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bank and patch up and down buttons


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as the mb64e is not in "c" yet i have to use asm for this

Im trying to assign incremental functions to a set of 4 buttons, i did think of using meta events however im not sure how to go if i need to make a set of tables or not.

now the functions i want to use are the midi standard bank - and + also patch - and + so by using the buttons i can step up and down midi banks and patches on my synths.

the standard sysex functions called are as follows.


00001CAC 1 -- B0 00 01 1 --- CC: Bank MSB <---- this is the bank change command

00001CAC 1 -- C0 00 -- 1 --- PC: Acc. Grand Piano <---- this is the patch change command

0000226A 1 -- B0 00 01 1 --- CC: Bank MSB

0000226A 1 -- C0 01 -- 1 --- PC: Brite Acc. Piano

0000277D 1 -- B0 00 01 1 --- CC: Bank MSB

0000278D 1 -- C0 02 -- 1 --- PC: Elec Grand Piano

00002C77 1 -- B0 00 01 1 --- CC: Bank MSB

00002C77 1 -- C0 03 -- 1 --- PC: Honky-Tonk Piano

00002DF0 1 -- B0 00 01 1 --- CC: Bank MSB

00002DF0 1 -- C0 04 -- 1 --- PC: Electric Piano 1

and here we change the banks, DATA 1 steps the bytes of each patch by 16 bytes ( i hope im right there) so from 50 to 5f steps up through patches 65 to 80


0001D2FF 1 -- B0 00 01 1 --- CC: Bank MSB

0001D2FF 1 -- C0 00 -- 1 --- PC: Acc. Grand Piano

0001E2B0 1 -- B0 00 01 1 --- CC: Bank MSB

0001E2B0 1 -- C0 10 -- 1 --- PC: Drawbar Organ

0001FC35 1 -- B0 00 01 1 --- CC: Bank MSB

0001FC35 1 -- C0 20 -- 1 --- PC: Acoustic Bass

000206A7 1 -- B0 00 01 1 --- CC: Bank MSB

000206A7 1 -- C0 30 -- 1 --- PC: String Ens 1

0002105D 1 -- B0 00 01 1 --- CC: Bank MSB

0002105D 1 -- C0 40 -- 1 --- PC: Soprano Sax

000214E4 1 -- B0 00 01 1 --- CC: Bank MSB

000214E4 1 -- C0 50 -- 1 --- PC: Lead1(square)

what i want to do is have the keys do a stepped decline or incremental mode that allows each press to step through or backwards through the banks/ patches and then be able to freely assign them to any button i wish as i would have done using the meta events feature with the editor.

so would i have to set up an incremental code string that holds each sysex byte all the way through from 00 to 5f for stepping upwards and then for declination i would reverse it 5f to 00.

The other reason for this is that i can set up several sets of these button features however give each set thier won midi channels and then use each set to control multiple softsynths in forte. so if i had say 4 softsynths running , i could have a bank/patch change set on channel 1 synth 1 and another on bank/patch channel 2 synth 2.


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ok today i did a quick test, using an encoder on a din sr i set the cc# to 0 and the min value to 0 and the max to 5, the reason for this is that the synth has 5 banks. when i turned the necoder it stepped nicely through the banks up and down with the turn of the encoder back and fore. now to apply this to a set of buttons i would need either a -1 or +1 byte assigned to each button, the same with patches. i cant find any subjects on the forum or ucapps that relate to this feature for making patch or bank buttons , the editor only has a bank feature for teh encoders, if you apply it to a button you only have a 0-127 state and a repeat press does not increment the patch it only jumps to the patch at the relative byte value, then back to the first patch on release.

how would i code a small script to achieve this function?

two buttons for bank and two buttons for patch labeled bank- bank+ patch- patch+

so the starting state for bank- is B0 00 00 a press of bank+ changes this to B0 00 01 which sets it to bank 2, pressing bank+ changes it to B0 00 02 which is bank 3, pressing bank- 2 times returns it to B0 00 00 bank 1.

and patch- initail state is C0 00 which is patch 1 then a press of patch+ gives you C0 01 which is patch 2 and then pressing patch- takes you back to C0 00 patch 1. basically the same function set as the banks however for the patches.

i cant find a cc# for patches that allows the stepping through of patches, if i can find this then i could assign an encoder to patches and have a button for the banks.

i am not sure if a step -1 and +1 function would need to be written in or a table of the complete sysex would be needed.


update: some of the softsynths im using will only respond to the sysex commands for bank and patch change they do not respond to the cc# of cc# 0 for bank and cc#32 for patch.

Edited by ssp
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Like I said in the chat for a simple +/-1 there's no need for tables. Simply increment and decrement your patch and bank.

