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Switching MB6582 power supplies


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I don't think anyone has mentioned this yet, but there's someone on Ebay selling replacement switching power supplies for the C64, C128, and assorted drives. See http://myworld.ebay.com/basicwayne/. If you like to play with the SID when it's still in the C64, he has triple-output power supplies: one for the C64 and two for floppy drives. This should do the trick for you MB6582 owners who are edgy about using an old power supply.

Edited by Davo
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There is no spec for the psu other than voltage and that it is smpsu... He says nothing about freq of the switcher and so on. So before using this on a mbsid I would rush to ask for some specs at least. If he can't answer, I suspect he doesn't know the difference hehe. "Everyone" knows that a switcher is efficient like he says in the listing, but not all really know when it is ok to use one. Altitude seems to have found a switcher regulator that he claims to be noise free... I will be checking that out for my mb6582 build. Meanwhile I am building a linear psu for my two sid synth :-).

But if this psu work good, its a really good tip, and its price is also right.

Maybe someone with a mbsid, a scope and some experience would be willing to test it?

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Hehe Hawk. I am wanting some tips on wich transformers u used for the linear. I am about to finish mine, but the xformers is the only thing missing at this point. I even managed to crowd a single layer free eagle size PCB with 3 rails, big heatsinks and crowbars. Mmmm. Though I had to struggle with the order-to-chaos rule the universe seems to have pushed on us. Hehe.

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Yo, TB - i used this one: http://www.reichelt....T=0&OFFSET=500

one output goes directly to the C64 9V AC plug pins, the other through a rectifier to a 2Amps 5V vreg attached to a *big* heat sink, protected by a crowbar. Add a few fuses and you´re good to go - i know you can do moar protection stuff in the PSU, but it will suffice for me :-D

Edited by Hawkeye
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Yeah, I also use vregs 78sXX ones and crowbars on the positive rails. I think that should do in most scenarios yes. I think I'm gonna find out a solution for the first or second crowbar also tripping a relay at the main inputs - to kill all three rails in case one rail trips the crowbar. So I might have to redesign the PCB after all. Haven't found the solution yet, but It will have to include some v-dividers and a NOR gate of some kind I think... but I'm not really there yet - just the idea stage at this time.

Oh, sorry for hijacking the thread like this Davo... :). On your topic - the psu need to be tested, but I'm not ready to do so myself, but it would be supercool if someone (specifically Hawkeye hehehe) could get one and test it :D. If this one is cool (noiseless as the linear or just as good) I will gladly buy one and hack it :D

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This is really overkill with all these crazy transformer solutions, the only thing you need for a MB6582 is something to drive the SIDs (+9V or +12) and +5V for the digital side. The C64 one is a matter of convenience and nostalgia, not necessity. You could run the whole thing off a 9VAC wall wart if you wanted to, the SIDs really draw the current, not the digital side so thats where you need the juice. I did some measurements when I installed my switching 5V regulator and without the SIDs installed, the digital side only pulls 150 mA with LCD installed at 12V DC, with the SIDs, its pulling 750 mA. The switching Vreg and unregulated DC supply will cost a third of those C64 supplies cost

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