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MIDIBox64E encoders and LED rings usage question


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I'm going to make a MIDIBox64E, and I have some basic questions:

1. I want to make 8 encoders with LED rings + 8 buttons with LEDs setup, but also use 2 additional encoders and LED rings to select banks separately for encoders and buttons to have 16*8 parameters controlled by encoders and 16*8 button controls. Is it possible?

2. Is it possible to add 7 segment LED displays showing value of currently rotated encoder?

3. Is there any designed PCB for making LED rings?

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Welcome aboard urgon :)

With some programming it could be possible to add an encoder for selecting preset banks, and a display to show the selected bank... I hope you know some PIC ASM :)

I seem to remember seeing a layout for LEDrings posted not too long ago, perhaps it was by sasha? Try the search engine and see how you go...


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Well, I'm just starting my PIC ASM education...

I read about page selection buttons in MIDIBox64E, when there is less than 64 encoders, for example in 1 encoder version or 16 encoders version. I would like to replace these buttons with encoder...

And another question:

MIDIBox64E has support for 2*16 LCD display, but had anyone programmed support for 4*20 LCD?

I decided not to complicate my work. My first MIDIBox will be simple as it is. But I still want the 4*20 LCD. Help, anyone?

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  • 4 weeks later...


I have some further questions regarding MIDIBox64E, and because I don't want to make too much mess, I'll place them here.

1. Can I use ANY MIDI-to-USB converter to send SysEx dumps and MIOS?

2. Can I have one AIN module with 2 DIN's and 1-2 DOUTs? Is there a software limitation?

3. Is software capable of using AIN signals as Note On/Off+Velocity messages?

Ad. 2-3. - I'm working on a simple pad design to make a MPC60-style controller. If it works, I'll share it here...

BTW, you should place a note at http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp_core.html page, that only PIC 18LF452-I/P or 18F452-I/P  are good, I almost bought 18F4520...

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1. Can I use ANY MIDI-to-USB converter to send SysEx dumps and MIOS?

No. Most will work, some won't, as a lot of cheap devices have issues sending/receiving/forwarding SysEx. Make sure the device isn't on the blacklist.

2. Can I have one AIN module with 2 DIN's and 1-2 DOUTs? Is there a software limitation?

You can always use the max. number of supported modules (which is mostly 8).

3. Is software capable of using AIN signals as Note On/Off+Velocity messages?

I don't know since I haven't worked with mb64, but I'll go out on a limb and say if it's not supported yet, it'll be easy enough to implement :-)

Ad. 2-3. - I'm working on a simple pad design to make a MPC60-style controller. If it works, I'll share it here...

Nice. Feel free to share your info as you go along - this might save you some troubles in the long run, as potential problems are way easier to spot with a few extra pairs of eyes :-)

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i will be making a bpm replica shortly for use with my software which is similar in that it uses the mpc pads also, and i will be using the mb64e for this as well, as i get on with things i will start a photo build also, so you could always pop into that once started to have a read and look, also as you can see the guys here are really helpful.

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Another question:

My laptop doesn't have any RS232 or MIDI ports. Many USB<->MIDI converters are beyond my financial reach(either I'll have a working MIDIBox or working USB<->MIDI cable). Can I use PCMCIA<->RS232 interface and LTC module to upload MIOS and send SysEx dumps? Has anyone tried this?

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  • 3 weeks later...

why not just get a gm5 kit? put your name in the wiki list for the next run of gm5 boards and chips, its a real nice cheap usb powered midi interface, you could place that inside your case and link that to the core using the internal mi/mo pins to send midi to and from the core via usb. then on the rear of the case you would only need holes for the psu and usb socket.

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ayo dudes

yes ssp, gm5 seems the best solution for handle with USB. Unfortunately not for me, that live in a place where the words import stuffs was banned from dictionaries.

And as I have checked last week, even in Reichelt.de the AN2131SC chip wasn't available. So no USB module for me. Or maybe, under all the histories , I'll go to the PIC USB MODULE or finally surrender to a decent MIDI interface.

So, my question still in the air. Is there a way to build a DIY MIDI-to-USB converter similar to an cable? I see a lots of cables selling, and in other places of the globe it's cheap, then I can't understand why it's havn't a DIY way yet.

Think this question can help a bit our petitioner Urgon


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