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We finially finished our first album!


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It's been just over a year since we released our first song (Tsunami Gaiden) and we finally have just released the full album! We made a silly promo on

I haven't yet put up the final 3 songs on SoundCloud yet, but you can check them out on our BandCamp page!

Though the NES dominated the chiptune sounds, we also used the GameBoy with my sammichSID and sammichFM synths making their appearance in a few songs (most notably, The Final Boss).

We have already started on our next album, although still plan on trying to get Chipsurf Pipeline on vinyl (wouldn't that be intersting - chiptunes on vinyl?). Our next album will likely feature the SID more, although with a bit more effects on top.

Anyways I'm excited if you couldn't tell!

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Have a website or place I can check out your band perchance? Love to hear it!

As far as vinyl goes, it can even be more limiting than you think. You can only fit 18 minutes or so on each side of a 12" LP typically. Since records spin at a constant rate (unlike CDs), the tracks towards the inside won't sound quite as good as the outside since the grooves are passing under the needle more slowly. This can impact how you arrange songs on your album.

But they have a wonderfully warm (some would say inaccurate and flawed) sound, are great for collecting and are just fun to play! Definitely not cheap to make though...

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I am one of your followers on Soundcloud user name is Kilke. There are 2 sets of live improvised stuff on the cloud. Or you can check out http://www.jamendo.com/en/artist/kilke where most of our studio based stuff is available. We have a rather long and boring history, for a band that has been around since the 90's, we have only played publicly twice!

Hope you like our stuff.


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Haha oh yeah, duh :) I check out your stuff every so often. Just didn't associate the name with the music :) Ooops.

EDIT: Err no, I must've missed that follow e-mail. Sorry! I got my K's messed up as well. Well anyways, following you now and checking out your stuff as I type this!

Edited by m00dawg
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The Siberia session is a little rough but as it was all live improv it's bound to be.

The birthday session is one of those happy accidents when it all worked, again this was spontaneous improv.

There will be some more in the next few days when I have time to sort out the levels and upload it.

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  • 2 months later...

Thought I would reply to this thread instead of a new one since it was already mentioned above and apologize it's a bit off-topic.

We have finally setup a Kickstarter project to put Chipsurf Pipeline on vinyl. The minimum goal is a 7" single, but if we end up getting more support, we'll shoot for an LP instead. We have already listened to a dub-plate of one of the songs to test out how things might sound (the very same dub-plate we are giving away to the top contributor to the project). While it doesn't have the clarity of the master (obviously), it does sound better than what you can get from iTunes or Spotify, and it has a bit of a smoother sound.

I'm an avid (non-hipster) vinyl guy so I appreciate the sound but also the experience of having a collectable that is physical and real, as opposed to just 0's and 1's that happen to comprise a song.

Either way, if you're interested in participating, head on over to our project page for more info!

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  • 5 months later...

Hey that's awesome! Glad you like it! The 7" is going to sound rather amazing so I think you are in for a treat if you have the means to play it! It has a bit of a grittier sound to it but it really helps bring out the sound we were looking for, especially for the A-side (Tsunami Gaiden). If you want to follow the progress, you can check out our Facebook page or, if you prefer less regular updates, can follow the project on Kickstarter.

To give you a quick update, we are currently on our 2nd round of test pressings. The first sounded amazing but we did notice a potential issue on the B-side we want to make sure is not systemic. We don't think it is, but wanted to make sure. That pushes things back by another week but if we don't find anything in this round of pressings, we can finish the order and start cranking out records!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Austin is definitely a goal and something we expect to do! We're based out of San Antonio, TX so it's not far. In fact we've already talkeda bout places we'd love to play in Austin so it's on our radar for sure. Baby steps though :)

As a quick update to the records for those curious, our second round of test pressings are good so we are now waiting on URP to do the full production run. I suspect perhaps another 2 weeks and we should be good starting to ship them out!

And finally since we're on the MidiBox forum, we are still planning on making 1U rackmount live-centric MBFM and MBSIDs. Thinking about making a stripped down MBSEQ as well since we really just need it for a MIDI clock (with tempo slides occasionally) and patch manager/changer and cabinet space in our live rack plan is starting to fill up quick.

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Very nice to hear about the progress of the record. Of course I have the means to play it! :) Keep it up!


We are really happy with how it turned out. Even my band-mate, who was initially skeptical of the whole audio differences, was rather impressed. It basically added a sort of vintage sound to the whole thing and so it really makes the songs pop!

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  • 1 month later...

Awesome! That didn't take quite as long as I thought to traverse the ocean! I hope they got to you in good shape as well!

It's definitely meant to be played at higher volumes :) Not blow-out-your-ears-loud but we actually asked Aardvark to try and cut the master loud. It's got this kinda grit to it that you won't hear on the digital versions that I really REALLY like, especially on side-A.

At any rate, thanks for your support and the patience while we worked on getting it right. Having to do two rounds of test pressings really set things back, but I really think the results were well worth the wait!

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