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J Martins

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Everything posted by J Martins

  1. Exatamente lennysson. Eu fiz diversas tentativas, algumas chegaram à ficar com um aspecto 90% profissional, mas mesmo assim não se compara com uma placa industrial em termos de durabilidade. Uma placa feita em casa, creio que é ideal para protótipos rápidos, mas não para um projeto definitivo. Eu particurlamente já tentei alguns métodos, diversos tipos de papeis no método de transferência térmica, mesmo assim sempre é necessário alguns retoques com caneta p/ retro-projetor neste método. Tambem tentei o método de foto-emulsão com tinta de silk-screen. Esse enclusive foi minha pior escolha, pois quem já o fez sabe o que é o drama para tirar a 'película' que a tinta de silk deixa após a revelação. E ainda, neste método só pode ser usado mesmo o percloreto para corrosão, ao invéz de acido muriático e acetona, formula corrosiva que é bem mais eficaz. Então tocando neste assunto, o ampersand deu uma ideia aí acima que eu já havia tido, infelizmente não tinha compartilhado ainda, até por não ter brazucas no fórum antes, que é a ideia de fazer uma vaquinha para mandar fazer alguns cores em uma fábrica. Se vc estiver interessado em entrar nessa vaquinha lenysson , mantenha o contato. Abraços K.
  2. Hey AC, I will write something in English, so it's better to everybody understand. It's sad heard that you are finding problems in your project. Which project you are building? You know, I'm just a newbie here but did you already made all of the midi test/troubleshooting steps? Try to post your tests here. Home-made pcbs maybe can be your issue too, and I would suggest you another application to burn your PIC. Anyway, if you have a free time, you can build an MBHP BURNER or even the out-of-date JDM Module. Good luck troubleshooting your project, and I hope to hear good news in soon! K. OBS to AC: AC, to planejando fazer uma 'vaquinha' para mandar fazer uns cores v3 numa fabrica aqui dor Rio, então se tiver interessado em entrar nessa vaquinha para pegar um core para você, mantenha contato, pois uma placa profissional pode lhe ajudar no seu projeto
  3. Hi Thanks Thorsten. ampersand and I are locals, we live in the same city. That helps in the organization for this bulk order, which we are collecting more info about that pcb factory, trying to take some pictures from their previous pcbs, etc. So, when we have everything ok, if there is no problem, we will post a topic in portuguese inviting our countrymen to join in this bulk order. K.
  4. Hi me and ampersand was discussing about this subject yesterday. So, I think everyone who already tried to build a MIDIBox in Brazil probably has suffered with import fees, and worst, even can't import his parts/ components due to lack of an PayPal account or an International Credit Card . Also to make custom/ home-etching PCBs for people that never did it, this process is a bit slow. Yes, fun and learning it is, but as I spoke with ampersand we are looking for long-life made Pcbs. That almost home-made don't have enough durability. As we found a PCB factory near of our city, we are planning, at least, to make in that factory 10 PIC BASED Core_v3 Pcbs (that's the minimum quantity that this factory do). So, we are thinking to try collect people from our country here, to paid that factory. Surely this is a sort of 'bulk order/group buy' stuff. Also I would like to say that the price will be very good for each Core Pcb (R$28, that's ~ $13 USD per PCB). ampersand are looking for 2 core pcbs and me too, then we need to collect people who are interested in the other 6 core_v3 Pcbs, and I think this forum is the best place to find them. To avoid any type of confusion, I would like to say that we are only looking for persons from our country to join in this group buy stuff, So we are far away to offer services such as Avishowtec by SmashTV or the Mike MIDI Shop and neither we are trying to go against them. Then any opinion about this subject is welcome or an nameization too I really trust that those PCBs will help our mates here building their boxes. KnoBall PS: Bellow is the web link for the PCB factory where actually ampersand are looking for to make the Core-V3 PCBs. http://www.gigaeletronica.com.br/
  5. Fala ampersand! Tu é do Rio? Po, show! Eu também! Cara, eu já tinha seguido o mesmo caminho que você. Já tinha entrado em contato com a Giga e pensado em fazer lá, mas não tive..e por equanto também não tenho a grana para bancar 10 placas só para mim! Vamo tentar rachar isso ae sim! Tenta entrar em contato comigo ae por mensagem privada, e-mail ou MSN. E tipo, eu viso uns 2 cores nessa vaquinha, com certeza se sobrar tem outras pessoas por aqui (do Brasil) que vão comprar tranquilo, só vou tentar dar uma idéia primeiro nos gringos quanto ao lance da legalidade desse esquema para vender para agente não arrumar nenhum problema com o tio TK. Te garanto que fazendo por lá pela Giga é miiiiiiil vezes melhor do que tentar fazer isso em casa! Aguardo seu contato ae véi K.
