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on the road headphone


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while traveling with my band i noticed that my pal Bonnie had bought new small head phone AKG27i for his multimedia player, i am a big fan of my Sennheiser PX200 so i decided to test the AKG and compare them to mine.

Since AKG is a well known brand i was expecting a long term match, listening to various tunes to find a perceptible difference.No way!

First of all the AKG looks like a toy which is going to break soon (the PX200 are sturdy as hell), the overhead trimming is uncomfortable, the plastic parts make a weird cracking noise when you move your head, but worst of all, the sound is ridicolous as far away from decent monitoring as it can be: lacking in the middle range with too emphasized treble and bass.

So if you are planning to buy some small portable headphones just avoid those AKG and go for the Sennheiser, if you have a normal-big head/ears you probably want to buy the PX100, it s well known (and i ve tested it) that the PX200 (closed back model) won t actually cover most of ears therefore loosing part of the lowest bass freqs.(i was lucky to have ears fitting nicely with them)

Hope it can be helpful


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I`m not sure which exactly model it was, but I also tested friend`s AKG closed headphones once and was extremely disappointed in sound quality. They sounded worst than 2$ chinese in-ear bugs. I was very surprised as AKG is respected manufacturer and I tested before those AKG141. They sounded pretty good even I just couldn`t pump it enough to test them properly. I read somewhere they are designed for chaining in parallel or something like that so they have to be high impedance. 600ohms! :o  At the end I bough something completely different for first aid... Behringer HPX2000. They were pretty cheap... something more than 20EUR. I was very surprised with the sound quality especially when have in mind the price tag, and that can be pumped pretty well so I find them pretty good for bedroom DJing. They don`t look bad on picture, but I wouldn`t go out in public with it on my head as it looks kinda big and pretty funny.

Sorry if I went bit off topic.  ::)

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I had some older AKG's (can't remember the number - my brother still has them 'on loan'). They were 600 Ohm too. I used to run them off a line amp, and they sounded very good indeed. On a normal hifi headphone output they often used to get the amp clipping before they got very loud. Quite old school.

I still rate German headphones as the best. It seems to alternate between Sennheiser and Beyer for me.

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2$ chinese in-ear bugs


I decided to buy the sennheiser CX 400 as mp3-player earbugs (due to the high outside noise shielding), searched Ebay and BANG!

thousands of "Genuine" sennheiser earphones for ~1€.

shipping from Hongkong, of course.  >:(

sorry for offtopic, but i experienced this just yesterday.

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Headphones are a pretty similar thing like studio monitors... some like this one and some like the other one. But you would never compare e.g. ADAM's cheap line with their expensive pro-line.

So if you want SOUND from a headphone, take the right reference.

Example for AKG closed:


Example for AKG open:


... I like them both very much

Greets, Roger

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hi Roger

this is exactly the point! i know that AKG makes some of the best monitoring headphones (stuff i will never buy mainly cause i don t have the proper equipment to use with) that s why i was so surprised of the AKG27.

Right now if i were to buy new headphone of the same range (something to travel with) i would buy the PX200/100 again..

what would you advise for a decent pair of monitoring headphone? let s say in the 120-160 Euros range, possibly without being too big.


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Simone, I agree with you on every part, I have worked last year in a music store and I remember when all the new models from AKG arrived so I had to check them out, as heard before that they have great headphones.

What amazed me most is not only the lack of mids and a flat sound but the fact that all the models, portables and monitor alike sounds almost the same.

I remember when checking the sennheiser line, portables and HD series, that each and every headphone had different sound.

I have the PX200 for almost 3 years and still kicking and at home the HD280 that for $99 are one of the best monitoring headphones I heard.

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Following various people's advice in a previous thread, particularly Stryd's, I bought a pair of Sennheiser HD25's. I'm very impressed.

... that's the thing with the taste. - I hate the HD25 (sound wise) and they hurt my ears (physically). The only "plus" I can give them, is that they are isolating pretty well from surrounding noise.

hi Roger

this is exactly the point! i know that AKG makes some of the best monitoring headphones (stuff i will never buy mainly cause i don t have the proper equipment to use with) that s why i was so surprised of the AKG27.

... I know exactly what you meant, Simone. The thread just tended to turn into: "all AKG phones suck". That's why I tryed to relevate it a bit.

what would you advise for a decent pair of monitoring headphone? let s say in the 120-160 Euros range, possibly without being too big.

... that's where my experience stops. The only portables I know, are the already mentioned HD25 (the one we had at the broadcast station, I was working for, for field recording) and the portable I own, the SONY MDR-7509 (I think mine is the older model, something like MDR-7500).

I love the SONY specially for FOH jobs, because it's very loud compared to the AKGs, which have a very high impedance.

Greets, Roger

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Surprisingly the 7509/7506 are actually pretty good. I definitely wouldn't use them for monitoring cause they're a bit coloured though, and they're far from portable, both in size and impedance (you'd need a portable amp for those babies with most devices)

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I am currently using beyerdynamic DT 770 pros. I got them from a guitar center for only $75. The noise reduction is great but they are BIG cans. I have a family always shouting my name and I can't hear them until they are right in front of me hitting me. I get scared a lot that way  :) Anyways I think they have a little too much bass and I love bass but in doesn't seem to mesh well with the other freqs. They are very comfortable for long listen periods because they have some velvety type material which goes on your ears. My only problem with them is the bass as I have caused recurring distortion/blowout in one can which is now a little bothersome. I did this with my nord modular using a devastating bass patch. ;D If you want life lasting but uncomfortable cans look into grado. I have there r60 which don't have alot of bass and don't go into reverb nervana with the highs but they just will not blow out no matter what bass I throw at them. The main problem with those is comfort and they look like the are from the 60's. I remember technics made a dj model that I thought was the best vaule at around $99 and overall performance I think it was RPDJ 1000 or something similar. The freq response was awsome! I think it went up to 35khz and you could really hear it. I remeber listening to some autechre and I could hear reverb tails like they wanted me to. I have since never heard such good high freq in phones. The could get really loud too and everything seemed well balanced. I think they stopped making these and now have a new model. If this if off topic let me know

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the HD-25 are a great DJing headphone, very rugged, loud, good bass response for hearing kicks in a loud club and you can replace every part on them. I have a pair that have been all over the world with me and are still in use all the time.

The Sony 7506's are the bomb from a sound quality point of view, they wipe the floor with the HD25s.

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