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Baffled by overly zealous DIY ??

Peter Lindener

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Wilba -

I see your point with respect to running a filler on midiBox newbies....and apparently soldering skills...fills that bill for you... I also can understand the feeling of many in this community that

midiBox is far more focused than the Arduino community...and why midiBox people might want to be keeping it that way.... I think you have made your point....even if the marketing oriented perspective that making efforts to bridge with the Arduino community seems to some how outside the more welcoming perspective, you seen less wanting appreciate for the potential up side of bring new, possibly younger people into the midiBox community....

While I'm perfectly willing to put a few midiBox boards together, I would like to reiterate my earlier reflection that I am not asking you to work theoretical problems in the time/frequency dual space...

My point with respect to being up and running out of the box... is that many never get to the place where there feeling confident enough to even entertain even inquiring with your community... Any thing we could do that would make it more likely that some of these people would decide it was safe to venture into the midiBox community without wondering if they somehow need to meet the expectations of someone else who may be less accepting...

Edited by nILS
please don't fullquote
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... Any thing we could do that would make it more likely that some of these people would decide it was safe to venture into the midiBox community without wondering if they somehow need to meet the expectations of someone else who may be less accepting...

have a look around, there are always new people coming in and don't feel like they have to meet any special requirements from the community's side. usually they ask how they can start a project, where to get parts from, where's the problem with their boards etc...

usually sales clerks, at least good ones, notice when the point is reached when their time spent in senseless pitch efforts outweighs the gain they calculated.

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Hawkeye -

Yes special software.... It runs on a neural network based CPU.... that has an extra deep lexical recursion stack... I guess is still not clear if your current parser has allocated enough stack space.

For a good example of what a pair of these CPUs can do when working in tandem over an extended period of sustained execution time see: http://www.votingmatters.org.uk/ISSUE27/I27P1.pdf

Should I assume my message targets are being received by resource limited CPUs...( as a good embedded system designer should be prepared to do, when designing new messaging protocols.?


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I guess is still not clear if your current parser has allocated enough stack space.

It might also be the lack of conventional puncuation or the fact that you tend to miss a in most of your sentences.

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Hawkeye -

Your reflection regarding information theory on average, in the more general un-biased case, is correct.

Your offered observation at its minimum clarifies that you are a well educated man.

Then, we might then ponder the challenges of sparse statistical sampling within smaller sociological systems.

If you would like to cover the topic more thoroughly, from a rigorous information theoretic perspective, I would feel obliged do do so, perhaps in an appropriate thread.


Will solder for food >>>>>>>ike.gif



I like your style... You may have a deal there.

Edited by nILS
topics merged. Please don't double-post.
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Ok, I'm quite flabbergasted...

While some are looking up the word stochastic...for which I admire them for doing so, not to mention there modesty in admitting that they did so. And others have been so helpful as to point out where on the form I need to add my self to the Bulk order list for the next LPC1769 based midi Box controller...

I have been working on figuring out how MidiBox console I/O might be implemented over TCP/IP via the Expresso board's Ethernet interface, and then how this might hook into both Run-time and compile time configurations switches such that Debug printouts can be done on the midiBox's LCD or UART, USB COM, or via ICP/IP TelNet over the Ethernet Link... Not to mention also looking at how Ableton Live's OSC signaling grammar might want some level of standardization within the midiBox community.

I find some, who chiming in who might be needing to learn about sending messages of acceptance to newcomers in the midiBox community...

I'm sure that for those who do pull there weight in technical contribution in this community, that most all of them will appreciate the very real work represented in the goal I have taken on as described above..

I will rest my case with that, and hope others will also see that the most positive way forward is to ask them self's what they can do that would also be seen as constructive by the midiBox community.

all the best


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Modesty has always been one of my strong points......

As there is already a telnetd (and httpd) implementation in the ethernet examples section of svn (I modified the uIP samples) using this for debugging would be a fairly simple exercise although the memory requirements of uIP mean that it really doesn't add much to the debugging capabilities already offered by MIOS Studio (over USB or MIDI I/O) at the cost of a few KB of precious RAM.

