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Lemme build one too :)


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Well me too :) i thought it would be a great way to start, and hopefully learn the trade of the mb-community. But as i am starting to get a feel for the loong waiting periods (waiting for parcels, waiting for PCBs and kits to be ready and such) i thought i might as well could start to collect the parts - but no hurry at all :) i will use plenty of time with the few parts i already have ordered - and if sound is even produced, i will have great fun with it until i am in the line for a MB-6582 project :)

Well for the non MB-6852 projects you can order from Mikes Midishop also, in europe, which would probably be faster.

But i have to say for me, that smashs kits and his info pages on the site make it so much easier to put these together.

The javasciprt images are extremely helpful, to visualise where each part goes where.

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Wondering about what kind of case i would use for my first minimal-sid setup .. i looked a lot in the galleries on these pages, and most of the stuff looks so goddamn professional... anyway, i may have a cute idea; What if i found a cheap 2nd hand midi controller keyboard with a little leftover space inside. I imagine that i could connect the core midiports directly to the keyboards midiports - voila, a mbsid synth with keyboard :) a cute little keyboard would be good to compliment my micron synth

I searched for rack-cases but didn't find anything.. i wonder how the guys in the galleries made their rack-cases.. Well i could maybe also find a cheap 2nd hand rack of some sorts, strip the insides and make a new frontpanel...

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I searched for rack-cases but didn't find anything

Try rack enclosure too... they're definitely out there. The hard part, is separating the kind of cases we want (rackmountable enclosures ready for components to be inserted) from the kind we don't (cases with rackmount strips ready to have rackmount enclosures mounted in them)

Par-metal seem to be the supplier of choice stateside, and I have a favourite model availabe here in .au, but not sure about denmark :(

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Whoa :) You know Brinck in Copenhagen ... well, i checked their site, and it seems pretty thin - it may help to visit the shop i guess, if their homepage is outdated or something...

Aaaargh, this diy-stuff is sooo hard!! I read and read every day, but still my biggest problem is to get hold of parts - i mailed SmashTV 3 times, 2 from his contact-form on his site, and once inhere.. but i got no reply... i even placed an order for around 60$ in his shop, but still no reply of any kind, not even an order confirmation.. oh, well paypal confirmed for me that the transfer was cool... so i imagine someone sitting somewhere with my 60 bucks in their pocket, laughing at me

I didn't imagine that the hardest part of building a mbsid would be to get hold of parts..

I live in Copenhagen also..i stopped using danish suppliers of parts, simply because most of them are really crappy..either they dont have the parts, or they are really expensive..now im buying all my parts from outside Denmark instead..

I tend to buy a lot (like 1000's of resistors of each type) each time i buy something (to get it cheaper), so if you need some specific part, let me know and i might have a few i can spare :)

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I live in Copenhagen also..i stopped using danish suppliers of parts, simply because most of them are really crappy..either they dont have the parts, or they are really expensive..now im buying all my parts from outside Denmark instead..

I tend to buy a lot (like 1000's of resistors of each type) each time i buy something (to get it cheaper), so if you need some specific part, let me know and i might have a few i can spare :)

An active midiboxer from Denmark.. nice :) that's very good news - i sent you a PM.

Today i received my first parts from Mike (thankyou Mike for really good service!) so now i consider myself to be active too  ;D

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I'm probably gonna use the optimized C64 PSU solution, but i really would like to put it inside the 'bread bin'.. if i tear the PSU out of it's box, will it be small enough to be inside the bread bin??  I'm asking because if not, i will prefer to keep in the present condition :)

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My PSY has about 7.5mm of resin in the upper part of the case so it's fairly well secured. i suppose it could be removed of the case was cut/dremmeled. Unscrew the bottom of your PSU and take a look.

***Goblinz Disclaimer***  Make sure it's unplugged first.  ;D

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Unscrew the bottom of your PSU and take a look.

