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CNC Teaser


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So over a year ago I bought into getting a small CNC setup from Lumenlab.com.  Little did I know at the time that it would literally take a year and 1 week before I would ever see the device in my home.  I knew I was buying into a work-in-progress with the agreement that I would get great deals and free upgrades along the way, so the wait wasn't completely unexpected or without its benefits.  Also luckily the guys who make them posted video updates every week about the R&D they were doing and the progress was easy to see.  It was very exciting when it first created items, and I can't wait to get some creations going.

Here are some pictures of the machine itself.

Anyway, I've spent the last two weeks getting acquainted with the machine and generating models and paths and wanted to share a look at creations that will hopefully coming down the road.  8)

So, one of the main things I want to create with it are front panels and at the top of my list is the MB-6582.  So tonight I created the g-code, tested the measurements, and ran simulations in EMC2.

Here are the MB-6582 Front Panel CNC G-Code test runs to get everyone as revved up.



I may be a while off from getting to the state where I can actually run these, but g-code is generated from the DXF and looks really good so far.

Here's an inlaid logo I can engrave into anything.

[img width=380]http://www.midibox.org/forum/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=13824.0;attach=5444;image

And any time you want to engrave Thortens head into a panel or wooden end cheeks, its possible too  :D

[img width=350]http://www.midibox.org/forum/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=13824.0;attach=5446;image






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Does the kit include a cutting tool? I couldn't see one listed.

If by cutting tool you mean a spindle, yes I got a spindle with it.  You may be able to see it in the back in this picture.

If by cutting tool you mean end mills, no it did not come with any end mills, but it can use up to 4mm bits.

I think that it is currently possible to order the same version as what I have without it coming with a spindle or mounts, but the currently selling next version comes with everything (cnc, computer, spindle, all tested and run-in, ready to go).

Do you know how precisely this will cut, and what size plate you can work on? Is this pretty much limited to 2D work?

The 3D working area is around 12" X, 8" Y, 2.5" Z.  It can work on plate of that thickness and still be able to move without touching it, but that is mostly dependent on bit length.  The lumenlab website shows 1/2" aluminum that was milled to the full 1/2" depth all the way around.

I'll have to get it off my cellphone, but I have picture of a spiral that it drew and it's well beyond my human capabilities.  Precision is all in how well I tram it today, how slow I run it, and what micro stepping mode I put it in.  It can move in increments that are somewhere around .0001" (9600 steps per inch = .0001041666666" movements to be exact), but I only expect the accuracy to be about .001" currently.  I don't think anyone has put the micro into micro-stepping mode yet, which should cause it to be capable of 16 individual steps just to move .0001" (153600 steps per inch!!!).  This would be ridiculous for anything that I will ever use it for, but the drivers it comes with are capable of this and EMC2 can be configured to do this easily.

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Awsome, what are the cost for the machine?

I believe his cost right now is $1799 all inclusive for version 2, but I think it's going up to $1999.  Mine is a version 1 and I did not want to get a computer and I bought in when the basics unit cost only $499 (I bought a few of the things that are now included (tool plate base, and spindle) and have spent $799).  Brainchild (Grayson) seems always willing to make a kit up of just the parts you want if you want to take a chance and use your own computer (BTW I got lucky on this any my super old AMD Athlon computer gave great results when tested for realtime performance).  Even the most bada$$ PC nowadays may not give you the greatest results you might think, but you'll have to research this yourself by going to www.linuxcnc.org and try out the EMC2 ubuntu CD.

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The 3D working area is around 12" X, 8" Y, 2.5" Z.

Pity. I would quite a like a mill for 19" rack panels. Do you think it would be feasible to mill a panel as two separate jobs, so as to fit within the 12" limit?

The 2.5" z range is better than I had expected.

It seems a nice mill, with good value for money.


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Pity. I would quite a like a mill for 19" rack panels. Do you think it would be feasible to mill a panel as two separate jobs, so as to fit within the 12" limit?

I'm planning to make a jig to do 19" panels in 2 passes.  I think it will be very easy to break up a g-code file into 2 separate jobs.  Surely a script could be created to do it with a jig and little creativity.  I think g-code itself is kind of a joke, but the skill of it probably comes mostly from knowing what is the best way to approach a particular material and pathing to produce the best cut.

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Nice Machine Narwhal however you are not the only one who build a cnc ;)

Today i run my first real test on my just build cnc. (it is made of 3mm lasercut steel and jbweld)

I am trying to figure out the backlash stuff and the speed. I almost wrecked it by running at 400ipm so back to 100 ipm. Now to get the spindel speed right.

My first test was on 3mm lexan i had lying around and the job took 21 minutes

Next test will be on acrylic so i hope for a better finish. The problem is i don't have power in my shed so i had to steal it from the building. Also when running spindel speeds above 10k rpm it makes alot of noise and i don't want to upset my neighbours





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Awesome Twin-X!  Way to hijack my thread hehehe  :P

Looks like we'll have lots of production options without ever having to get robbed by FPE.  :D

I'm sure, just based on stepper sizes that yours will run jobs much higher ipm than the micro.

Here is the case I put together this weekend to contain all of the drivers, parallel port isolator, and the relays.






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Nice Machine Narwhal however you are not the only one who build a cnc ;)

Awesome. Both really nice looking CNC mills. Twin-x, is that also a kit, or complete DIY? It's a really good size table. Can you tell us how much it has cost so far?

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Awesome Twin-X!  Way to hijack my thread hehehe  :P

Looks like we'll have lots of production options without ever having to get robbed by FPE.  :D

I'm sure, just based on stepper sizes that yours will run jobs much higher ipm than the micro.

Here is the case I put together this weekend to contain all of the drivers, parallel port isolator, and the relays.

Yeah sorry bout the hijack but i thought it was better then to open a new thread.

My steppers can go up to 600 ipm i think. I am allready thinking about building a new cnc so that i can get 250 ipm. Currently the machine can handle (mainly due to bearings and trapezium spindels ) 50 - 100 ipm

The case you have is clean an tidy nice work. Is it an old rack enclosure of a pc?

Awesome. Both really nice looking CNC mills. Twin-x, is that also a kit, or complete DIY? It's a really good size table. Can you tell us how much it has cost so far?

It is not a kit you can buy the plans online from tron-cnc.de and you have to arrange and create everything yourself.

I paid about 2500 euro for my machine and i can tell you it is far from perfect.

But it works and i am proud ;)

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