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sammichSID encoder


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The encoder does not play nicely... Sometimes it works nearly fine, sometimes it just does not do anything, or jumps randomly around.


So it seems the encoder is a 24 steps rotary encoder, should any brand work, if I'll change it?


One local shop has 20 step pulse-encoders, does this sound close enough? I guess it would just work a little slower?


Sorry I'm one of those evil second hand users, who bough an unit somebody else made, and my electronics skills are quite weak.

Edited by Taika-Kim
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OK, I was using 2_040 before, and finally now have some time, I quit my job and moved to the countryside to a small cabin :D So today I finally plugged everything in again and took a look at this.


I just uploaded 043 and it seems that the encoder works fine, no inertia though, it always scans at a predefined speed. But better than jumping around :smile:


Great, I'm off to write some tracks!

Edited by Taika-Kim
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