  6. OMG! Did you already checked those links? hehe that's why I have 2 days browsing this forum, I'm not fast enough Ok, changing the subject, did you checked in special this one? http://sethsandler.com/multitouch/mtmini/ For less than $50 and to spend 5 minutes, I can't see an easier and cheap way for an touch pad. Of course if someone explain how to cannibalize an (broken) nootebook an pick up the touch pad to be useful in a MB project. K.
  7. Hi thepcman Oh yeah, I was thinking in something like this sometime ago. Just had a look inside in a notebook and I can't see how it's possible. Hope an guru can help you (us) :-) Meanwhile, take a look in the TUIO stuff, maybe it can help you. Bellow some links: http://tuio.org/ http://sethsandler.com/multitouch/mtmini/ Oh, and my favorite: http://www.reactable.com/ http://reactivision.sourceforge.net/ K.
  8. kmargos, parecesse que vc conseguiu como conversamos pelo Orkut. Depois coloca o código que tu fez para o próximo já ter uma base. Mas só para averiguar, vc conseguiu acender os 128 LEDS sem a latência que vc disse que tinhas encontrado? Mudando de assunto, só passando para recomendar um verniz decente para circuitos impressos para os próximos que se arriscarem a fazer suas placas em casa Comprei essa semana este aqui: http://www.implastec.com.br/produto.php?prod_id=30 Para quem não conhece, vale a pena, já apliquei em algumas placas que eu fiz e funcionou blz. Diferente de outros vernises não-próprios para eletronica esse não permite fuga de voltagem nas trilhas. Algo que eu já havia visto com outros vernizes que testei. K.
  9. Oh, ok. Sorry :) Yeah, there is lot of info here and I'm always missing stuff K.
  10. Surely LyleHaze it has great info in that link! Thanks for share it! But I just has found 2 broken links in the website, well, these ones 'install MIDI IO' in the REXX stuff section and 'PC keyboard to MIDI note controller adapter' in the hardware section. Both seemed interesting for my needs. Anyway is good website. I suggest to put the link on Wiki. K.
  11. É lennysson Quem já tem a base da eletrônica, passeia por aqui. Eu tenho apredido tudo em relação à isso (eletrônica)depois que começei a frequentar a ucapps, prq vale a pena. A milcomp é um bom site, mas prefiro a Farnell do Brasil para comprar componentes. Cara, quanto a programação, só to impreguinando os gringos para saber o que tu quer. eu to engatinhando agora no asm. Abraços
  12. well, as Flexi said that nowadays has no problem to say I'm using Gemini in my setup, I just pick up a old photo from it over a made-for-civilized-humans-desk before the smoke-and-audio-vandalism and memory-destruction ages. (yes, I still using Gemini) It had good looks, but after those ages it got some scratches on surface and it has got a bad looks due to a lot of ashes of cigarette over it (also it got over the surface food, drink, etc). So, that was why I said something about wood. madox: What decks you bought? KB
  13. hey Smithy, thanks for the help! oh, yeah, I forgot to search for the file name or in the web archive. Now, it's a mission for me, searching for those manuals. After made a bad joke with my friend (via http://lmgtfy.com/?q=Casio+MG-500+User+manual) he's not allowing me to play with his toy or to do some modification on it until I have found the manual. kb
  14. ayo dudes yes ssp, gm5 seems the best solution for handle with USB. Unfortunately not for me, that live in a place where the words import stuffs was banned from dictionaries. And as I have checked last week, even in Reichelt.de the AN2131SC chip wasn't available. So no USB module for me. Or maybe, under all the histories , I'll go to the PIC USB MODULE or finally surrender to a decent MIDI interface. So, my question still in the air. Is there a way to build a DIY MIDI-to-USB converter similar to an cable? I see a lots of cables selling, and in other places of the globe it's cheap, then I can't understand why it's havn't a DIY way yet. Think this question can help a bit our petitioner Urgon KB
  15. hey I'm trying to find the Owner's manual for the 80's MIDI gear Casio MG-500 for free (Service manual is welcome too) to a friend of mine that got this thing. Anyone have it or knows where I can find it for free? I already thank. KB
  16. Robot percussionist via PIC? Good alternative when my lazy percussionist "forget" to play with me in my shows. I would love to see someone make this project via MB. KB
  17. very nice Artesia. I never tried to use UV exposure method to make an homemade PCB. In this light side way of etching boards Just tried photo-emulsion via silkscreen, I already used halogen lamp and a reflector to reveal layouts to the copper. As I'm a schizophrenic junk collector, I already has some broken cannibalized scanners here. This project definitely leads them for another destiny than use their cases to put some mb project or whatever. Thanks to show it. KB
  18. hehe, definitely maybe in the future I'll need some of these desks to support the next scratches jam session here.
