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Posted (edited)

Hi folks!

While searching for MIDI-controllerboxes on the internet i came accross the Midibox project. Now i`d like to build a Midibox that can be used as a midi controller and/or a sequencer. But there are still some questions unanswered. If one or more questions already have been asked in this forum, please forgive me.

1. Is there still the possibility that MIDIbox64 can operate as a sequencer with alternative firmware/software? If so, what firm/software and with what PIC should i use?

2. Do encoders work with the MIDIbox64 hard/software? (I know that the specifications say NO, but I think I have already seen such a box)

3. Does anyone have a tip about cheap pots shipped within germany? (6mm shaft, 12-15mm shaft length, serrated, front panel)

4. Does the LCD display have to be HD47780-compatible or what do I have to be carefull about the specifications/data sheets?

5. Can anyone recommend small, cheap, FLAT push buttons (menu control) for front panel mounting? (The cheap miniature push button are just to "high")

6. Does anyone have the (approximate) dimensions of the basic platines (Core, DIN, AIN, etc.)?

What I have so far is a small housing (LWH 16x34x3,5 - 6,5 mm), which I've made of a side panel of a computer and some xy-wood.

What I`d like to have is a MIDI controller and/or sequencer like this:

1 row x16 push buttons (for mute/step) with moving light/mute display

3 rows x 16 knobs

6 extra knob for sound control

3 small push buttons for Play / Stop / Reset

3 small push button for menu control

1 small push button for snapshot function

Midi In and Out leds

These items are on my virtual shop list:

MIDIbox64 the kit from Mike: http://www.mikes-elektronikseite.de/mshop_deutsch/

PIC18F452 Mike (programmed)

pots: http://de.mouser.com/ProductDetail/BI-Technologies/P160KN-0QC15B10K/?qs=sGAEpiMZZMvW%252b9mi%252bfqQhiZlN8rM%252bitmc%252bpsFMpdf5Q%3d

knobs: http://de.mouser.com/ProductDetail/Neutrik-RE-AN/P670S-09-S6/?qs=sGAEpiMZZMuiwDVLTMm01ewXA3Akdlhqf4Ggubhuwqw%3d

pushbutton big : http://www.pollin.de/shop/t/OTU4OTA5OTk-/Bauelemente_Bauteile/Mechanische_Baulemente/Schalter_Taster/Drucktaster_schalter_Serie_PBS_11x_PBS_12x.html

pushbutton small : http://www.pollin.de/shop/t/MjA5OTA5OTk-/Bauelemente_Bauteile/Mechanische_Baulemente/Schalter_Taster/Miniatur_Drucktaster_Schalter_Serie_PBS_10x_2.html

leds with reflector: http://www.pollin.de/shop/t/Nzg2OTA5OTk-/Bauelemente_Bauteile/Aktive_Bauelemente/LEDs/LED_Signalleuchten_mit_Innenreflektor.html

display (I'd like a blue one): http://de.mouser.com/ProductDetail/Hantronix/HDM16216L-5-E30S/?qs=sGAEpiMZZMt7dcPGmvnkBthcrB3jqh7bc%252b9o5DCgKHI%3d

Are these items what i need?

Hope you can help me. regards. cu

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Edited by demochx

Hi demochx :) welcome to midibox world!

1. Is there still the possibility that MIDIbox64 can operate as a sequencer with alternative firmware/software? If so, what firm/software and with what PIC should i use?

I'm pretty sure that is not gonna happen. The midibox64 app is big, and so is the seq app - if you programmed your own firmware you could sure have some midibox64 and some seq features mixed, but maybe 2 cores (1 for midibox64 and 1 for mbseq) would be a better solution.. or even 2 separate boxes

2. Do encoders work with the MIDIbox64 hard/software? (I know that the specifications say NO, but I think I have already seen such a box)

I think i heard something like that too at some point, but i'm not sure at all. I can say for sure that midibox64e can use encoders though

4. Does the LCD display have to be HD47780-compatible or what do I have to be carefull about the specifications/data sheets?

Midibox supports a handfull of different types of LCDs, but i guess that the HD47780 is so popular because it is a wellknown standard, goes well into the box, easy to work with, and ofcourse cheap :)

Not the very best answers :) i'm sorry, but i hope someone with more midibox64(e) experience can answer more precise.

Posted (edited)

1. Is there still the possibility that MIDIbox64 can operate as a sequencer with alternative firmware/software? If so, what firm/software and with what PIC should i use?