My personal take on this would be to extend the MB64_BUTTON_Handler function in mb64_buttons.inc. Before the voodoo that happens there you could add sth along these lines (assuming you have 2 variables assigned called patch_num and bank_num):

sendpatchchange {
send bank and patch

if button id (MIOS_PARAMETER1) is Patch_Up
inc patch_num
if patch_num > 127
patch_num = 0
inc bank_num
if bank_num = 5
bank_num = 0
if button id (MIOS_PARAMETER1) is Patch_Down
dec patch_num
if patch_num > 127
patch_num = 127
dec bank_num
if bank_num > 5
bank_num = 5
if button id (MIOS_PARAMETER1) is Bank_Up
inc bank_num
if bank_num > 5
bank_num = 0
if button id (MIOS_PARAMETER1) is Bank_Down
dec bank_num
if bank_num > 5
bank_num = 0

Obviously there's more elegant/faster ways, but this should do for starters.

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thanks nils, yes i understood that , however that would be in c and the mb64e isnt supporting c code yet.

ok so i just did a few changes to the encoders and realised that to change the patches its a program change not a cc# doh! so i assigned the program change to an encoder and bingo worked first time, so all that has to be done is to apply the two features to two sets of - and + buttons.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Simon asked me for help, but it's currently very difficult for me to find the time for giving an explicit example.

However, here some hints:

You need a variable which stores the patch number, another one which stores the bank number.

Search in app_defines.h for free locations.

E.g., 0x1d and 0x1e are not used yet (in MB64E!) - by adding

MY_PATCH_NUM EQU 0x1e[/code] these addresses are now yours! :) Now you have to create branches for all 4 buttons, similar to this example: http://svnmios.midibox.org/filedetails.php?repname=svn.mios&path=%2Ftrunk%2Fapps%2Fcontrollers%2Fmidibox64e%2Fmeta_examples%2F2%2Fmb64e_meta.inc but you only need to consider the first four (MB64E_META_Handler_00 .. MB64E_META_Handler_03) - all others are not relevant and can be removed.
JUMPTABLE_2BYTES 4 ; 4 entries
rgoto MB64E_META_Handler_00
rgoto MB64E_META_Handler_01
rgoto MB64E_META_Handler_02
rgoto MB64E_META_Handler_03
Now you implement the functions based on Nil's pseudo code. "inc" (increment) can be done with "incf <variable-name>, F", such as "incf MY_PATCH_NUM, F" "if( patch_num > 127 )" is a bit complicated in assembly language. The easiest way is to check if the 8th bit is set, such as

btfsc PATCH_NUM, 7
[/code] (see datasheet for a description of these instructions) Such a simple check isn't possible for checks != 2^n, such as "if( bank_num > 5 )" There are instructions for such comparisons, and I also have some macros, but they are complicated to use (if I haven't programmed assembly for more than one year - like currently - I would need at least two tries to get this working ;)) So, it's easier to make an equivalence check, such as "if( bank_num == 5 ) bank_num = 0" Resulting instructions:
xorlw 5

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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thanks thorsten, i almost see what you mean now, i have some more reading to do again and lots of notes to make so i have reference again. I have been reading all my notes on the meta handler routine we did for the mmc unit and the mmc handlers so i am hoping that by the time i have read everything again and written some test code i will have a grasp of it again.

is it possible to say write something in "c" and then port it to the 452 core?

everyone has said i should move onto "c" now as it makes life much easier, i have found a website with details tutorials and tests so i am neck deep in that also.

so if i get that in my grasp or the basics i will try writing something and uploading the text here to see just how bad it is!.

thanks as always

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Hi Simon,

it was always unclear to me why you are not writing the whole application in C - it's much easier than adapting the assembly based MB64E firmware for your needs (especially since this firmware includes 90% features which you probably never use).

Another advantage: once you learned programming in C, you can re-use your code (and knowledge) for MIOS32 based applications later. :)

If you are searching for a text adventure, try the assembler approach.

But if you are searching for some sparetime fun (!), you should definitely go for C :)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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hi thorsten.

the reason i stuck with the asm side of things was because i thought that the mb64e was still not ported to the new core unit, at the moment i think it still has not been ported or am i wrong? this was why i stayed using the assembler code.

is it possible to write something in c and still upload it to the 452's? this is what i am not dure of and also what has prevented myself from going to c. Im basically back to noob 101 again!

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it was always unclear to me why you are not writing the whole application in C - it's much easier than adapting the assembly based MB64E firmware for your needs (especially since this firmware includes 90% features which you probably never use).

A few years back I received exactly the same answer from Thorsten, and it turned out that he was completely right - with the MIOS C functions, everything I needed at that time could be implemented very easily. Go for it! :thumbsup:

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is it possible to write something in c and still upload it to the 452's? this is what i am not dure of and also what has prevented myself from going to c. Im basically back to noob 101 again!

Of course - just try out some examples from this page:



Sending MIDI events on button movements

Controlling 128 LEDs via MIDI

Sending 7bit MIDI events on rotary encoder movements

Printing values on a LCD

You can combine these examples to a bigger firmware and you could also adapt it for your own controlling requirements of course.

You won't need a Core32 for such experiments, and the 32k flash of PIC18F452 should be sufficient for your firmware.

It's really worth a try (as Ilmenator highlighted) :)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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