I would also like to make the point that the contribution to MIDIbox made by some of the previous posters is immeasurable whereas to date your contribution is definitely measurable!


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Most well educated engineers know that stability criteria and feedback loop gain are intimately related..

We can conjecture that the same might be true in human affairs... Since feedback loops associated with human dialog involve more than just one person, there stability in some sense by the nature of this context, is a cooperative venture.... That is, while one person can always turn down there part of the loop gain equation, from a more holistic perspective it, really takes a more collaborative style of shared responsibility for all involved to mange the Loop gain equation more as a collaboration.

I'm not sure what else it would make sense to say here... suffice it to say I'm not sure about how the midiBox community as a whole chooses to greet newbies.


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I had to look up "convoluted", "erudite" and "droll". Sorry, English is not my mother tongue. :whistle:

@Peter Lindener:

So as I noticed from your posts you are eager to contribute to the Midibox community and unleash your academic superpowers. The idea of merging the Arduino platform with the midibox platform wasn't a good one as we found out, but this doesn't mean your skills aren't needed. Why not extending ultra's Ableton launcher with my LCD-button matrix idea? Have a look here:

I'm currently too busy with my daily workload and when I have some free time, I'd rather use it to program my brain instead of the Core32 module. Yeah I know, but after installing the toolchain I lost interest and cared more for sports, meditation and arts in general. So why not dischare your energy on that project? Most advanced Ableton users will find that useful, you can bring yourself in and maybe distribute a kit, which probably can be sold without any losses. Classic win-win situation. Watcha think?

Edited by kristal=
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Dude you really do not get it... that is the PM I just wrote to you... please read and understand


I don´t know where you take your texts from, but most of them are blown up like Dolly Buster or they make no sense at all, that is what I wrote in my last message.


there is no "ICP/IP"

it is called "their" and not "there"

Just write plain and short posts.

A sentence like " I'm sure that for those who do pull there weight in technical contribution in this community, that most all of them will appreciate the very real work represented in the goal I have taken on as described above.." is in itself very redundant - that is why you get these strange responses to your posts.

You could have said "this is a lot of work I will do, please applaud to me".

That was the meaning of the above sentence, which after 5 minutes of extraction time does not add to the favor of the users.

Best regards,


I do get a creepy feeling like I am talking to a berzerk-going not-completely-finished, but already networked artificial intelligence, that is targeting MIDIbox, because it wants to play.

Read too much sci-fi lately, obviously.

Good night and keep them flabbergasts away!


Edited by Hawkeye
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Dude you really do not get it... that is the PM I just wrote to you... please read and understand

I'm still looking for your send of this "PM"..... that I might have never received....

While my weakness might ne a few typos and spelling mistakes.....

...Your right it sure feels like an episode of the twilight zone to me...

... Form Zombies out to do in Newbie talent, before they would have a chance to demonstrate any sense of usefulness... I would like to be productive in this community might you give me half a chance?


Edited by Peter Lindener
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Ok, and as a copy, as you seem to not be able to receive them, the next PM aka Private Message, that I wrote to you:

Here is the message or in other words PM I sent you just a few minutes before:

- it is still valid - instead you continue to write nonsense like

"Since feedback loops associated with human dialog involve more than just one person, there stability in some sense by the nature of this context, is a cooperative venture"

Please read and understand the mail. Write simple posts. Build projects. Enjoy MIDIbox.


(original message)

If you cannot receive them, I wonder how you want to build TCP/IP debugging facilities? But I better stop to wonder and pursue my own path, for yours is but a mystery.


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...others have been so helpful as to point out where on the form I need to add my self to the Bulk order list for the next LPC1769 based midi Box controller...

hasn't passed the captcha yet, maybe some new type of spambot?

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Please stop this debate now.

Give Peter (Lindener) a bit more time to learn how this community is working.

And Peter: please create and show the results instead of talking too much about visions which might never come true.

Thats the best way to demonstrate that you are not only a "chatterbox" (german: "Dampfplauderer")

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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