The MidiboxSeq was from a modified Midibox64 firmware. However, a "dual-use" box is not very useful in my opinion, unless you prefer an analog style sequencer (oh, further post for me says: yes, you do)

However, you would have to change firmwares to change operating mode.

2. Do encoders work with the MIDIbox64 hard/software? (I know that the specifications say NO, but I think I have already seen such a box)

For that, take a look at the Midibox64E (E for Encoders)

6. Does anyone have the (approximate) dimensions of the basic platines (Core, DIN, AIN, etc.)?

The one's from Mike are:

Core 8: 8x6cm

DIN/DOUT: 4x10cm

/edit: please also post the picture of the box you have in the German thread, this helps everyone a lot to understand what you are aiming for.

Edited by stuartm
Posted (edited)


1. i attached a picture of the box

2. i have addtional gear like an access virus so running as a sequencer and midicontroller would make sense (6 additional knobs for control sound)

3. the encoder is not needed but at least 1 for controlling the menu would be nice.

i saw this on the internet: http://www.livepa.org/board/viewtopic.php?t=1693&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=0 (he uses normal pots and encoders)

4. have you got the hight dimensions of the ready to build-in boards?


thanks for welcoming me so friendly!

that`s nearly exactly what i want: http://monopole.ph.qmw.ac.uk/~thomas/synthdiy/TBbox1.htm (of course i dont have a built-in soundgenerator so i`d like to send 6 controllchanges via midi-out)

and i`d like to be able to "switch" to midi-controller only mode (as you said) via softwarechange in order to control my plugin (see attachment) a or anything else.

Originally i wanted a more complex solution (see attachment) but since this will be my first midibox project, i wanted to keep it relativly simple.

refering to 64E: i`ll ask it this way: does the midibox64E support normal rotary pots?


thanks for your quick answers!

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Edited by demochx

4. have you got the hight dimensions of the ready to build-in boards?

Mike seems to have different electrolytic caps.

i have cores that are 23.5mm, 25mm and 28mm high including the board.

if you want to be sure just ask him via email (at the shop)

detailed info on which midibox does what and which LCDs are compatible you can find over there:



i'm sure there are some good examples for you in the MIDIbox of the week section of the forum:


have fun!


3. the encoder is not needed but at least 1 for controlling the menu would be nice.

i saw this on the internet: http://www.livepa.or...der=asc&start=0 (he uses normal pots and encoders)

Hi demochx,

In the setup_midibox64.asm file you can read about it :


; Datawheel for menu navigation/data entry connected or not?

; A datawheel can replace the left/right buttons!

; if -1: datawheel not connected

; if >= 0: encoder number assigned to datawheel function

; don't forget to check the pins of the datawheel in MIOS_ENC_PIN_TABLE (-> mios_tables.inc or setup_*.asm)

; it has to be connected to pin 4 and 5 by default



i`ll ask it this way: does the midibox64E support normal rotary pots?

yes , it support pots







Posted (edited)

@rosch: thanks for posting the dimensions (now i have an idea of how much space i need) and the helpfull links.

@janis: thats great news. the way i see it, is that both boxes (64/64E) should support rotary encoder(s) and pots.

so i`ll stick with the Midibox64 and can use 1 encoder to controll the menu...

Thx for your informations!

Edited by demochx
Posted (edited)

i read many posts in this forum and had a closer look at the midibox wikipages, but since nobody seems to build the vintage style sequencer anymore its hard to find similar projects. concerning the midicontroller part of the box, things are clear. but when it comes to the sequencer part, i still need to know some things:

since thorsten wrote (in seqv3 history) that the PIC18F4620 microcontroller is hardware compatible to the PIC18F452, can i use this pic with the mb64 and would i benefit from it?

the mb64 hardware has a memory for 1 song*16parts*8patterns right?

could anybody please have a look at the layout i attached an give me some advice in case i missed something?

of course i cannot use all the menu shortcuts since the box will be tiny and i want to use lots of pots and leds.

the menu shortcuts are PATTERN, SONG, MUTE.

to controll the menu i will use an encoder and 2 buttons (ENTER, SNAPSHOT)

since i "only" have 48 pots i`ll only make use of 3 tracks and bind track 1 to the pushbuttons at the buttom.

if you have any suggestions, please let me know!

regards, mark

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Edited by demochx

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