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40x2 Green-on-Black Optrex Displays - ORDERING INSTRUCTIONS


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*** This bulk order is closed as of 2009-11-10 ***

40x2 Green-on-Black Optrex Displays

Update- Stock remaining as of 2009-11-07: 4

[This is a dedicated thread for the bulk order discussed at http://www.midibox.org/forum/index.php/topic,10847.msg120640.html#msg120640]


This bulk order is for Optrex 40x2 green-on-black displays (see pictures below).  Optrex part number C-51850NFQJ-LG-ACN (http://www.optrex.com/products/partdetail.asp?PartNumber=C-51850NFQJ-LG-ACN).  This is the same display used by Ultra's MB-SEQ as seen in this post: http://www.midibox.org/forum/index.php/topic,11802.msg113232.html#msg113232  (Note in the picture the display still has its protective plastic in place so the surface looks a bit rough.)

You can use this in your MB-SEQ (2 required), MB-FM (1 required), custom MIDIbox control surface, etc.

Also, please see this post before ordering:

To get the best out of the displays, also see here:


These displays are normally available through Mouser for US $40 each + shipping (http://www.mouser.com/Search/ProductDetail.aspx?R=C-51850NFQJ-LG-ACNvirtualkey51610000virtualkey805-51850NFQJLGACN).  By ordering a full carton directly from Optrex I am able to offer them to fellow MIDIboxers for US $26 each + shipping/insurance.

There are 80 pieces available, about half of which are already spoken for as of this initial posting.  The remainder will be sold on a first-come, first-served basis.  See top of this post for remaining stock.


I am organizing this order Wilba-style based on discussions with Wilba about his experience running numerous bulk orders, so we'll be following his 3 rules:

1. If you don't have the cash, don't waste my time with an order. An order means "I can pay now", not "I can pay when I get paid next month".

2. After emailing an order, you are expected to check your emails daily and make a PayPal payment as soon as you receive a payment request.

3. Email your order exactly as described so I can easily copy and paste the details into a spreadsheet. That means, no labels, no blank lines, no address all on one line, capital first letters, forgetting what country you live in, etc.

Email your order to: midibox-lcd@fussylizard.com

with email subject: Optrex 40x2 Bulk Order

(Note the address is "fussylizard" and NOT "fuzzylizard".)

The contents of the email should be (without labels!):

your MIDIbox username

your real name

your postal address line 1 (e.g. street)

your postal address line 2 (e.g. city, state/province, postal code)

your COUNTRY (in capitals)

your contact email address (same one you are using to email me)

your PayPal email Address (the one you use for PayPal)

your desired quantity of displays



Johannes Schmitt

Oberammergaueralpenkräuterdelikatessenfrühstückskäse Str. 29

10997 Berlin





Once I receive an emailed order I will reply with an email informing you I received your order, usually within 24 hours.  I will then issue a PayPal request which you should pay immediately.  Once you have paid I will ship your order and confirm shipment with an email.  If I have sold out, I will inform you via email and will not issue a PayPal request.

In the unlikely event there are any problems with your order, please contact me via e-mail, PM, or post a message to this thread in the forum.


These displays are sold as-is and all sales are final.  They are new from the factory but at my discretion I may pre-test one or all to ensure they work prior to shipping.  If you are violently opposed to pre-testing, please PM me after emailing your order.

PayPal requests not paid within a 48 hours are subject to cancellation at my discretion.  Remember that I'm fronting the $ to purchase the carton so I want to sell them as fast as possible so I don't get stuck with half a carton of unsold displays.  The upside of my pre-ordering is you don't have to wait for a full carton of orders to accumulate which allows you get them faster.

I will include insurance for orders at my discretion based on reliability of the postal service in your country and the quantity of displays ordered.

You are responsible for any import duty/taxes due when the parcel arrives in your country.  These fees/taxes are NOT included in the purchase price.  I will declare all goods at actual value on the U.S. customs forms I must use to ship internationally.

Have fun with the displays!







Edited by fussylizard
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Current stock: 18 reserved, 1 unreserved.

Thanks to everyone for their interest!

