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My LCD speaks martian !


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I build a MD FM since last year... I just reopened my boxes, uploaded FM 1.1 and started it (still in construction)

i got a 2x40 LCD with Backlight from Hantronix named "HDM 402 16L"

and here is what he shows me after booting :


? do i need a special driver for this one ? I can't remember where i bought it.

I use Mios 1.9C


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? do i need a special driver for this one ? I can't remember where i bought it.

No, you don't need a special driver.

according to the datasheet it uses the Hitachi controller.

I would be quick to jump to a wiring error as a conclusion. In each of the characters shown on screen in the photo, the d2 line is set high, and the d7 is set low. See table below.


Character              In binary

$                      00100100

W                      01010111

G                      01000111

|                      01111100

?                    01111111

.                      00101110

w                      01110111

n                      01101110

E                      01000101

4                      00110100

N                      01001110

l                      01101100

g                      01100111

7                      00110111

6                      00110110

5                      00110101

This bit is always '1'      ^

This bit is always '0'  ^


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so... i updated to 1.9f and after rebooting the lcd shows me several martians screens then stop on this one :


nice isn't it ?

i checked my solderings one morrrre time.. nothing (it's simple because at this step i have only the core, the obpl3 and one DIN4 with nothing connected to it, and the LCD)

by the way these are readymade midibox.org boards

so this is for sure lcd wiring, thanks tilted !

but as this lcd have not "in line" pins, i'm a little confused with the numbers :

there are 2 vertical columns of 8 pins :

the up-right one is #16

and the down-left one is #1

but what is the down-right pin ? #2 or #8 ???

i think i wired it thinking it was #2

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i've seen on the data sheet that i was right, the down-right pin is #2 (seen from the back, oposite to the datasheet drawing)

so now... i'm resoldering all the lcd wiring....

i'll tell you what happened soon :P

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so i made a new wiring for the lcd, paying attention very carefully to pin numbers

and the result  is exactly the same !!

i checked with a small 2x16 testing lcd i made, the MBFM works, the display is ok

i noticed i got a short on the J15 of core module between pin V0 (named VL on the lcd datasheet) and pin Vss

is it normal ?

thanks guys

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