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TDA1543 DAC-based I2S board for LPC17?


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just bought a couple of TDA1543 DAC chip from eBay. Can anyone give me any tips on utilising these chips to give stereo audio output from a LPC17-based Core board? I notice TK has used one for his MIDIBox Speech Synth project, and there is mention of I2S audio output in some of the MIOS32 tutorial applications, but I haven't been able to find any newbie-friendly documentation on getting them to work. I'm sure the circuitry required is probably very simple, but I'd love to see a circuit diagram or matrix/vero board layout for a basic I2S audio output board.



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Quick question:

testing the simple i2s Synth project in trunk/apps/tutorials/024_i2s_synth with my newly-soldered DAC board. Is velocity supposed to be mapped to OSC frequency? I seem to get a different frequency with the same note at different velocities (plus massive amounts of aliasing distortion, too), but if I press each key realllly softly (giving a velocity of 1, I guess), it sounds as expected- ie a clear basic sawtooth wave, tracking the keyboard. Is this expected? Can't see anything in the code comments to suggest this is how it's supposed to work. If not, could it be a hardware error somewhere on my DAC board?


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  • 1 year later...

Interesting. However I just looked at the PCM1725 data sheet via Mouser and it says it is not recommended for new designs. Stock up now I suppose...


I see a similar notice on the TI website for the PCM1725

"Not Recommended for New Design (NRND)

Replaced By PCM1754 – The device has the SAME FUNCTIONALITY as the compared device, but is not pin-for-pin equivalent and may not be parametrically equivalent."

Anyways, thank you for this community. Still learning about all that is happening here.

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I see a similar notice on the TI website for the PCM1725

"Not Recommended for New Design (NRND)

Replaced By PCM1754 – The device has the SAME FUNCTIONALITY as the compared device, but is not pin-for-pin equivalent and may not be parametrically equivalent."

Anyways, thank you for this community. Still learning about all that is happening here.

It might have something to do with the fact that fuzzylizard's post is more then a year old :wink:

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