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Status Updates posted by technobreath

  1. So... heavy snowfall and blizzard finally hit us. Last time wich I can remember it was this way is 15 years ago! 30cm snow in just a couple of hours is extremely unusual around here, I had real problems getting home from work today - had to give up my usual route and find another way home! I got there, and I'm NOT leaving :D

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Hawkeye


      Get a proper snow mobile and do it boss style: http://www.break.com/index/snowmobile-mountain-slide-2054735 <- gotta see that vid!

    3. technobreath


      yeah, snowmobile would be VERY handy these days! btw - my office is 25km away - cross country ski trip is SO out of the question ;). No - thank god for the internet - makes it possible to do at least some work from home! hehe.

    4. technobreath


      btw, those pics in the article shows not nearly how bad it really is now - it has been snowing more or less very heavy for 20 hours now!

  2. Soldering LEDs on boards. Pink and blue uplight for my palm tree :D

    1. jojjelito


      Bizarro indeed. But does it run Crysis maxed out?

  3. Sorry guys for flooding the gallery with my studio contstruction pictures. Some of the guys at IRC wanted to see the pictures so bad :P.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. jojjelito


      Unfortunately that's more or less the entire living room/bedroom area so it's not all cave :( The synth gear sits in a corner.

    3. technobreath


      hawk, u're doin it wrong man. Me and my wife has moved 2 times now, and the first room that get set up is the music room. Now I just gotta watch out and not get another kid while we live here in our current house, then - even I - have to be reasonable and give up the cave for kids room... so by the time we get another kid we will hopefully be moving into the house with my new cave. :)

    4. technobreath


      btw, today all the wool is in place, and also the wall panels. Missing the ceiling and floor now.

  4. Spending my days home with my kid nowdays, about to release a new album: Crybaby: In Stereo :D

    1. gslug
    2. jojjelito


      and pitch it down for some fearsome growling!

  5. SQL Error / unvoluntary SARC :(

    1. wicked1


      What was up w/ that? Was a sad day w/out midibox :)

    2. jojjelito


      Yeah, that was strange. Phew :) Back to normal.

    3. Hawkeye


      it was good for productivity, but me was sad :(

  6. Testing the SSD disk... Win7 install, about 5-6 minutes from DVD, windows startup - 9 secs, photoshop CS5 startup 1.4 sec, installing Cubase 5 less than 10 seconds. OH I AM HAPPY!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Hawkeye
    3. jojjelito


      My computers complain when I mix up the Lion stick and the Win7 stick. Fascinating luxury problem :)

    4. m00dawg


      Rocking on SSD on my Mac (Crucial M4) and, yes indeed, it's amazing.

  7. The focusrite interface is lying safely in my car. I don't know if I dare bring it inside when wife looks. Next she'll start asking questions about money and shit like that.... :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Hawkeye


      yeah, borrowing ftw :) a friend just "borrowed" a quadcopter, otherwise he could not justify it and his girlfriend, who desperately wants to go to australia for holidays would have kicked his better parts :)

    3. technobreath


      Hehe, I went out after she went to bed, took it upstairs to the studio and unboxed it, and hid it in plain view on the desk :) She has no idea what gear I have anyway, but a new box comming inside from my car - that she would see through :P. Next I'm gonna borrow myself the new laptop :P

    4. Lamouette


      Haha, secret agent mode !

      Hey, Wahat is this new keyboard on your desk ? hummmmmmm something a friend lend to me.... Who ? Hummmmmmmm you see that i washed all the house yesterday....

  8. This morning, early sunday morning, missus, who is working @ a school, suddenly took the car and drove away. So I called her, no answer, and I call again, no answer, and then she calls me, and I says wtf are you? I'm at work. she says. I says it's bloody sunday! And she goes, no - it's monday.. then she goes... hmmm it's sunday, I'm at work, now I'm comming home! :D

    1. technobreath


      I fear this topic is too sensitive to be @ facebook where she can see it too :D LOL.

    2. Zossen
    3. Hawkeye
  9. This year's November exhibition is finally over. Working saturdays and sundays aint my thing :P. Got a couple of potential big orders though.

    1. jojjelito


      Every day is a work day, just not at work...

    2. Hawkeye


      dude, not soo much working, your soldering iron needs some care :) wehehe :)

    3. technobreath


      hehe work is a necessity to be able to midibox :P

  10. time to order my new interface. motu 8pre. It's Goood.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. technobreath


      I just ordered the 8pre. Pretty excited to see what it can do for me. I gave about nok 5100 incl. shipping ;) Pretty much the same price I would pay in a foreign webshop incl. taxes, vat and shipping. So I'm pleased.

