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gm5x5x5 Bulk Order #4


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hi Johey and Hi Antix...


Antix: yes you are right...the small veroboard is only a temporary solution...it only holds two blue LEDs connected to the 5V connector of the GM5x5x5 PCB. Its only for the atmosphere but also to make visible that the box is getting power...because when no active MIDI-device is connected to the MIDI-IN sockets you see nothing...nothing tells you if the box is alive or not.


Johey: i commented the pics in the gallery some minutes ago...it made of 6mm white semitransparent frosted acryl...i cutted the parts on my "Proxxon FET" mini tabletop-saw. i drilled all holes by my selfe with a box column drill using a hole cutter (hope it is clear what i meant...cause i used a translation help so i don't know if the machines and tools are correclty translated...in german "Ständerbohrmaschine" and "Schälbohrer"). As you can see...now visible screws at all...but its a lie...cause the buttom-part is held with four screws. the other parts are glued with a special acrylic glue that seems to be realy good. (ACRIFIX 1R 0192)...a special hint on it...it needs light to harden...if you use UV light it hardes much faster...so if you have an exposuring machine for making PCBs you can used to harden the glue. i use a "face-solarium" (is made of 6 UV tubes) to exposure my PCBs (works realy good) and used it for the glue too. if you don't have a UV-light-source...sunlight is the best solution...but realize..the glue hardens on light...so don't glue it direcly in the sun or under the UV-light-source...first bring the glue in place an then bring your device into the light. :-) hardening time is around 20 minutes with UV-light and the same amount in direct sunlight.


I made some drilling masks in AutoCAD so if you are interested tell me. (but i have to add dimensoning at first)




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hi guys,


here some pictures of the running box with "blue glowing".







is not the final solution...i have to order some SMD LEDs at first and the solder five in a row onto a longer veroboard. i thinkt that then the whole front is glowing blue. :-)


i watched my drilling mask again...i would start to add the dimensions to i but realized that it isnt that easy, cause the material thickness is not exactly 6mm (its 5,6-5,8) so the sideparts you have to measure and construct them according to your exact material thikness. so this is the reason why i let them out.




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  • 2 months later...

i have a little question, and i don't want to create a new thread.


I finished to built it, and my question, it is detected by windows, i installed the driver, everything looks like to work (i haven't solded the midi port now)

but when i connect it to the usb port, the main led flsh one time, but nothing more. It is normal ?

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Yes, its normal...

The Main LED only flashes when something (datatraffic) is happen on one (, two, three, four or all) of each MidiPort (input also as output)...its only shows that there is traffic...its not like a power LED!  Connect the MidiPorts...make something traffic on the MidiPorts an you will see that the MainLED is flashing in rythm of the Data of the traffic on the MidiPorts :-)




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