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Teaser for an upcomign project

Nick McClick

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Must have been pure imagination as this was a mono mp3 of the stereoSID emulation, which does in fact support stereo effects via emulating 2 SID chips for instance, you also most certainly haven't heard downsampling effects or overdrive, which are indeed features but not audible in the clips :)

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Now you're getting closer - although it's not USB. The audio recording in the video is pretty rough (made with a cheapo mic). Some specs, so far;

- 31kHz sample rate

- >16bit resolution

- Full filter support

- Full envelope support

- Supports all 4 waveform types

- 16 steps main volume

- Waveform reset bit works

- Ring modulation

- Oscillator synchronization

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In Germany we call this "Schwanzvergleich" - it's better not to translate this term. ;)

Don't get me wrong, Propeller is a nice SoC and it was obvious that sooner or later somebody will implement a SID emulation for this chip.

It would be interesting, how long you worked on this project, and if you feel that there are enough resources free (not performance, but also memory wise) to enhance it in future. Or would you prefer to add a second uC to control the emulated SIDs?

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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@Smash - Gadget Gangster is my website. Not sure what you mean by spamvertising, but I'm no disposed central African king and I don't have an online pharmacy :) But if you're working on a project and want to post on the GG forums, I'd love it! A lot of people who visit the site are interested in music and audio, and I'm sure they'd be interested in what your working on.

Here's another sample for you - one channel is recorded from a C64, the other is emulated. Any guesses which channel is which? Here's the sample file.

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