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Track Position Display 8x16 Duo LED latest?


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I was interested to read the WIKI article by Ilmenator on his BPM,Step#, and TPD combined PCB.

I'd like to add some of these elements to my own seq.

The BPM and Step# display hw settings are in the config file MBSEQ_HW.V4 looks straight forward.

The Track Position Display section has config settings for 8x8 single LED.

What is the state of the 16x8 Duo TPD from the software support aspect?

Is it likely to be merged with the main firmware?

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There is a dirty hack available (PM me) that provides the original functionality of Hawkeye's 8x8 LED matrix approach, but for the 8x16 version as on my TPD module. You get to select the color, but obviously there are many more possibilities for this kind of "display". Unfortunately, I am not a programmer, so I lack the skills to implement something that would be up to TK's coding... TK, however, has one of the TPD modules and might come up with a proper integration. Let's hear what he says :smile: .

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If you wouldn´t mind, we could establish support for two or more variants of TPD: the old 8x8, which I am still using on my handwired SEQ and the new 16x8s, which all PCB owners (proud to have one, too ;-)) will be using. An additional entry in the hwconfig file might be: TPD_TYPE, which can be 1, 2, ... as there are many other configurations thinkable - e.g. different LED pattern orientations on the new PCB.


In seq_tpd.c function SEQ_TPD_LED_Update(void), a conditional testing the configured TPD_TYPE then would execute the specific display code for each type. Don´t worry, it would not have large executable size impact on the sequencer binary, the current binary code for the 8x8 TPD is probably around 60 bytes :).


Many greets,


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I'd love to see a virtual memory area mapped to the shift registers that drive the duo LED matrix. Any display functionality would then be as simple as poking the respective bits (8x16 duo LED matrix = 256 bits), something that my poor brain is much better at than looping through rows and columns...

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 5 months later...
There is a frontpanel file I created, over in the Wiki. I had my panel lasercut at Formulor.de, I think Schrab used the same file for his.


I took your file, imported it into Libre Office (because I don't own other suitable software for the Mac), added a frame around the frontpanel, changed black to red colour, exported to .svg and tried to submit it at Formular (and also Ponoko) - in both cases I get the error message, that the .svg file contains wrong colours.


So, I copy&pasted the frontpanel components it into a new document, exported to .svg and submitted again - now it complains about lines which are thicker than allowed.


Has anybody experiences with Ponoko or Formulor templates created with Libre Office or similar open source software which is available for MacOS?


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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I took your file, imported it into Libre Office (because I don't own other suitable software for the Mac), added a frame around the frontpanel, changed black to red colour, exported to .svg and tried to submit it at Formular (and also Ponoko) - in both cases I get the error message, that the .svg file contains wrong colours.

I don't have any experience on a Mac, but I would guess that the RGB values are not what Formulor expects. There is an overview on the required RGB values here. Maybe that already does the trick?



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Inkscape doesn't work correctly at my side, the GUI elements are not correctly displayed (I'm using the latest XQuartz version)


In Libre Office, I've ensured that the correct RGB values are used.


Ilmenator, could you please send me the exact file you've used during your Formulor order? I would like to doublecheck, if I'm able to convert this one with Libre Office


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Finally I got it working and ordered the panels :)



- I'm using Inkscape under Linux (running in a virtual box)

- Ilmentator sent me a .svg file

- this file has to be modified with a text editor, otherwise Inkscape can't load it: remove xmlns="&ns_svg;"

- do the required modifications (frame around the elements & create a bottom panel)

- upload the new .svg to Formulor


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The .svg files are now available at the Wiki page: http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=tpd_pcb


First I ordered black panels, but I made an error: I forgot to mirror the backpanel, so that the clean side is at the bottom (and not in the case):


This is fixed this in the published .svg


Another "imperfection" of the black version are the missing transparent windows for LED matrix and digits.

I've no experience how to design them properly, therefore I created a complete transparent version, which is part of the .zip file as well


And which I'm finally using by myself:


As you can see, it's very important to wait for the frontpanel before soldering the 4 LEDs, so that they are fitting into the case.
I haven't done this, and unfortunately also shortened the legs - I have to solder new LEDs to fix this.
Anyhow, here the good news: I've a free christmas giveaway! :smile:
If somebody is interested on the flawed black panels, then just send me a PM!
Best Regards, Thorsten.
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Hi there,


while building the TPD as well, i decided that it should feature a "shade" because, you know...

Vital in doing that, is finding the right "shade".

Because, especially for the segment-displays, i found there is an issue with contrast when in

daylight. Because the background of those segment-displays is grey and the activated

segments are green, you can hardly see the green segments in favour of the grey background

reflecting too much light.

Crawling through the options available @ formulor.de (the german branch of ponoko, so

the materials are available from them also) i found "mittelgrau, transparent" (with formulor)

to be excactly what i was looking for.

I have attached a picture for you to decide if you like it and the cutouts for the shades

as .ai file (they match the frontpanel file available from ilmenator/TK. - thanks a bunch btw.)





the .ai file:

(there are cutouts for the displays also, i found them to be a little dark with it - but you can try for yourself)






I hope you have a nice time around christmas!





Edited by =FFW=>
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