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Axiom 25 rotary nobs


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hey guys I'm new to this whole midi thing but i must say i think its great fun,anyways i recently got an axiom 25 midi keyboard and everything is going well except for the rotary nobs, the majority of parameters that i assign ,when i twist them it says awaiting pickup and never actually controls what i assigned it to, also a lot of the time it is very random how much the parameter wil increase/decrease when twisting the nob,like sometime one click will crank it all the way when other times it makes the slightest change,any help would be appreciated.

Also i was wondering what programs you guys would recommend I use for this thing,im currently using Abelton lite live that came with it which is obviously very limited,im IN NO WAY SHAPE OR FORM considering torrenting logic studio.

Im sorry i now realize how retarded it was to say that.

Thx again  8)

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I use Cubase (SE 1.0, haven't upgraded to Essentials 4.0 yet but will do so at some point) with an Axiom 49. Apart form having trouble mapping multiple parts of the keyboard to different MIDI outputs / VSTs, it works like a champ. I mapped my controls on the Axiom itself, however, and not from Cubase. So, for instance, my Axiom is sending the appropriate CC / NRPN through Cubase to my MidiBox SID. I then save that keyboard config right on the keyboard itself. It's more cumbersome, perhaps, but does work quite well after all is said and done. Check your Axiom manual for how to set up stuff like that. It took a bit of playing around, particularly with the NRPN stuff, but it's all there in gory detail.

Having said that, I do have to chime in as well that this post in this section is a bit off topic. But hey, now you know ;)

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Hah, I didn't even notice we was tormenting it :P I'm not one to judge - I've been there. That said, Cubase Essential is all I really need and, with a little bit of saving up my extra bling, I can afford it. To each his own though. That's his conscience he has to live with :)

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There are so many that there are websites dedicated to listing them. Try the search at KVR, databaseaudio, dontcrack, nonags, google....

I wonder how you managed to come by the concept of stealing logic without noticing free apps like ardour, rosegarden, muse, etc....

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Audacity is....ok as a wave editor. For Mac on the cheap, I'd go with Garage Band - at least for now. It does MIDI stuff and multi-track editing. Better than Audacity for producing music, I think.

Win XP? Surely you jest!? I partially blame Win XP for my lack of completed songs from last year. Everytime I turn the damn thing on it annoying asks for some stupid Malicious Software Removal or Genuine Advantage bullshit update. Trouble is, to move to a Mac, it'll cost quite a bit of money - and I'd rather spend that on my MidiBox stuff :)

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Win XP? Surely you jest!?

XP requires  a lot of customisation to make it behave well, and to make it robust. However, if it is setup well, then it is very capable and convenient for music/multimedia tasks.

I have had far more trouble with MacOS than WinXP. Much of the help provided by MacOS is just a hinderance, and some of it is genuinely broken. Not many people seem to notice the disfunctional aspects of the OS though, and just accept the autoconfig behaviour. If one requires a specific setup from the OS, then it can be very painful. I do like Mac hardware - quiet, well built, attractive.

Linux of course requires much customisation too, and one needs a greater level of understanding to do so, than with WinXP.

For me, I use XP for music, and Linux for pretty much everything else, though it does get used a bit for music too. I also use MacOS for my mum.  ;) They are well suited to eachother.

@thread - I'm pretty sure jakeman wrote that he is not going to torrent logic studio. Don't know if that was eidted by him after the fact.

@jakeman - do you realise this forum is mainly for discussing the DIY open source MIDIBox projects, primarily designed by Thorsten Close? There are many other fora for general discussion of computer music. I'm not meaning to discourage you from participating here, but just trying to offer some guidance.

edit - spelling

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Lemme get this straight - you bought the most expensive PC available, and now you're stealing software for it?

*chuckle* Benefit of the doubt, maybe it was a gift :) It's a nice platform to make music on, to be fair (though wildly expensive to do so, both in software and hardware costs it seems).

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regarding your axiom problem:  install midiox (http://midiox.com/), turn a knob, and post some of the output here.  it could be a couple things:

if your encoders are set up for absolute values (usually the default), it's going to jump the parameter in live because it matches them up.  that's perfectly normal.  you can either use signed bit, or go into the midi options and change your takeover mode.

if your encoders somehow got switched to signed bit values, live's behavior will be even more weird.  signed bit simply sends two absolute values (one for increment, one for decrement), but with the axiom that value changes slightly when a knob is turned faster, to tell live you are accelerating it.

using signed bit mode is the workaround for the first case, parameter jumping when using absolute values.  both the axiom and live support signed bit mode, so check the manual of each for how to use it.  if you're using midi learn in live, it can detect signed bit if you turn the axiom's encoder very slowly.  but really it's best to make the assignment and then choose signed bit from the drop down box below.  read up on signed bit.  i went through this problem and have posted about it somewhere on the forum.

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I was considering it at the time,after gaining advice from the freindly midibox community ive realised the moral injustice i was committing. if you were to re-read the main post youl see that i have edited it.

*chuckle* Benefit of the doubt, maybe it was a gift :) It's a nice platform to make music on, to be fair (though wildly expensive to do so, both in software and hardware costs it seems).

I primarliy use the mac for graphic design,im just getting into electronic music production and am not quite ready to blow more money on a program.

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Ahh that explains it. I hate the way they give you 30 days to evaluate stuff too, such a crock... Not nearly enough time.

Have you seen http://ardour.org/ ? I'm pretty sure that runs on mac... It's audio-only, no midi until v3 (I can't wait) but a very nice package.

Check out also ShareWare Music Machine: http://www.hitsquad.com/smm/mac/top50/ and KVR http://www.kvraudio.com/get.php?mode=results&st=adv&soft=h&type[]=0&f=0&fe=0&osx=1&free=1&un=1&sf=0&receptor=&de=0&sort=1&rpp=100

Edit: you'll need to copy/paste that URL sorry...

There's probably some mac-specific FOSS portal somewhere..... ? Mac guys?

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It's not quite the same thing but Renoise has a free version (you can't output to WAV) and it works well. I haven't used it for MIDI devices but for VSTs and such it works great. It's based (loosely) on Fast Tracker ][ from the DOS tracking era if you're familiar with that and the Demoscene. If you like it, the cost of the program itself is like $60 and it runs on both a Mac and PC.

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