, good job i did becuase the 7809 had gone and it was pumping out 12.28v it didnt like being on an ac psu so that was scrapped, im going to built the power input stage from the core thats shown on the bottom of the core schematics, this way i can input the 12v+ ac and it will change it to 9v+ dc and also change the 7805 to a 7809, its only a few parts so no big problem to build. hopefully i will build that today and fire this up tonight and then i can link the touchscreen up and get it running. im still waiting on the wood sections, as soon as they turn up i will put some more pics up also just the lazertrans front legend sheets to do also.
  4. yea its a good idea to get the schems and link them up in a drawing also get your button and encoder schems and link those rather than use the legends on the pdfs, that way you get the pin cnx done on the drawings too. i spent a few days doing just that for my next project, that way i dont have to bug anyone for advice until its built and im in testing stage if i need to.
  5. to be honest for more info on the edrum your best going to the edrum forums and asking there, a quiet forum doesnt necessarily mean there is no-one about and that it isnt supported. there have been many edrums made and the original designer is still there also so who better to answer your questions? it will be best for you to check there first then after getting all the info you need take things from there, but if you want to build something else in the meantime im sure either smashy or mike would gladly sell you some rather nice kits ;)
  6. lol jeff its not that its that i just dont realise how much i spend at the time and i spend too much all the time. the wife is good about me buying stuff its just i get sorta led astray by people telling me i need such and such with it and i tend not to notice and go along with it. i dont have a grasp of how much i spend so i get a little bit confused at times when im out buying things. the other month i went out to buy a couple of computer parts and i ended up coming home with a new mac pro, two motu 2408 interfaces a new version of digital performer , and the bpm software and a few other things, she said" how much did you spend" to be honest i didnt have a clue so i gave her the recipt and she was a little amazed. she just likes to make sure im not being messed over for my cash thats all, its just one of those things i deal with on a daily basis its not easy but i live with it, most people who suffer with t.i.a's or mini strokes lose certain functions and relative thinking abilities thats one of the things i have to live with. i would rather sonic say how much he wants rather than me not know what to offer
  7. the help is there for you its not an issue , but it always helps if you go and read , read, read all the info here , inthe threads, on ucapss and in the pdf files. that way your questions related to any issues or projects will be better constructed and will show the guys here that you have at least made an effort in learning this stuff yourself. for some of the guys who have some learning difficulties or other issues that hinder them the guys here will help you as much as they possibly can, i know this as they have helped me immensly since i joined but i had to do a lot for myself first. most of my questions coming when i needed to ask after trying things myself. take a good read through everything first and if theres something you need to know pop a question up and we will see what we can do to offer advice for oyu. in the meantime welcome to the forum!
  8. im not reffering to the germ possibilities im am offering a well know solution to those with certain problems with AS, doing things this way enables sufferes to be able to do something because the brain will accept the input as a positive. thats why i suggested it. i have seen others with AS use this method for various things over a period of time and in doing so enabled them to progress with that task or item. its a suggestion prehaps you should really think about trying? i myself have a certain problem with my fingernails where i want to grow them but if i get one little spec of dirt under the nails i will try and clean them and because the feeling of dirt under the nails is so revolting to me and offensive i have to then cut all my nails off, this is a bit of a blight for me as it also made me bite my nails. i still have an issue with dirt under my nails amoungst othe things. the gloves thing is something i have tried for certain tasks and i now accept it as a norm. but then i need some nails !
  9. its simple then goto a chemists and by some alcohol wipes and also some latex gloves get the talc coated ones as these will feel better against your skin, then while wearing the gloves wipe clean the keyboard. i have had to do this an many times with other things due to my low immune system and various other issues. this way i know its clean, the talc coated latex gloves are not tight and are easy to remove, you can also get the more loose fitting ones that are not coated but are very loose fitting. mosty people with AS do this when it comes to cleaning because of a set in way doing things and a discomfort when the normal routine which has become embedded is altered in any way, also the fixation of clenliness which can also be a part of AS can be dealth with as the brain will associate the fact of cleanliness and sterility which comes from the gloves and sterile wipes. now you may say yes thats fine but the fact there may be dirt inside means its still an issue to you, well you can also get some isopropyl impregnated wipes or again use the steri wipes and open the case and clean inside also. however you must bear in mind that over a period of 1 month you will shed so much skin cells and accumilate dust etc on the keyboard that you will find yourself cleaning it constantly. using the above method will over time allay your AS and mean that you will accomodate the keyboard and its previously dirty state into your routine.
  10. dont get me wrong im not saying i want it cheap just because rapid do parts cheap, i just needed to know what i had to get to make the kit up and work out prices, also i have to do this without wifey seeing me spend more money!! im still trying to buy some more stuff off smashtv and everytime she sees me in paypal shes over my shoulder at the moment. give me a ball park figure on what you want mate and i can either say yes or no, you must have an amount in your mind already. let me know thanks again.
