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Help needed....can i upload with only one midi cable...


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hello at all...

i am building my sammich kit.

I am following the build guide, and i am at the step before the regulator on the baseboard. in the manual it is say to check short betwenn gnd and 5v at this moment so i do.

when my multimeter is set on 200 ohm: no short

2000 ohm: no short

20K : Short: 8,86K

200K short:8?86k


so i think i can stop my build....

not normal exact??? shit.....

Edited by florian gaud
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hello at all...

i am building my sammich kit.

I am following the build guide, and i am at the step before the regulator on the baseboard. in the manual it is say to check short betwenn gnd and 5v at this moment so i do.

when my multimeter is set on 200 ohm: no short

2000 ohm: no short

20K : Short: 8,86K

200K short:8?86k


so i think i can stop my build....

not normal exact??? shit.....

looking more and more at the soldering i can't see anything wrong.... shit

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If I understand you right, you have measured the resistance between two points on the PCB to 8,86K ohms and that is not a short. Most digital multimeters have a short circuit finder setting that beeps if there is a short between the probes. Check if your multimater has that function, it is much easier to use than measuring resistance. With your device, you have used three settings, the first one can measure resistances up to 2000 ohms = 2k ohmns and since the resistance in your circuit is higher, it can't mesure it. With the other two settings, you can mesure up to 20k ohms or 200k ohms respectively so those settings can mesure your resistance correctly. Summary: you're fine.

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ok...finally all is soldered.....My antex c15 died, it run when it want, so i finish all the build except the leds with a big 45w iron.... .. I am now at the voltage test step on the base pcb....

ALL 5v, -5v, 9v are fine...

But the 12c orange point are at 16, 6 v......

I have read on the build guide that it may change with the psu, but i think it's a bit too many no????

i am using my echo soundcard psu

this a photo...in the wrong way sorry i have not the toolo now to do a mirror....


it's not normal i think???

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If you are using 6581 SIDs then you need a regulated 12Volt supply or you will fry the SIDs.

For 6582 and 8580 SIDs, these use the 9Volt regulator IC4 so any anything upto about 15Volt will be fine, just make sure the jumpers are in the right place.

The echo power supply you have is not a regulated one which is why it gives 19Volt with no load on it.

Hope that helps.


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