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i'm not getting a mios upload request from my core. I checked all the voltages on the core according to ucapps and everything seems to be fine. I also know this pic works on a different core board the last time i tried it, but when i moved it to this new core it didn't work. I haven't tried it on the old again. Also, the midi jacks i'm using seem to have a separate ground that goes around the entire case, should i connect them? i only connected the 5 connections shown in the diagram.


1) Check again if the PIC still works in the other core

2) Disconnect all other potentially connected modules from the non-working core, to limit the number of possible errors.

3) Make sure your MIDI routing in MIOS Studio is correct (loop back test via 1 cable)

4) Follow the instructions here: http://ucapps.de/howto_debug_midi.html Especially the "MIDI Out*" tests

5) Check the wiring of the MIDI jacks

6) Show pics of your MIDI jacks


i am using the midi jacks smashtv sells. Not the ones that go on the pcb, but these http://avishowtech.com/mbhp/images/MIDIJackPanelL.jpg in that picture on the far right, am i supposed to wire that to ground as well?

also, by rear view in this picture http://ucapps.de/howtodebug/mbhp_core_extract_midi_plugs.gif does it mean the rear view of the jack so i am looking at the pins on the jack or do i look at the end the midi cable would plug in to. because if its the former, i may have the polarities reversed.


I connected the old core and put the new pic in and it works. So, I guess i'll try connecting the jacks to ground as well. I also tried the led thing on the trouble shooting page, and the led flickers when i turn the power on, but doesn't seem to do anything after that. It will only flicker again when i turn the power off.

I also tried the loop back thing in mios studio by connecting the out to the in and that seemed to work as well, so i don't think there is anything wrong with the routing in mios studio.

i guess i'll try playing with the wiring of the jacks.


the old core uses the midi jacks that go directly on the pcb though.

Fine. With the multimeter and with a jack holes  diameter compatible sized piece of wire , you can easy measured all pin connections.


woot woot! My FM finally works! I used a continuity checker and compared the pins on the working core with the nonworking ones and figured out i had the polarities reversed on the jacks. Now, I need to work on the CS.

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