I wish i could.... there are no screws, it's the old beige PSU.. i think Cimo's PSU is the same as mine? Maybe it would be easier for me to cannibalize the newer white PSU. I really like the concept of internal PSU, especially for transport.. it bugs me to have a separate psu to carry around. If it was secured inside the breadbin itself, i imagine it would be much easier to carry around :)

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I wish i could.... there are no screws, it's the old beige PSU.. i think Cimo's PSU is the same as mine? Maybe it would be easier for me to cannibalize the newer white PSU. I really like the concept of internal PSU, especially for transport.. it bugs me to have a separate psu to carry around. If it was secured inside the breadbin itself, i imagine it would be much easier to carry around :)

THe newer white psu aka the brick is impossible to canabilize, that is the one thats embedded resin, you cant even replace the fuse in them!

c64 PSU filled with some kind of epoxy glue


The only ones which can be canabilzed are the wedge shaped ones:


Im pretty sure goblinz owns the one on the right, the one on the left is totally do-able anyway.

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Hey, Smithy can grow weed from your PSUs ;)

Good work

LOL! It would require a very compact mesh wire bending technique!  ;)

Dudes i only googled imaged "c64 psu" and those pics were on the first page.

Only took a minute but thanks anyhow lol!

Found this cool pic of the resin block itself, bit too big to post here:


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HEY Smithy!!!!, how about linking other people's photos from flickr -black c64 psu- as flickr says: Flickr Community Guidelines?(with link back to the photo page), not to mention the legend right below the photo: "© All rights reserved."

Before you ask... yes, I took that picture and no, I don't mind you posting that particular photo here as I already posted that photo somewhere else in this forum, I'm just asking you to play by the rules... flickr rules in this case, thanks.

btw. using google is not an excuse as you can read below the same photo: "Image may be scaled down and subject to copyright."

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HEY Smithy!!!!, how about linking other people's photos from flickr -black c64 psu- as flickr says: Flickr Community Guidelines?(with link back to the photo page), not to mention the legend right below the photo: "© All rights reserved."

Before you ask... yes, I took that picture and no, I don't mind you posting that particular photo here as I already posted that photo somewhere else in this forum, I'm just asking you to play by the rules... flickr rules in this case, thanks.

btw. using google is not an excuse as you can read below the same photo: "Image may be scaled down and subject to copyright."

Cool. So let me get this straight, its okay to embed a photo, once the link to the page is above it?

Ive edited my post, so have a look and let me know if its okay.

I havent registered on flickr yet so wasnt aware of these rules just to let you know.

Theres one more thing id like to know to.

Is it a breach of copyright to embedd a picture on a forum?

Im asking this genuinely as im clueless!

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that was fast, thanks Smithy!

... its okay to embed a photo, once the link to the page is above it?

Seeing how the other way that flickr allows to use photos outside(html)does not work in this forum, my best guess is that is ok like that.

...I havent registered on flickr yet so wasnt aware of these rules just to let you know.

yep, no problem

Is it a breach of copyright to embedd a picture on a forum?

Answer to that would be yes, look the type of licenses they let you choose for each photo:

        None (All rights reserved)

Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike Creative Commons

Attribution-NonCommercial Creative Commons

Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs Creative Commons

Attribution Creative Commons

Attribution-ShareAlike Creative Commons

Attribution-NoDerivs Creative Commons

But I guess if you ask any photo owner about a copyrighted photo, you may be allowed to use it this way without any problem ;)

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But I guess if you ask any photo owner about a copyrighted photo, you may be allowed to use it this way without any problem ;)

Christ, thats a lot of messages to send though! Id have to do it almost everyday and by time id get a reply.

I guess i could just use a link and not embedd in future.

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Christ, thats a lot of messages to send though! Id have to do it almost everyday and by time id get a reply.

lol, how many copyrighted photos do you need daily?

btw, for me just a "hi, i'll be using this photo over there" would be enough most of the time...unless you are planning to become yourself rich using the photo, which I highly doubt ;D

now, back to the topic, C64 are too old to be reliable, they'll die if you look too close at them heeehe

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