  19. yeah, maybe a homemade crimp sockets is the solution here since I can't find them and I would like to use crimp sockets to wire pots and other stuff such as a LCD display instead soldering it. Those crimp sockets I presume is something made in copper, right? It can be made in other type of material? Because a got some pieces of aluminum in various thicknesses to try to make my homemade frontpanels, then maybe I can use some of these pieces to try to make my homemade crimp sockets. KB
  20. Produtos? :D fonte - ucapps.de
  21. dunno the Flexi tastes and where he will go use his djing desk. But as I have caveman turntablists friends, wood is not the best thing to put turntables over it. A lots of scratches and it`s not only in the vinyl records, in the wood while turntables moving around the top face . Also the records downside desk probably will shake a lot with a heavy back to back routine. I would suggest something to fix it and prevent the records not fall down the desk`s shelves. its just my taste, but I don`t like my records bellow of my deck`s desk. Hard to see it, find the next record for the next song, scratch routine. Anyway, good 3D work and project ssp. Keeping doing it. I`m a Lightwave user...just looking for some money to buy some Dosch textures to start some designs too. KB
  22. I just started in electronics a few months ago after discovered ucapps and after understand the DIY expression. But I already searched in a lot of local electronic shops for these crimp sockets and I never found it. KB
  23. ooops I`m seeing the USB module right now .I think I found the solution
  24. I would love to know if is possible an way to build an DIY MIDI->USB cable. I got yesterday a old dd-12 yamaha drumpad that has support for midi, and the that cable is the only way to use this dd-12 in my newer computers. But unfortunately, the cable is expensive here.
  25. hehe AC...como dizem os gringos bem vindo a bordo! Olha, p/ fazer um teclado mesmo seria legal usar o modulo FM, que usa chips das antigas Soundblaster que trabalhavam com os bancos de som GM, saca? Se vc tem uma estaçao de resolda vai ser mole desoldar esse chips das Soundblasters, e po, das antiga no Brasa o que mais tinha era Soundblaster! Eu mesmo jah peguei a minha de volta das sucatas e guardei com carinho. Viso arrumar outras + tbm. Dah uma escavada no FM module p/ to sacar do que eu to falando ou no SID module que eh interessante p/ um teclado. Se se perder da logica de funcionamento das mdibox fussa a wiki, lah tem varias infos p/ n00bs. Eu sou newbie por aqui tbm, continuo escavando, agora,.... bom q tu mora ae em Sampa, perto da Ifigenia, eu sou do Rio eh uma merd## p/ encontrar os componentes de vez em qnd. Meu projeto as vezes para uns 15 dias por falta de uma bosta de componente. To refazendo meu primeiro core depois de varios erros no primeiro projeto. Quer dizer, fazendo outro na verdade...vou me tacar numa mb64e que lida soh com MIDI, depois viso um FM module e quem sabe futuramente uma MB SEQ. Mantem contato ae pra gente ir trocando umas ideias! Vlw OBS: coeh desse sintetizador ae? abandonou mesmo? jogou fora? Q isso cara, aqui eh o lugar q isso eh mais incentivado, vc ainda tem o projeto ou ele ainda?
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