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How 2 play chords


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I feel a bit stupid that I can't figure it out myself but I just don't manage to play chord-progressions on my new SeqV4.

I've found the chord event mode, so I can play any chord in 'C', but I don't know how to play for example: Em-Am-C-EM in one track/ 4 bars.

The menu-pages tell me to go to the transpose page to transpose my C chord, but over there I can only transpose a whole track so all C chords become E chords, or something. I think it would be logical to get a transpose parameter layer so you can transpose every step of your track to any key. Maybe it is there but I can't find it.

Thanx in advance



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The approach is to use one track which sends the base note for the transposer to BUS1 (in the documentation it's called "loopback track") - you can use any track for such a purpose (I'm normally using Track16)


And then enable the transpose mode for the track which plays the chords.


The "loopback track" should send "E, A, C, E"

And the chord track should play a Minor, Minor, Major, Minor chord


Advantage of this approach: other tracks can get the transposed base note as well. Accordingly there is no need to duplicate this entry.

It's also better if you would like to interactively change the transposing.


In addition, it could make sense to enable force-to-scale for all transposed tracks with root note C and the Major scale. In this case, you don't need to consider Major/Minor in your chord entry, because the force-to-scale mechanism will ensure this automatically (only white keys will be played, like for the Em, Am, C chords)


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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OK, checked and works like a charm! That was exactly the help I needed. And I love the idea of one 'transpose track', witch can be followed by the other tracks to create uni-harmonies, or something like that.  I knew this beast of a machine would have something like that, thanks for pointing me in the right direction, and for everything else!



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I should finally work on the tutorials like I did for MBSEQ V2 -> 






Because it seems that you are missing the essential features! :smile:


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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+1 for more tutorials. I'd love to see some too. The v4 is so powerful and everyone could benefit from such detailed documentation.

Even better would be a user posted tutorial forum where questions on technique could be answered by other members, preferably in video format. Members need to be willing though. If I felt confident enough I'd have a go, but sadly I don't. Would be awesome if an instructional video library from the simple to the complex could be built up! The original videos from TK inspired me to build the v4 and the other videos I've found of the v3 in use have been very inspiring and useful. Just not enough of them :)



Edited by Arkay
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Some tutorials would be great, I got a bit overwelmed by all possibilties. Tutorials will help a lot looking through all possibilities, on the practical side.

For now I'm leaving on a holiday, with sequencer, printed menu pages and a laptop!

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  • 2 weeks later...
And your a great guitar player Thorsten.. epic!!!!


Hehe... ;)

This is just the Piano track when it's plays guitar samples.

I enabled the echo function with +1..+12 Notes per echo, this leads to the typical glissando. :smile:


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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