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anyone using this programmer? K150 ICSP

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This looks like a very cheap offer for a USB pic programmer.

I was using a home made brenner5, but my new laptop has only usb ports.

The PIC18f4520 for example is not included in the list shown in the ebay offer.

I am wondering if it might just work all the same...

Maybe someone knows this device, or can point me to another budget solution. I´m in germany.


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The PIC18f4520 for example is not included in the list shown in the ebay offer.

I guess this is a typo, and you are referring to the 4620? The 452 is supported...

If I was you I'd write the seller an email and directly ask him. That way he can also show if he's a good, trustworthy, caring seller or not :whistle:.

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  • 1 month later...

If anybody happens to already have a k150 and they want to program a PIC 18f4620 (or some others that weren't previously available), use this software and firmware:


NOTE: You have to buy another 16f628A and burn the new burner firmware on it - then you can use that freshly burned pic in the k150.

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