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New forum platform software?


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Hi Duggle,


The easy way: click "My Media" in the message editor and select from thumbnails of all of your uploaded images. 


The generated tag markup:


the result (with automatic thumbnail/small preview):



Best regards



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Umm... it seems that this "new" forum platform randomly embeds links to SPAM in user's posts.   Not cool. :mad:
I have no clue what you are talking about as you do not provide an example. And i do not know how to interpertate your post as it does not looks like constructive feedback but more like a complaint that you do not agree with this update. I could be wrong thinking this so could you please be so kind to elaborate?
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Sorry, I assumed others have noticed this.

It's a complaint about the forum software (or something related).


I'm talking about how a (particular) word from peoples posts (I'll use the example where I first noticed this happening) appears on my browser as link to advertising (a.k.a spam).

In this post:

The word "Information" appeared on the browser as a hyperlink which takes the user to an advertisement. 

Is it possible the machine I was using was infected by Adware Malware?


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Is it possible the machine I was using was infected by Adware Malware?

Very likely.....


This sounds like "text enhance" or a work-alike (there are many) that use adobe shockwave or adobe flash players to do the deed.


A quick google scrape found some decent info here: http://botcrawl.com/how-to-remove-text-enhance/


Best regards


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