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Midibox64 with only 8 potentiometers (?)

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Stupid question maybe...


I want to build a midibox with only 8 analog pots (and a bunch of switches).   What do I do software-wise ?


Do I need an AIN module or can I just go direct to the mainboard (core) pins WITHOUT COMPILING another hex file? 

Or is it just easier to use an AIN and use the MidiBox64 premade app?



Or can I modify the ini file where is shows, then convert to syx using the perl script???



   "Generic Bank    "   



I have the Serge Midibox editor and it doesn't seem to have anywhere to say how many pots there are connected. 




I do not know about the device in detail, but using potentiometers always requires a kind of AD-conversion. Some MCUs do have these included and if there are not enough ADCs available, multiplexing with analog switches can be performed. But often it is more reasonable to use rotary encoders, multiplex them and feed the data into (a low number of !) digital input pins and do all in software.

Posted (edited)

I made a midibox64 with only 8 pots and 8 switches. I only used a Core8 board and a self made DINx1. The 8 pots were connected directly to j5 on the coreboard. I'm not sure about recompiling the code but  setup_midibox64.asm says:


; Multiplexers (AINX4 modules) connected? -> set this value to 1
; No multiplexer connected= -> set this value to 0, allowed number of pots in this case: 1-8
#define DEFAULT_MUX_ENABLED 1 ; enable multiplexers
so I guess you have to recompile the code. The only file I can find about my box is a sysex file. I think it only is a configuration file made by virtual midibox. I recompiled some files for different boxes but that computer broke so I can't check it anymore. But recompiling codes is not so hard if you follow the right steps:
Edited by Elektruck
I do not know about the device in detail, but using potentiometers always requires a kind of AD-conversion. Some MCUs do have these included and if there are not enough ADCs available, multiplexing with analog switches can be performed. But often it is more reasonable to use rotary encoders, multiplex them and feed the data into (a low number of !) digital input pins and do all in software.

Um... This kinda doesn't really relate to the question. At all. 

Um... This kinda doesn't really relate to the question. At all. 

I just wanted to push him to an alternative idea, but maybe I was already a bit tired late in the night when posting :-)


Thanks Electruck - I figured there had to be something set to tell the core that what mux to use.   I may try messing with the software, or just get an AIN module (and future expansion capability) and use the prebuilt Midibox64 sysex.


BTY - is there any documentation that describes the way the DOUT works?   I'm having trouble finding how all the options are set.   I did build a successful Midibox64e a few years back but have purged my memory of all the setup I did to get it working!!  I'm converting over to Midibox64 form "e" since I have a XY joystick (analog pots) that I want to use for Wavestation controller.


You're welcome!


About the DOUT and midibox64 I don't know, didn't use it. But in the Virtual midibox64(e) configuration software there is a special DOUT section where you can configure your DOUT's


And from your last writing I understand that you want to convert your midibox64e into a midibox64 because you want to use analog pots. But there's no need to convert to a mb64, cause latest versions of mb64e also accepts AIN modules. I made a MB64e with encoders and pots/sliders and joysticks.


Thanks Electruck - I figured there had to be something set to tell the core that what mux to use.   I may try messing with the software, or just get an AIN module (and future expansion capability) and use the prebuilt Midibox64 sysex.


BTY - is there any documentation that describes the way the DOUT works?   I'm having trouble finding how all the options are set.   I did build a successful Midibox64e a few years back but have purged my memory of all the setup I did to get it working!!  I'm converting over to Midibox64 form "e" since I have a XY joystick (analog pots) that I want to use for Wavestation controller.

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