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PIC Programmer 2013


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I broke 2 of my 3 PIC 18F452. sad..  :rolleyes:

So i wold like to be able to Burn my MF_NG Cores myself. I Then whent to the uCapps site and read about burning and the MBHP_Burner.

Because i don't have a Parallel Port i wold like something witch a USB plug instead. 

I searched in the Forum and found this: 

Altitude refers to a Programer on E-bay witch i was able to find on the Distributor on net. this one: http://www.piccircuit.com/shop/pic-programmer/56-ica03-usb-pic-programmer-set.html

But im not shure about the Software to the burner-tool. 

I think Brenner5 will not work.

Does somebody have experience with a USB Burner?


best regards


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Hi Novski


I use

- Brenner8 (rev 4) described at http://www.sprut.de/electronic/pic/projekte/brenner8/ (this was a DIY Kit)

- Brenner8P9smd von Lars described at the same Link (a ready to use device).


Both work flawlessly without any issues.

But I must say that I always must read the related manuals before using them, because they are seldom in operation since I went for MIOS 32 Nexpresso LXP1769




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the one I linked is still available cheap on ebay: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Bid1-iCA01-USB-Microchip-PIC-Programmer-Set-ICSP-Adapter-with-PICkit2-SW-/121183652404?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item1c371bca34, works fine for me and uses the microchip pickit2 software


Stay away from the K150 clones, they do NOT support the bigger chips like the 4685

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Thanks for those reports. 


@monokinetic i don't find a Software called PICKit3 as i do for PICKit2. Instead i found MP-LAB-X. What software do you use exactly?


Does MP LAB X suit the needs of a Midibox Bootloader? 


Thanks in advance


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When you buy the PICKIT3 unit, it comes with a disk that contains a version of MPLAB that supports the programmer. Any of the newer MPLAB X versions available from Microchip Technologies support the programmer. I have used the older IDE version and it was easy to find the tool. I just loaded the X version and can't find the programmer option but it is listed in the help panels.


Only problem with PICkit3 is that you have to make your own cable to go to the PIC chip.

Pete Knobloch

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In order to clarify this, I've ordered a PICKIT2 compatible programmer and will test it under MacOS with all PICs used in the MBHP

-> http://www.reichelt.de/Programmer-Entwicklungstools/DIAMEX-PIC-PROG/3/index.html?&ACTION=3&LA=5&ARTICLE=137174&GROUPID=2969


If it works, I will recommend PICKIT2 or PICKIT3 (and compatible) in future.


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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That sounds good. 

I wold like to make a DIY Programer for the uCapps page as an update of MBHP_Burner.

I already made a Layout yesterday for the Brenner8r4 and ordered it at Oshpark.

They always make 3 pce. so i if my layout is running (witch it actually never does in the first attempt... :pinch: ) i will have a spare to send to TK.

@TK. wold you want to go that way, or do you prefer to use a PICKIT "xy"?

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I still prefer PICKIT 2/3, because the Brenner8 software doesn't run under MacOS :-/


Another reason: in future, there won't be so many people who need a PIC programmer for the old MIDIbox projects anymore (especially since there is always the option to buy pre-burned PICs from SmashTV). Therefore I need something which is well established today, and which is a stable reference for the next years.


Everything else is a nice DIY solution for people who like the challenge, but counter-productive at my side (e.g. updating documentation, testing updates, supporting people who can't get it running, etc).


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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I just loaded the X version and can't find the programmer option but it is listed in the help panels.
After loading the MPLAB X software on my Windows 8 PC, there is a new item called MPLAB IPE (Integrated Programming Environment v1.90) on the desktop. I clicked on the application and the programming panel popped up. I then connected the PICkit3 unit to the PC USB port and it went through a down load procedure that loaded a new version of software for my PICkit3.

There is a field for entering in the .hex file name and 5 buttons labeled: Program, Erase, Read, Verify, and Blank Check. I haven't tried it since the hardware that I used is in an organ console that is locked up in a home.

Here is a link to a YouTube video of the utility panels.


Edited by kpete
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