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sammichSID V3 Received & Built!


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Just want to say thanks for this! The build was pretty easy, other than putting the LED 595 sockets in backwards and finding out after I noticed the heatsinks were almost glowing red. No harm done though. Caught it in time. The 595's still work. Anyway, the Optrex LCD is amazing! I have one on my Ambika and aside from OLED, those are the best displays I've seen. The only bummer is one of my 6581's I lifted from a C64 I found for $5 at a thrift store about 8 years ago is bad. OSC 1 is not outputting. I've swapped the two chips around and the problem follows the chip. The other 6581 I got on eBay and it works just fine. Oh well, time to hunt down a couple 8580's.

One thing I've noticed is there is a lot of envelope bleed. I read in a post on here somewhere that this is how it is and not much can be done about it. Is this true? Is there a noticeable difference between the 6581's & the 8580/6582's? Nothing that a little gating cant fix I guess.

Can't wait to really dig into this thing. So far the sound is way better than I had anticipated. First time using an actual SID chip.



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q-p: Nice, glad you like it. Once you get a bit more into it you'll see just how awesome it really is. Regarding the vca bleedthrough - yes that's just the way it is. :console:

Johey: It's worth it :)

nILS, thanks for the quick response! thats what I thought on the bleedthrough. Not a biggie. one thing I did forget to mention. The encoder seems a bit flaky. When I am browsing patches, it will occasionally jump back or forward. Sometimes its only a couple patches, sometimes it could be as far as 50. I can change patches no problem with the up and down buttons. I double checked the solder joints and they look solid. The solder has nice flow on both sides of the pads. I suspect the encoder is bad. Would you know the Mouser part number so I can order a replacement? This is, of course, making tweaking a pain. But, I am rockin the ctrlr panel, so not all is lost :)

Johey: bummer, but yeah, so friggin worth it!

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When connecting the control surface board to the base board, there is a difference in the hardware layout from the guide. In the guide, the female header for the display is 8x2 but the component and the baseboard is 9x2. The male connector, however, is 8x2, as well as the display. My worry is that when you align them, the display will be inserted from D7 to the hole pair after 5V, leaving B- unattached, if the screen printing on the base board is correct. I cannot see how I can connect the display aligned with the correct hole pairs. If my description is too messy I can shoot a photo.

Edit: never mind. It is likely correctly connected according to the datasheet of the display. B- and B+ is probably something else.

Edit2: B- and B+ is likely supposed to serve the backlight. How am I supposed to connect them? On my display, backlight are pin 1 and 2, then comes 5V and GND. The last pins, 15 and 16, are data pins. On the base board, B+ and B- are placed after the last data pins, not connectable. Am I supposed to solder wires to the backlight pins?

Edit3: After studying the board quite a while I realized there must be a trace from pin 17 to pin 1, so I soldered a wire and it works so far. :)

Edited by Johey
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I did not take any photos while building, but it is quite handy to take apart, so here goes... http://midibox.org/forums/gallery/album/176-sammichSID/


(Edit: The album was removed :( .. Photos attached to a post further down this thread.)

Please note that I made the B+ patch a little different to what Wilba suggests, because I missed that piece of information. It does not matter though, as there is a direct connection from my point to Wilba's. As I use an unshielded left over pin from a resistor, I think it's better not risking to connect to wrong pins.

Also, note that I did not install the second cooler on the current limiter, just because I read the guide to fast. Nothing to do about it, as I am using a self adhesive cooling paste (because that's what I had within reach). I don't think the extra cooler is needed though, but you should install it as it is suggested by Wilba.

Edited by Johey
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Finished building the V3 sammichSID and ran into the same issue as Johey regarding the LCD pin difference (What was Wilba's original suggestion? I missed it!) and the same flaky encoder as q-p (NO fun to program from the front panel!!).


These two sour points aside, I soldered a wire per Johey's suggestion and it sounds/looks great! Now if only I can do something about that encoder!


Is it too late to jump on the final batch for a second one?

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Congrats. This is an adorable little synthesizer :smile: But what do you mean with V3 ?



Not a biggie. one thing I did forget to mention. The encoder seems a bit flaky. When I am browsing patches, it will occasionally jump back or forward. Sometimes its only a couple patches, sometimes it could be as far as 50. I can change patches no problem with the up and down buttons. I double checked the solder joints and they look solid.




Uhm, wtf. I soldered 3 Sammichs and I got this on all 3. Well, to be more precise, when it jumps, it jumps back, mostly by one. Thought it was my fault.

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Probably I know why it seemed that the encoder was working "flawky": it was configured in "fast mode" by default, and in "normal mode" when the shift button was pressed.

This was the intended behaviour at a time I was young and always in hurry :frantics:  - meanwhile I think it was a bad decision!  :turned:


Could you please check if your encoder works better with v2.042?



/edit: indeed, the issue has been fixed with this version as confirmed in the feedback thread!  :smile:


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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There is a transparent window, very thightly cut so you need to insert it with a slight degree of force and there is no risk it will pop out by itself.


Yes, but is there a layer of transparent Lexan on top of the window, or is the Lexan cut out where the window is?

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