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Status Updates posted by Shuriken

  1. Happy new year everyone! That it may become a special year for you.

  2. Just watched Felix Baumgartner jump from 39KM,,,,congrats felix!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. technobreath


      Hehe. Yeah, that is definetly some crazy stuff! Not for me! But MAN what a good feeling it must be for him to finally have done what he always dreamed of!

    3. jojjelito


      That was a daring deed :D Shows that anything is possible if you dare.

    4. Antix


      I feel that sensation everytime I dip in the pool ;)

  3. Ordered a M-audio Venom. This synth is dirt cheap now.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Hawkeye


      TB, you received what you expected :-) - in my opinion, there are a few great sounding VSTs out there, and i´d love to use them, if I had the corresponding physical interface and quick startup-time. And yes, I know there is a guy out there on youtube who builds very nice physical enclosures around VSTs - in conjunction with a stripped-down quick-starting OS, it might be worth a second look :)

    3. technobreath


      You guys know when I'm joking? Of course I love hardware stuff myself, but I'm also a happy VSTi user, - most of my live rig is VSTi, and I'm happy with the concept ;). But of course I see ALL your points. Wick, that would be true if all VSTi synths were supposed to sound like a hardware synth ;). I actually used more hardware before, but I found the gear not sufficient for what I needed it to do, and though expensive shit, it sounded very cheap. So yeah, I love hardware, but I al...

    4. technobreath


      <- also use a lot of VSTi and happy about it. Let's not create a "apple / microsoft" war out of my joke dudes...

  4. is routing a transistor vbe matcher

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Hawkeye


      every good household should have a transistor matcher (and a c64 :)

    3. jojjelito


      Plus a Polivoks filter and a Buchla 259 :)

    4. Shuriken


      Etching my protoboard was a total failure. Going for another try tomorrow.

  5. Having trouble with the CORE_LPC_17 and B80C800RUND that recitifier needs some weight watchers....legs are too thick

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Shuriken


      Yeah mine are 0,8mm as well. Luckily i had a 1,5A version laying around that would fit....go figure :)

    3. jojjelito


      Ouch! I'll have to check if mine need to go on a diet.

    4. ultra


      legs are ok, holes are too small!

  6. Happy New Year, hopefully with even more amazing midibox stuff :)

    1. jojjelito


      Once the fog clears... :)

    2. Hawkeye


      yo, happy new year! :)

  7. quite surprissed as LPC1769 arrived after 3 only days....

    1. jojjelito


      Did you get it from Embedded Artists or Watterott? In Bed with Artists are in Sweden so it's fast for me :)

    2. Shuriken


      i ordered them from Embedded Artists. I choose regular mail for shipping.

  8. building tm3030

    1. Hawkeye


      Interesting unit - the third hit on google is a review by Altitude :-)

    2. jojjelito


      Small circle of people much? Best of luck with your build!

    3. Shuriken


      Yeah, i noticed Altitude's review recently. But i had my eye on this project for quite some time. It's a bit different from a X0X. But the pcb is small enough to make desktop unit, if one would want.

  9. Chone manya weesh asha beecho

  10. guesses the project is MBBLM

    1. Hawkeye


      i thought the same but did not dare to comment, as i am a real hardware noob :)

    2. Hawkeye


      and we were wrong :-)... nevermind :-)

  11. thinks the sammichFM looks sexy

  12. thinks nILS is hiding behind his modular synth

  13. wonders when Kaffeseq will be released

  14. was only kiddin' and loves his hardware synths

  15. finds hardware synths overrated as well and hugs his vst

  16. needs to start programming for his 3,2 inch tft + touchscreen

  17. so wanted to copy someone else’s status, but nILS always beats me to it

  18. wonders what's up with all the spammers on the forum lately

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