  11. its not made anymore you would have to buy second hand it what yamaha call a legacy product
  12. i wouldnt know what to offer you mate, really i wouldnt as there is so much thats already populated i wouldnt know what to offer, im stumped. trevor offered me the boards, pic, and prom's for a little over 55 most of the components are in the pence range from rapid and a few pounds for others. so i really dont know mate, also can you pop a couple of pics of what you have got done up here for me to look at please? thanks for gettting back to me about this.
  13. oh madox, do i feel sorry for you mate.... i got quite a way with japanese and even that was childs play compared to chinese, when one of my friends said there was over 30 ways to pronounce the word "ma" in chinese i freaked!! when i did some and you ask how are you "li ho ma?" he pissed himself and told me it was wrong, i cant remember what it was i said but it wasnt right at all. rasing the tone and the length of the letters tone etc all mad stuff. and then to top it off you have mandarin and cantonese, also in other areas of china some pople speak a really older vision of chinese which is even harder. my.. i really feel for you!
  14. ok let me know what you have got there and what your looking for it all and we can go from there, bear in mind that rapid electronics who im using are really really cheap on parts now so populating the board wont be an issue, and some of the wierd caps are available now thanks to the mass production of stuff coming into the country now. but i am interested, let me know
  15. its ok i emailed trevor again today and hes got back to me, hes been busy and moving house , i have a number that i can reach him on should i need to. thanks guys ;)
  16. does anyone here have a way of contacting trevor? prehaps a phone number by chance? he emailed me back in 6-6-2009 and i replied but havent heard from him since and its getting annoying now as i want to buy a set of 9090 boards, pics and proms. so if anyone has a means of getting in touch with him for me or can help please let me know thanks
  17. most tact switches and caps are relative to the manufacturer, this being that the assembly will have specific mount points etc. there are a plethora of switch manufactureres out there who will if need be sell to you directly all you have to do is give them a call. here is the details of one called apem, they also do knobs and keypads amoungst many things. take a look and see whats there, and if you see what you want try calling them and sales see what they can do, problem is rs, cpc and farnell do not stock thier complete range. http://www.apem.co.uk/default.htm
  18. its not that you have rubbed anyone up the wrong way , far from it. we are just curious as to why you dismiss the gm5 so easily? ploytec are not some fly by night company and are making new developments all the time. the gm5 is a nice basic usb interface and will do exactly what you wanted one for, but it also has the functionality to be expanded on should you so wish. failing that, if you just want a cheap simple off the shelf interface that just does what it does then you will find hndreds of usb-midi interfaces on ebay for a couple of bux the gm5 is a nice little bit of kit and something good for a build and its handy because of its size, the thing is bloody tiny! then at a later date say you fancied making a core and some modules you can control it with the gm5 using the onboard ports. all good points to this unit. the pic one that you refer to is another chioce ut your in for a little bit extra work and setup etc. for what you want to do and the sheer cheapness and simplicity of it the gm5 gives you more bang for your buck.
  19. ok, its simple, if your using a 9v wall adapter to power the core and you need to attatch to the two pins then get this lot and it will work. http://uk.rs-online.com/web/search/searchBrowseAction.html?method=getProduct&R=0448382 or for chassis mount get this http://uk.rs-online.com/web/search/searchBrowseAction.html?method=getProduct&R=0486684 then run two wires over to some molex kk crimps , crimp them up and then slide and click into a two way molex kk housing. http://www.rapidonline.com/Cables-Connectors/Connectors-Multipole/PCB-Interconnect/2.54mm-KK-PCB-Connectors/66414/kw/molex+kk you need 2 way 2.54mm kk housing and some 2.54MM KK MOLEX CRIMP TERMINAL PK 100 RC at those prices you would be mad not to take them!! i bought loads off rapid. cheaper than enywhere else 100_2192.JPG 100_2193.JPG 100_2192.JPG 100_2193.JPG
  20. then prehaps nothing we suggest will suffice for you then, the gm5 is the most easiest interface to use with either mios for future projects or as an interface in its own right, laso the very fact you can get it as a 5x5 x5 module from the guys here and the fact that the last group buy on that setup was gone in no time shows how well the units operate for everyone in this community we have all tried to give you a good reason to use the gm5 and as the chips are cheap on a bulk buy that tk arranges they dont cost much per chip either , neither do the pcbs, by the time you have built it you have got one much cheaper than the off the shelf one. i cant hang around here...... bttd
  21. there a quite a few guys here that have spare gm5 boards and chips, put up a request in the fleamarket thats wht i have done, they will oblige you if they have spares to offer. the usb gm5 is fine and the chip is a new product from ploytec. the gm5 will do everything you want its the most sensible choice to make really
  22. ssp

    bpm controller

    well i started working layouts tonight here is the first one of many to come on a 1:1 scale, i havenbt figured out the mtc layout yet either, it would be so nice if i could fit a larger graphical display in there and have the midimon and the mb64e stuff on one screen.
  23. well you have two options you can either go for the gm5 which has usb to midi with one in-out physical port and the others as digital or you can go for the gm5x5x5 five in and out midi interface. do a search for these on the forum also hit the ucapps button on the top of this page to goto the ucapps.de site and look in the left hand menu scroll down till you see the gm5 listed click and read, then read more.
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