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albpower2seq4sid last won the day on December 18 2019

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About albpower2seq4sid

  • Birthday 02/17/1963

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    Music, Electronic Music, Midi, DIY project

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  1. albpower2seq4sid

    MIDI Sequencer with Arduino

    This is an early stage of development of a MIDI Sequencer using different types of Arduino boards :
  2. Hi ilmenator, I had the same issue but with a smt32, one LCD works fine, both -> garbage. It appears when suply voltage with the PC through USB cable, and fix it changing a 74HC595 with a 74HCT595 instead. so now it's working fine, but what you wrote ( and what Thorsten wrote ) is very important to me to understand the problem, may be a voltage level problem? in my case it seems i think due to the use of a 74HCT595, I'm not sure Thanks to Thorsten and you for this contribution Albert
  3. Arduino + DAC -> controlling VCO, VCF, VCA and digitally generated Envelope curves.... I'm working on it

    1. jojjelito


      Hmm, could be something good :)

    2. albpower2seq4sid


      OK!! i am thinking to attach some pictures here to show the advances on it!!

  4. Hi Rolfdegen sorry because i don't speak german, it seems very interesting your project, some month ago i was working and program on Arduino Card for controlling a DAC module to generate several voltages to control analogic symtheziser modules I build for this purpose, like a VCO based on six hex buffer 4069, a VCF steiner type, and a VCA with discrete compontes but ota style (with current mirrors ), I try to see your project and within some days i try to comment it Best Regards!!
  5. What new project could I start building?

    1. albpower2seq4sid


      Congratulations Germany!

    2. albpower2seq4sid
  6. Nice! Ok!, don't you use 1/4 " Jacks?
  7. does somebody attends this meeting?

  8. I recently built a second FM synth and for the control lines RS A0 A1 RW I used a 14 cm flat cable and channels 3 & 4 sound good, and notes sound without anything strange or spurious Although i bought some old creative sound cards, I found some YMF262 and YAC512 offers at ebay and Bought them, a few soldering and shorten control cables and I 've got clear sounds!!
  9. Hello Sergio I saw the schematics of paia theremin and they seem very cool because their simplicity and quite good design, typical paia design, very interesting the concepts of signal math processing and... distortion... ( not harmful, if not beneficial in order to get great sounds!! ) and quite pretty design of case and front panel, besides that the midi module adds some interesting features to the system, so enjoy it!! Have fun!!
  10. Piacere!! Todo bien che, te lo digo de onda!!! ok, I have two citizenship, argentina, and italian, 'cause my mother was italian so i love Italy and their people and history, i have italian aunts and uncles living in Australia and i call them often Well, as soon as i could see the theremin, i'll write you back to tell you what that theremin seems to me Salutti!!!
  11. Hello Ser_Yo, thank you for reviving that old thread, it's a really interesting issue for me, but i couldn't see the link here at work due to restritions in the access to some sites, implemented in this institution because they say Internet it's only for academic use here, tonight at home i will see it. By the way, in my native language "Ser_Yo" sounds like "it's me", although in this case it must be "Soy_Yo", please, what country are you from? thank you again for sharing this information cheers!!
  12. I saw the video! Lydia Kavina seems to be good! By the way the video shows some people watching this event, can I see you there? the video cam focuses at some faces
  13. Ok, i notice the dificulties seeing the videos and a few performes achieves good tunning notes, although volume control (like a VCA ) is less critical, but hear detects very little pitch changes or interval ratio when moving around the pitch change antenna. Ah, really interesting the use of sensors at light or infrared range, thanks for the data
  14. The basic idea i imagine is moving hands around the device it could generate midi code control, to play any midi device although at first it sounds good i need to figure out the dificulties to lead it to a practical design, one a DIY could build
  15. A RING MODULATOR to combine both signals ( mathematically ) and then a Low pass filter ( would be better a VCF? )... see this...
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