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SID4all: DIY collective event


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i ve just organized a little Linux/free software workshopi managed to collect unexpected interest from people so i decided to go forward and organize a free hardware workshop of course based on a Midibox project.

A monoSID was my choice cause it is the most appealing project to "normal" people opposed to the common MIDI geek.

The idea behind the SID4all project is to help people with no or little experience on electronics to build their own little SID box.

The organization (we get money from the local government) will also offer to pay 50% of the material used, so calculating around 100 euros for the whole thing i will offer the participants 50 Euros fee entry for the project.(As long as you ll be in Tenerife, Canary Islands,Spain between the 15th and the 22nd of November you are very welcome to ask for participating, the places are limited though).

About the box i am still deciding how it s going to be but the pactec found at Conrad.de with part number 541346 seems to be a good starting point; the whole project has to be pretty easy so the CS will be very minimalistic (just a STEP A) but the box will let the participants to add CS elements and/or a SID module after the workshop.

The workshop will be held during the week days before the event (22nd of November), during the event pictures, videos and the final "products" will be presented.

I ll keep this thread updated with all the brainstorming involved but i am really looking forward for the input from the community

this is the "venue" for the event


although i am looking for an appropriate place for the workshop (the  university or a technical school)

..soon i ll post the BOM and the enclosure details


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ok here is the first BOM (on parenthesis Conrad part number)

[tt]1.SmashTV shop

CORE module + PIC                                        7.75

SID module                                                      15   

RAM 4x 512k                                                7.75

Encoder                                                           0.80

MIDI socket 2x                                                1.30


PacTec enclosure (541346)                                        11.75

Inserts for PCB mount

7805  (179205)                                                0.57

78012  (179230)                                               0.57

Power Supply (511362)                                     8.45

Buttons (700965) 5x                                        9

Supply plug (733946)                                        0.91

Audio socket (700965)                                    0.96



SID6582                                                         15.40


LCD                                                             10



I am not really satisfied with the buttons: i want to use snap in round buttons but those 16mm dia. are a bit too big

LCD source is missing but i can fix that later on maybe juat snatch a deal on eBay, hints are very welcome

Anybody could fetch for me those snap in inserts with adhesive base to fix pcbs on any surface without screws?   (Conrad international seems to be offline)

Any idea where i can find LCD bezels?


EDIT: the pactec enclosure wasn t a PT08 and it doesn t fit my needs either; looking for another one, i d like to use audio and midi sockets diirectly from the pcbs so i need that the rear panel is wide enough for a SID board and a CORE board ie: 146mm

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  • 9 months later...


It started, although i am setting up a web page i ll give out some details cause all info is in Spanish.

"Proximos" is a music, art and experimentation event that CoopAgricolaDrone , the colective I am part of, organizes every year around May.

Last year we had a small Linux workshop and related activities but this year we finally brought the gear in and decided to organize a couple of electronic workshop.

Yesterday we got 6 Casio mk10 for the circuit bending workshop, and saturday we open the inscriptions for the SID4all workshop where i ll lead a few guys to build their own SID box.

Unfortunately due to lack of time and money i had to cut off the project and buy only 2 kits so we ll start with just 2 SID but we ll take in more inscriptions and organize a second batch whenever we ll get back the money from the gov (ugh!).

We are asking for 25 euro for participating to the SID4all workshop, and the admission to the circuit bending workshop is free and you get away with the tuned casio.

This is the page, still working on it but there is some info ..



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Offtopic a little, but 'snaplinks' is also an easy way to open all the posts from the unread posts page.


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  • 1 month later...



today i found out that the parcel from smashtv is on its way back to the states, I have no time to get it back in time for the workshop, so i am facing the possibility to cancel the SID4all workshop.

Alternatively i can etch the boards myself but i am not sure i can find locally all the components, is there anybody in western Europe who has some kits to send me fast as hell ?  I could ask pay you directly or ask Tim to redirect my its whenever they get back to the states.

Looking for:

2xSID kits

2xCore kits

2xPIC PIC18F4685

a bunch of Ram

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today i found out that the parcel from smashtv is on its way back to the states, I have no time to get it back in time for the workshop, so i am facing the possibility to cancel the SID4all workshop.

Alternatively i can etch the boards myself but i am not sure i can find locally all the components, is there anybody in western Europe who has some kits to send me fast as hell ?  I could ask pay you directly or ask Tim to redirect my its whenever they get back to the states.

Looking for:

2xSID kits

2xCore kits

2xPIC PIC18F4685

a bunch of Ram

When do you need them for?

I may have a couple of spare PICS at home that I could send out if you replace them at some point. I could probably even put the boot loader on them if need be. I won't know this untill later tonight and it all depends on me being able to find them and them being the right type.

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  • 3 weeks later...


this is the first time I ve been away from ucapps so long, but i am back with a picture from the circuit bending workshop i ve organized, included in the program of www..proximos.eu festival in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, nowhere, Spain.

I decided to move the "SID4all" workshop to Octuber, due to the problem with the shipment.

Next time i ll call it "circuit bending 'n' beer"


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..just a clone his name is Cesar, redhead s name is Julie Claire.

Yep it was fun i got really amazed how people learned so quickly, JC was one of the best!

And me is the big nosed with red t-shirt

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  • 3 months later...

Hi again

summer in Denmark is nice as usual, you can pick berries on the bushes and the radio broadcast the same old shit.

September the 22nd I am going to give a short MIDIBox workshop, about 2-3 hours, more an introduction to our world then a real practical workshop, but I ll bring my toys.

Beginning from March 2010 a new art and tech media center is going to be opened and they what me to organize workshops, real ones this time, and MIDIBox will be one of those, hopefully, whenever the American/Spanish posts will find my parcel, the SID4all workshop will take place.

..i notice now there is a missing feature on this web-site: a short resume of the latest months in MIDIBox for those who had to leave "home" for a while..

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