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KS0108-LCD Issue


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im trying to use 2 KS0108-Displays on my LPC17-Core-Board. With the Bootloader i can setup lcd_width @255 maximum, which results in one unused column at the right side of the 2nd display. has anyone experienced similar problems and what is the workaround to get all the 256 lcd-columns working properly ??





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what size are your displays? 128x64? If so, you have to set up the display size in bootloader to lcd_width 128, so you have to set this parameter to the size of one of your displays in a chain. With lcd_num_x (or _y) you define how many of your (128px wide) displays you want to use.


my regards

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@John: KS0108 has a special treatment where lcd_num_x doesn't play a role. J28 always has 4 CS lines enabled.

Actually it's a part of the universal driver which needs to be overworked, so that CS lines are specified with lcd_num_x


However, I changed MIOS32_LCD, so that lcd_width 255 results into the actual width 256

This coding could become important in future. E.g. if there are displays which support 320 pixel, I could use the number 254 for this, etc.


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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  • 6 years later...

Hello mono and Tk.

I have 2 KS0108-Displays ( 128x64 , 2CS each ) with no wirring error ( quintuple check for a week now ) on a LPC17 .

I can't figure how to configure the lcd in the bootloader the right way .

One display with 128x64 and num_x = 1 work perfectly , I swaped the ribbon cable and the lcd ... both cable work and lcd are ok 

But when i try two displays , only one at a time is working , the one wich is on CS1 and CS2 line .

  • TEST 1 : lcd_width 128x64  AND   lcd_num_x = 2    :
  • work only with the lcd wich is connected to cs 1 and 2 and print  LCD #1.1 ready . LCD wich is on cs3 and cs 4 is blank
  • If i swap the j15a and J15b ( but don't touch j28 ), the second LCD print  LCD #2.1 ready  and the first one wich is now on cs3 and cs 4 is blank
  • TEST 2 :  lcd_width255x64  AND   lcd_num_x = 1   OR lcd_num_x = 2
    • all lcd are blank 

I traced CS3 ( WS ) and CS4 ( MCLK ) on the LPC17 and it seem ok .

I use bootloader 1018 and MBNG 1.036

Any idea on what i am missing ?

Thank you , 

Hope you're all ok !!




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