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How to remove hot glue


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One possibilty: heat.

If you have a heat gun (the type used for shrinking heatshrink on to cables), you should be able to get enough heat on there to melt the glue. I would suggest you re-check solder joins in the vicinity after allowing the board to cool.

My other suggestion is precisely the opposite: cold.


If you have some freezing compound, you should be able to get the glue cold enough that it will shatter. A few taps with a screwdriver might help here, and it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that you wear safety goggles while you do this. If you don't have safety goggles... get some.

It should be noted that I have not actually tried either of these, but one of them should work. Perhaps it would help to test one or both of these methods "in an inconspicuous area" first - ie, get some protoboard, solder on some cables and glue them, then try to remove them. I'd be interested to hear the results.

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Jeez! You guys are no fun at all!

I was hoping to return today and find:

"The best thing to use is Peanut Butter and Ice Cream" or

"Rub all surfaces to be glued with dust, dirt and grit before gluing, to make glue removal easier" or at least:

"Put on a tinfoil hat and wave the Voodoo Chicken"

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"Put on a tinfoil hat and wave the Voodoo Chicken"

Whoa, whoa, whoa! You hold it right there Mr Tilted. Do not ever (ever, ever? ever, ever.) mention waving the magic voodoo chicken (hail the magic voodoo chicken! hail!) with tinfoil hats in one sentence. Waving the magic voodoo chicken (hail the magic voodoo chicken! hail!) is an ancient known-to-work highly sophisticated act of technological heritage, while wearing tinfoil hats is mere superstition that is only practiced by HiFi-loving know-it-alls. You better sacrifice some resistors to make sure the magic voodoo chicken (hail the magic voodoo chicken! hail!) is not too mad at you... It's not good to make the magic voodoo chicken (hail the magic voodoo chicken! hail!) mad!

edit: Mooram, sooram, mooram, sooram!

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There actually was a solvent that ate that stuff. I saw someone use it on a woodworking or craft show years ago and haven't been able to remember what it was. I think they used it to clean the residue after gluing a router template to something. It wasn't uncommon and I don't believe it was anything ridiculously strong (like acetone).

Anybody know?


PS- Coincidentally just boiled the alleged "hot glue" out of an SM57 mic last night to pull the transformer. Hot glue, my ass! That stuff didn't even attempt to soften. Most of it came out by prying at it with a screwdriver.

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Whoa, whoa, whoa! You hold it right there Mr Tilted. Do not ever (ever, ever? ever, ever.) mention waving the magic voodoo chicken (hail the magic voodoo chicken! hail!) with tinfoil hats in one sentence. Waving the magic voodoo chicken (hail the magic voodoo chicken! hail!) is an ancient known-to-work highly sophisticated act of technological heritage, while wearing tinfoil hats is mere superstition that is only practiced by HiFi-loving know-it-alls. You better sacrifice some resistors to make sure the magic voodoo chicken (hail the magic voodoo chicken! hail!) is not too mad at you... It's not good to make the magic voodoo chicken (hail the magic voodoo chicken! hail!) mad!

edit: Mooram, sooram, mooram, sooram!

Now now, I don't mean to offend anybody's sensitive voodoo chicken asthestics.

I merely sought to postulate over the myriad methodologies inherently available to those who seek to solve the problems of the DIY world.

800px-Fra_Luca_Pacioli_Letter_M_1509.pnguch as those holy Ghost busters or yore didst crosseth the streams against their better judgement to rid this plane of the evil Gozer via total protonic reversal,

letter%2520s.gifo too I thought the culmination of two utterly disparate realms of EE methodology might be brought to the fore to rid the holy PCB of the dreaded demon excessicus hotglueminus.

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