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crazy core


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sorry my bad english

After power-on core sends a lot of information like this:

00000000295838 ms | [E0 00 00] Channel 1: Pitch Bend value: 0

00000000295838 ms | [E0 01 01] Channel 1: Pitch Bend value: 129

00000000295848 ms | [E0 00 00] Channel 1: Pitch Bend value: 0

00000000295848 ms | [E0 03 03] Channel 1: Pitch Bend value: 387

00000000295857 ms | [E0 00 00] Channel 1: Pitch Bend value: 0

00000000295857 ms | [E0 01 01] Channel 1: Pitch Bend value: 129

00000000295868 ms | [E0 00 00] Channel 1: Pitch Bend value: 0

00000000295868 ms | [E0 01 03] Channel 1: Pitch Bend value: 385

00000000295877 ms | [E0 00 00] Channel 1: Pitch Bend value: 0

00000000295877 ms | [E0 01 01] Channel 1: Pitch Bend value: 129

I don't use MIDI

I use LTC module

PIC burned with ID 0000 0000 0000 0100 (calculated by PIC ID Value Calculator)

PIC burned with JDM programmer and ic-prog software.

I can't upload MIOS with MOIS Studio.

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It looks like it's sending random MIDI events.

That usually means that you have AIN lines that are not connected to anything, either right off J5 or from AIN modules. But that problem cannot happen until you get a MIOS app loaded (like MB64 or something).

If the bootloader is the only thing you have in the PIC, you should be getting SysEx messages, not Pitch Bend messages.

Most curious!


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Yes, I have classic scheme of CORE module.

There are no elements: MIDI sockets, D1, R5, R7, R8, R11, IC2.

RX and TX are connected according scheme http://ucapps.de/midibox_to_com.html

I tested the RS232 interface with the CBX serial port driver by Yamaha and  Roland Driver.

With Yamaha driver the situation described above.

In other case no data is present on "MIOS Studio MIDI In".

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I have some mistakes in MIDIBox-To-COM scheme and solved them. 8 pin of max232 must be connected to GND.

But MIOS does not wish to be loaded.

I don't know what to do...

No AIN, DIN or DOUT modules are connected.

; ==================================================================
	;;  Linked Boot and IRQ Vector (will be overwritten by MIOS)
	;; ==================================================================
	org	0x0400
	goto	0x0000
	dw	0xeeee		; magic number is: 0x4711 - without this code, the bootloader won't branch to 0x0400

What is the "magic number" in source code of bootloader?

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OK, getting back to basics..

You say that the bootloader has been burned into the PIC...

IF the pic has the bootloader, but not yet MIOS, and the PIC is running, you should get a SysEx message about every two seconds.

If you are not getting a sysex message every two seconds, then we have  a place to start looking for troubles.

I can think of four places to look:

Your PIC has no bootloader,

Your PIC is not running,

Your LTC module is not working,

Your PC serial port/MIDI connection is not working.

Let's start at the PC.. Assuming it's a 9 pin serial port, you should be able to do the "loopback test" by connecting pins 2 and 3 of the PC serial port. If this port is set up with the MIDI driver then you should be able to try the "TEST PC 1" and "TEST PC 2" at this page:http://www.ucapps.de/howto_debug_midi.html

Note: Those tests do not connect to the core or LTC at all.. they just check your PC serial port and PC software setup. You need to know those are working before going on.

Good Luck,


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PIC succesfully burned with bootloader. ID 0000 0000 0000 0100

PIC running

LTC module works

PC RS232 port works (TEST PC)

You are further along than I thought..

That power supply may be trouble..

I don't know how much the LTC module uses.

Do you use a display also?

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I have changed power supply to 5.7V 800mA

Measured voltage on "+5V" - 4.47V.

But there are new situation.

On power-on Core stay silent.

If I try to upload MIOS:

MIDI Monitor Out:

timestamp [unknown] | SysEx: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 F7
MIDI Monitor In:
00000000007602 ms | [F8] Timing clock
00000000007602 ms | [FF] System Reset
or MIDI Monitor In:
00000000086926 ms | [F1 00] MTC Quarter Frame: frame count LS: 0
and some times like this MIDI Monitor In:
00000000132799 ms | [FF] System Reset
00000000132799 ms | [80 40 00] Channel 1: Note Off E4 velocity: 0
00000000132799 ms | [80 02 00] Channel 1: Note Off D-1 velocity: 0
00000000132799 ms | [80 00 00] Channel 1: Note Off C-1 velocity: 0
00000000132799 ms | [80 00 00] Channel 1: Note Off C-1 velocity: 0
00000000132799 ms | [FF] System Reset

I think i'm stupid :( *many bad russian words*

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Does "Nothing Changed" mean that you are getting messages from the Core, or does "Nothing changed" mean you are getting nothing from the core?

How do you know the PIC is running?

Is it being reset while running?

If you had a display, it would be easier to see some clues, like if the pic is running, if you are at the bootloader, MIOS, or the application, if the PIC is being reset, etc..

Without the display, things get tricky. with an untested LTC module, things can get tricky too.

Did you do a loopback test on your PC serial port? Did it return exactly the same SysEx messages that you sent out?

Good Luck,


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Does "Nothing Changed" mean that you are getting messages from the Core, or does "Nothing changed" mean you are getting nothing from the core?

It means that reaction core at sent commands is inadequate. (see post #13)

How do you know the PIC is running?

Is it being reset while running?

How it can be checked up?

If you had a display, it would be easier to see some clues, like if the pic is running, if you are at the bootloader, MIOS, or the application, if the PIC is being reset, etc..

Without the display, things get tricky. with an untested LTC module, things can get tricky too.


Did you do a loopback test on your PC serial port? Did it return exactly the same SysEx messages that you sent out?

Yes, commands sent come back in the same kind in which have left.

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