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MIDIbox64 V2.0


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is now available for download. Thanks to all beta testers who checked it with their hardware!





Updated Tutorial (not complete yet):


Unfortunately I've no access to the internet in the next days, so if there are open questions, just search for the answer in the source code ;-)

Have fun! :)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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That "Morph" Function really sounds funny! Looks like its time to get all that PICs and Cores out of that box again and upgrade it...  :)

Anyhow a question: The MIOS version of the MB doesn´t look like it will be compatible to Serge´s VirtualMidibox, will it?

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Sure, the MIOS based MIDIbox64 it is compatible with Serge's vmidibox64 editor (but note that the transfer rate has to be changed, see ChangeLog!)

Bosone: No, I see no way to adapt MIOS and the MB64 application to the expired MIDIbox Plus hardware - the maintenance and documentation effort would be too high and some applications would have to take care for the different pinout.

It would be much easier if you would just make your board MBHP compatible! ;-)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Is a documentation really necessary? Just compare the two schematics, you have to solder the LCD and the 4051 select lines to other pins, you have to add a 10k pull-up to pin RC2 and RD1, and a 1k pull-up to RA4 (if it isn't there yet). Thereafter MIOS should boot properly

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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I have been kicking the 64 thing round for while now,boy it's nice. ;D

But..................I have tried and tried and then again to get some encoder action into the mios.

I have tried cutting and pasting the stuff from other apps but it seems to upset the whole apple cart. ???

I don't need them to be learning enc's like the pots and buttons.

I just want some in there that I can tell what to do in the MIOS.

I am able to tell them what to do once they are in there.

Otherwise I will have to make another core for them :-/

Just a hint or two would probably help.......pleeeeease



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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest squirrelly_dude

mb64 2.0 sounds pretty cool. what are the possibilies of implementing multiple pages of buttons/leds changable via sfb?i'm really interested in this possibility and am willing to test. what do ya think TK?

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Maybe sooner or later - but currently I've other priorities... so if somebody with programming skills feel interested: the changes have to be made in mb64_buttons.inc and mb64_leds.inc. The easiest way would be to switch between different DIN and DOUT maps depending on the state of a dedicated DIN.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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  • 1 year later...

TK wrote:

you have to add a 10k pull-up to pin RC2 and RD1, and a 1k pull-up to RA4 (if it isn't there yet)

I am updating my old MB64 to MIOS standard, I am using Greg's PCB. (Built it in 2001) Concerning the pull up to RC2 - on the current core schematic, the pull up appears to go to RC3, and not RC2 as TK mentioned above. Have I got this correct?


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I am updating my old MB64 to MIOS standard

Cool, I guess it was Steve who was doing this!

I need to do my Greg board as well.

Steve (or anyone)- What else is done besides a pullup added at RC3 and the crystal swap for the 18f speed? I've got all the old and new schematics at the studio with the box, but no internet there.


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There are two 10kohm pull up resistors (check new core diagram) and 'bypass' capacitors, and I think there is one more resistor? (I'll check when I get home) You can probably skip the bypass caps though. Also the backlight dimmer circuit needs to be modified... I just put a 220R 1W resistor in series with the backlight (5V) and removed the backlight transistor and base resistor from the circuit.

I think thats it... Oh, and check the core diagram for bankstick connections

oh yeah, I didn't worry about the 100R resistor.

I am also going to try a switch to change between 10Mhz and 20Mhz Xtals if I want to change to an old firmware (PIC16F877)


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Steve -

Thanks! I'll take this with me to the studio. I skimmed over the old and new schematics the other night too. I had more trouble figuring out where the different MBHP circuits connected to each other than anything else, but it wasn't hard. I'm stuck in a mix right now, so I haven't been able to do electronics out there for a couple nights. I'm anxious to see this 2x40 display in action.

I've still got stuff to do to my 64 before I can start construction. Some of the unneeded IC's will likely come out, and I need to rig up temporary switches, pots, LED's to see what I'll use.

Like you, I figured I'd end up with an 18f on here when I was populating the board, so I ground away a recess in the PIC socket surrounding the can. Should be an easy swap.

                                      - Take Care

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Just a reminder... Greg's PCB isn't recommended for new boxes... unless you have one already lying around waiting to be used, or you only want a MB64 with 64pots, 16 Led's. and 24 pushbuttons... otherwise it gets quite tricky down the track!

here are the pull up resistor details...

from pin 6 to +5v (1kohm)

from pin 18 to +5v (10kohm)

from pin 20 to +5v (10kohm)

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Thanks again for all the info. This is going to be a cue level controller for the tracking room, so it will mostly need knobs (which the Greg board seems to have plenty of). I've also got the add-on board if I need it. My next one should be with MBHP boards.


PS- I've got these MIDIBox guts sitting on a table, staring at me every night when I go in, and I'm stuck cleaning up a mix full of mismatch sample rate noises >:( I feel like I've made about six thousand crossfades in the past two days and I may be stuck doing them again tonight.

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