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J Martins

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Everything posted by J Martins

  1. J Martins


    Now I haz my logo on the boards too. (not sure about perfection on resistor placement :)
  2. J Martins


    New Case for another MB64
  3. J Martins


    DIN on the way
  4. J Martins


    MIDI Jack wired with the Brazilian flag's colors. World Cup Mood :)
  5. J Martins


    DIN on the way
  6. J Martins


    And it already have a drilled (perfect) hole for and LCD? Hot :)
  7. hey Janis, phunk, thanks for these help dudes! Yes , the pots are linear (not sure if the electonics shop seller from here know the diference to those logs :)). I already have built a mb64. Surely I was worried about the pot's resistance due it's already mounted on the panel (or something that you could call it. I still thinking the hard part of a DIY project is to get a nice professional-look front panel for cheap)so the potentiometers are ready for soldering. The LCD I think was killed due the soldering iron because I had to solder the cable 2 times after I got wrong datasheet from it. Also I friend gave me a LCD that is just showing squares in the display even in that application made to test the LCD interconnection. So i think my soldering iron is geting too hot or so :). I have another question. Maybe stupid a bit. It is possible to use push-buttons in a AIN module? I have etched a DIN module and already have soldered all the parts on it, but I have a spare AIN module and it is from the SmashTV shop and surely I'd prefer use a high quality instead mine homemade PCB :)
  8. Yo Dudes :) Long time no talk. I'm missing the lurking days anyway I still without internet access from my new home (erm, its just a room but I'm paying for that 1/5 in bills I was paying in my old home :) ) Life's going , somethings bad, somethings good. The good is, I'm finally back to my workbench. Whee :) So I'm building another MB64 to use as foward point with another Midibox64 that I have. Many doubts are poping. Sorry if they are the old same questions (I'm really having just little time online to search info here) but if you have some free time to answer them, many thanks! 1- Well, as aways I bought crap pots for the project. The good is, all the pots are alive, showing some resistance on the meter. The bad that some are showing ~11.5 / 12K of resistance. Anyone thinks it may cause some random events or it will just affect the MIDI CC values? I mean, for instance if I turn the physical pot to the middle, the virtual pot/parameter will not jump to middle exactly, I guess. Have you guys think that have a way I can fix that? (whitou buy new pots :) ) 2- Other thing I was facing. I have a nice case for the project but the 2200 uF cap from the core module is to bigger for that. Do you guys think I can place this capacitor horizontally without problems? In this way, the core will fit nicely on that case. 3- Another doubt. Do you guys think I can kill a LCD while soldering the cable on that :P? 4- On the LCD area. I noticed I can print LCD messages via Sysex (?). I'm think to use that to control some Synthmaker made VSTs, so in this way the VST will talk with my box further I will not need to look to computer screen to choose stuff , like functions, etc (The deal is to use the LCD instead the computer screen to use the VST). The use of the Sysex thing to print messages on the LCD could affect the performance of my box? Thats it, I have other few questions that I will post later. Hope to see you guys in soon on the lurking lair :P
  9. Happy New Year & Happy New Gear!

  10. J Martins


    Very nice! Ughh, gotta go start work in any type of slavery job to buy/build my own!
  11. Well my friend potain, just a reply to put a flag for other dudes help you. I'm sure you doublecheked all the whole project, and with my low skills on this project my only thoughts are focused on the PIC or again in the multiplexers or maybe in your wiring method. Can someone suggest something to help my friend potain?
  12. yes, I should to say sorry again m00dawg. I was not with the intention to answer your questions, just attaching my questions to your thread. Then yes, I'm seeking basically analog inputs for my projects. In the PIC_BASED_CORE I had an ideia to make it done via mb64. I mean, there is a lot of info how to do that (how to connect 64 pots, info to ground pots, linking AIN modules to the PIC_BASED_CORE, there is a walkthrough, tons of people already built that posting their experiences of building here, etc) Trying to make a decision to jump over the core32 or still in the PIC_BASED, I'm not sure how I can build an mb64 project using an SMT32 Core. Instead of the PIC_BASED, I can't find some info to do that via an STM Anyway, I think, I will create my own topic to free your way for the answers of your doubts.
  13. So, this topic is falling down on this board, and nobody will reply? Anyway getting the flow of it (sorry m00dawg, just to not create another topic with similar questions) How? I mean, in the PIC_BASED_CORE there is some info to do that (8 pots in the case of that core) Same. We need to wait for an application to do that? Programming effort? Or already there is some info to do that and I'm missing it? PS: Last two quotes are from http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp_core_stm32.html, same info can be found on the SmashTV MIDI shop
  14. Quem estiver precisando de soquetes MIDI DIN 5 como o Furlao tá precisando, eu posso enviar por $5 cada + Envio Eu tenho acesso aos do tipo que se monta em case, não aos que se monta direto na placa. Quem tiver interessado me mande uma mensagem privada (pro Furlao eu vou enviar uns em troca de uns LCDs Azuis , aloooww? :D) Concordo plenamente com o ampersand em insistir em fazer as placas em uma fábrica. Eu não sei quanto à vocês, mas eu vou levar minha midibox para tocar em apresentações ao vivo, e talvez até em raves em locais remotos (tipo praias, florestas, etc), eu não tô afim de leva-la com placas de fenolite feitas em casa, sem nenhum tratamento para aguentar condições extremas. Já cansei de descolar trilhas dessas placas de fenolite. Tenho planejado em fazer uns projetos apenas para uso doméstico, essas aí sim podem ser placas caseiras. E mais uma vez reforçando o que o ampersand disse. São pouquíssimos brasileiros no fórum, talvez uns 5 atualmente. Para demonstrar isso, é só acompanhar o ritmo deste tópico. Este ano que começaram à aparecer alguns posts, portanto se tivesse mais interesse, o custo reduziria bastante para cada placa pois poderiamos mandar fazer mais.
  15. There is no way of using knobs attached in a pckeyboard, because the keys are digital inputs,then you need an ADC to attach em. btw, this instructable maybe can be interesting for you. http://www.instructables.com/id/Hacking-a-USB-Keyboard/ K. Edit: Also you can use the keys from the PCkeyboard to send MIDI messages. Spending 30 minutes even in Visual Basic you can write your own app to do this via MIDI Yoke or whatever. Check this example: I made this app in Visual Basic (of course :P), it sends MIDI NOTE messages via MIDI Yoke for my host, that's Fl Studio, so I can switch effects, channels etc. download link: http://www.oitodigiarts.xpg.com.br/MIDIitSM.rar UI picture:
  16. Hey AC, if you are looking for an YMF262 and just one YAC512, I can sell for you an old SB 16 ISA. I was planning desolder them for my future Midibox FM, but as I'm walking with turtle steps even in my mb64 project, there is no problem sell this board for you. As you are from Brazil too, the shipping will be easy and cheap. Send me a private message if you want this board. PS: The board is working fine. It was tested.
  17. aff, o próximo que postar por favor abra um tópico só escrito "Português" esse tópico "Portuguese? Anyone?" é tosco!
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