    3. jojjelito
    4. technobreath


      I have also been looking at RME, but @ this time it's too expensive for what I need. I suspect I will be all set for a while with the 8PRE ;)

  11. Trace tetris is like working the opposite direction of the universe! Trying to bring order to the chaos! :D

    1. jojjelito


      Entropy rules, but just do the power and gnd runs first. The rest is "artistry"...

    2. technobreath


      Hehe, yes. Problem is that this is a linear multiple rail powersupply :D. Everything is power and ground runs :D hehe

    3. jojjelito
  12. TV shop salesman: Salad Chef utilizes centrifugal high speed technology to spin the salad -> Oh, so it has a gear... :D dude!

  13. Visited a retired plastic / model worker (guru!) today to get some real advice regarding my custom case build. Was really cool and helpful old guy! See my blog entry for the story :)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Antix


      Termoplastic or fiberglass?

    3. technobreath


      fiberglass :). Gelcoated that is. CS is special, it's gonna be coated with hexcel texalium cloth (which looks like blue carbon fiber cloth) covered by epoxy.

    4. Hawkeye


      thanks for the documentation, will be also interesting for model plane builders :)

  14. Watching the opening trials for the norwegian shooter... pretty wierd to see how normal and well educated the man looks and sounds...

    1. jojjelito


      Terrible tragedy! They should put him in a room and then throw away the room.

    2. Hawkeye


      totally agreed.

  15. Weeeeeeeeeee! Merry Christmas!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Antix
    3. technobreath


      True true hawkeye. Turns out having a kid means a lot more presents in the trunk of the car at the end of the day. But no midiboxes. I saw this electronics kit fro kids though in the shop here the other day, but I looked at it and thought, nah - this is really cheap stuff... It's like buying a kid a plastic hammer - why not just get the kid a small real hammer. much better. :)

    4. Lamouette
  16. What to do when fever / sore throat hit u? Keep midiboxing :D.

    1. jojjelito


      Take a break and listen to some music? Eat chicken soup :)

    2. Hawkeye


      ah, get better soon! :)

  17. Why is babies born with an asshole? To annoy the daddy by shitting in it right after receiving a new diaper apparently... It better just be a fart! :D

    1. Antix


      My little daughter was about ...I dont remember anymore ...but she had the "pampers" so full of poo that she started to seed little drops of shit in all the rooms...fortunately she saved the carpet :D

  18. Will definetly find some time this evening to nail the enclosure design for the mb6582 :)

    1. jojjelito
    2. technobreath


      Haha, u know that I ALWAYS put a picture up here when I did something, so I guess u are right, it didn't happen :D. Kid got sick the last days, so I had to do other stuff... but I have definetly given it a lot of thought ;).

  19. Wish I had a camera to show my prototype of a psu for 6582. It's made of cardboard and wires :P Cheap protoboard :D Don't know if I dare start it up though :P

    1. JRock


      Tou got to sometime bud;) just keep one hand on the plug!

    2. technobreath


      Started it up today. I gotta do something about the trafo, too high voltage. The DC at the 2200uF reads 23V, or I gotta get me some 18V regulators or something to get it down a bit before the 5,9 and 12v regulators. I already used a 7812 in series before the 7805. But at least without load it worked very well, but I expect the temp to raise a lot with load especially led matrix, so I gotta do something...

    3. technobreath


      I didn't want to try to load the PSU as all the components is stuffed through cardboard - fire in livingroom :P

  20. Wow! Upgrades! This looks NICE. Where is teh pp donation buttons?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Shuriken


      I guess Twin-X swung by and worked his magic again.

    3. Antix


      The little tablet like it too

    4. Hawkeye


      need to adapt to a few things, but in general, it is very nice! (was nice, before, too :))

  21. Yeah! Parts for my 64e expression box on it's way :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. technobreath


      midibox or throwing knifes? :D

    3. technobreath


      I predict a mb6582 on my table in 2026 :P

    4. jojjelito


      Hmm, the good things take time.

      LPC1769, 82c54 timers, AINSER, pots, encoders, LEDs. And moar.

  22. Yeah! The Rage 4.7 is out of the bag for the first time in over a year. New 25m line kit ordered. Now we're talking business!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. technobreath


      Dude, u have a bike, as in MC? My bro just bought a 900 cbr - think it's from the very late 90s. A really nice bike.

    3. jojjelito


      I wish I had a nice motorbike, but for now it's a MTB and a Kustom Kruiser.

    4. technobreath


      Oh cool! those cruisers are cool looking. Candyred one with flames? :D. Man, I hope I get good wind conditions this week, it's aching in my hands to take the kite for a testflight! And not least - take me for a testflight hehe.

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