People who reserved LCDs on the earlier thread have until the end-of-day Friday to get me their orders.  If you did not reserve LCDs but still want some, go ahead and send me your order per the instructions and on Saturday I will let you know if I have enough available to fill your order based on reserved LCDs that were not claimed.  I *may* have a few extras available later if no shipments are lost, so email me your order to secure your place in line for any extras.  If there is a lot of continued interest I *may* be willing to do another carton (80 pieces) based on how shipping the first carton-worth works out (and if Optrex still has stock available at the sale price).

To those who have ordered already I will send out PayPal invoices later this week and will pack orders this weekend.  Shipments should go out sometime next week.



@Wilba - Let me know if you want two more for a full tray, but a box that big will probably scream "INSPECT ME!" to your customs office. :-)

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Well, it's a nice tray and all, but the tray shipping means that I have to insert each display into an anti-static bag, tape it, wrap it in bubble wrap, and tape it.  That box 'o LCDs in bubble wrap is sounding pretty good! :-)

BTW I did a quick test of the first tray of LCDs and they look fantastic.  Maybe it's all in my head but the right side of the sample I got from Mouser seems to be just barely brighter than the left.  Very trivial, but the new ones look perfect.  I ended up writing a simple MIOS app that fills all 80 chars with letters and used a male DIL header pressed into the solder-plated holes like you suggested for testing and it works great.  Thanks again for the advice!

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  Quick update:

1) I've nearly sorted through all the international shipping details.  The only remaining item is to calculate insurance costs for the international orders (I have to call U-PIC tomorrow since I can't figure out how to get a quote from their website), then I'll be ready to issue the international invoices.  I've already shipped the domestic orders since I've sent tons of mail within the U.S. and understand how that works. :-)

2) About customs fees: As I stated in the bulk order terms and conditions, I will not provide incorrect information on customs declaration forms for orders.  Shipments will have a CN-22 customs form attached to the outside of the box and will show the shipped value ($26 x number of LCDs ordered).  I will also include a PayPal invoice inside a plastic "Invoice Enclosed" pouch that will show the LCD cost + shipping/insurance/PayPal fees (on separate lines if I can figure out how to make PayPal do that).  I understand that everyone wants to save money and avoid customs fees, but I must follow the rules to avoid problems.  Please inform me via PM if this is a problem and I will cancel your order.  Sorry!

Thanks to everyone, especially the international buyers (most of you!) for your patience while I do my best to make this bulk order go smoothly.



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Thanks for everyone's understanding!

All this international mailing stuff is incredibly tedious to sort through.  Part of the problem is that some (many?) post office workers here don't really know the regulations for international mail and give out incorrect information.  For example, I was told by the post office that the boxes I have were too big to be shipped via the cheaper "First Class Mail International" and had to be sent via the much more expensive "Priority Mail International".  After reading the rules myself and discussions with SmashTV, my boxes are fine.  So I will have to print out the regulations and take them with me to the post office to show them in case they refuse to use my boxes for first class.  Ugh.

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I just sent out invoices for all the international orders (except one- sent email instead confirming shipping charges are OK).

Please check your email inbox and if you did not get a PayPal request from me or if there is a problem with it, please email or send me a message via the forum.

Remaining stock: 7 displays

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When using this display you should not stuff resistor R12 on your core module unless you have an IIC module attached to your core.


I was doing some work on my MB-FM Sunday night and noticed that my display was a bit unreliable with the current core (version 3 schematic - Smash TV board R4d).  The problem was it would sometimes turn on but no characters would display.  It worked perfectly on a version 2 schematic core module (which I have been using to test each LCD before I pack it - I have Smash TV board R3).

Investigation showed that the pull-up resistor R12 added in revision 3 of the core made the display somewhat unreliable.  According to the core docs this is used if you have an IIC module attached.  I don't have an IIC module to test with (I have some on order from SmashTV now).  Ultra's MB-SEQ used this exact display with his Ultracore module that includes this pull up when used with IIC modules so this should not be a problem for MB-SEQ.  For MB-FM you don't need IIC modules so don't stuff R12 for MB-FM.

So when you first test your display with a bare core module (you *are* testing as you go, right?) you should not stuff R12 to ensure the display is working with your core and your cable is wired correctly, etc.  When you add in an IIC module then you should solder in R12.

I'll report further details when I get my IIC modules for MB-SEQ.

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