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Compiling midibox_seq_v3_4f


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Hey guys,

i want to recompile the setup_mbseq_v3.asm (3.7f) with my own setup (setup_mbseq_rio.asm) again, but something changed a bit in src-structure over the years.

I installed msys 1.10 and gputils too. then i have readen that:


cd c:\<your application directory>

SET PATH=C:\MSYS\1.0\bin;%programfiles%\gputils\bin;%programfiles%\SDCC\bin;%PATH%


but where is the make.bat file in mbseq-directory? so i tried to write an own make.bat for my setup:

gpasm -p 18f4620 -I ./src setup_mbseq_rio.asm

..but it can't compile, mios.h and so on is missing...it is in the subfolders....but i don't know, how i can configure correct or where i find a predefinied make.bat.

i hope someone can help me...

best regards,


Edited by Rio
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ok thx. so i will try again at home.

But i think i recived a "'make' command was not found" yesterday.

Maybe i left something out (PATH definition?).

I've installed MSYS and GPUtils allright. I will try and write here an answer again, if it not works...

thx, rio

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