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Newbie help midi from daw to multi LCD


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Hi. Im new to the midibox, i got the link from a  friend.

Im about to build me a new home-studio.


I got cubase and 2 behringer bcf2000 and one Presonos Masterfader.


All is working fine. But now i want to intergrade 8 to 16 lcd displays in to my desk. 

I want to display vu-meters, trackname/number and any outher usefull info i can get out from the mackie-midi-out.


Iv seen some youtube-projects with the adurion and one lcd-display. but nothing with 8 or 16.

If its not possible i can go with 4 lcd´s displaying sevreal tracks on the same lcd.


What should i buy. My friend said that i should get a MidiBox NG.

I have 4 4x20 hdd44780 lcds at home, but with the china-prices a can buy new models if the hd44780 is a bad lcd.



So first of all i need to now what to buy. So i start in the right end.

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Welcome FredricSweden to the MIDIbox forum!


There is no readily available solution for what you want to do, not even on the MIDIbox NG platform. You will need to do a lot of programming, for which it will be necessary to understand the hardware concept. Honestly, it's a bad idea to start the project with purchasing some LCDs. I'd recommend you to read about the MIDIbox NG on ucapps.de and then estimate how far your own DIY skills will get you. If you feel it is manageable, then go ahead - if you feel it's over your head then honestly I would start with some smaller MIDIbox project, i.e. one that you just follow instructions for and for which you don't have to develop things yourself.


Best, ilmenator

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Welcome FredricSweden to the MIDIbox forum!


There is no readily available solution for what you want to do, not even on the MIDIbox NG platform. You will need to do a lot of programming, for which it will be necessary to understand the hardware concept. Honestly, it's a bad idea to start the project with purchasing some LCDs. I'd recommend you to read about the MIDIbox NG on ucapps.de and then estimate how far your own DIY skills will get you. If you feel it is manageable, then go ahead - if you feel it's over your head then honestly I would start with some smaller MIDIbox project, i.e. one that you just follow instructions for and for which you don't have to develop things yourself.


Best, ilmenator


I like the chalange, iv done alot of rasberry projects, but im a newbie at midibox.

I read a thread at anouther forum saying that somebody here made a 16channel LCD controll desk. with the behringer bcf2000. But i cant find the tread. Maybe i can studdy that one and go from there, then later on make my own mods.


One other cool project would be a 16ch analog VU-meter reciving midi out from cubase!?

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Iv done som reading att the ucapps.de

As i understand i can connect up to 64 DOGM and DOGL based GLCDs

with the mios tool and sysex tool, i cant see that making a 16oled display would be imposible or that hard.

And the price for the oleds a cracy cheap at toaboa.com

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Hi FredericSweden

There exists a way of configuring a MB_NG with a chain of 32 OLEDs it is described in the Wiki here: http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=fadercore_-_fadermodule_for_audio_daw

And John E. Finster is a Username of a guy who already finished his setup and made a nice Tutorial about it in the Wiki as well: http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=john_e._finster

Best Regards


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Hi FredericSweden

There exists a way of configuring a MB_NG with a chain of 32 OLEDs it is described in the Wiki here: http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=fadercore_-_fadermodule_for_audio_daw

And John E. Finster is a Username of a guy who already finished his setup and made a nice Tutorial about it in the Wiki as well: http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=john_e._finster

Best Regards


Thx Novski.

Its problembly gonna take me some houres of trail n error. But its not for the sake of saving money, this is my hobby. so building stuff that can be used in the studio is only win win.

Now its just waiting for the ng-kit to come back in stock. Any body knowing when that might happen, i can only see one store online that sells the ng-kit.


Best regards Fredric




These oleds is the right model!?

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Hi Fredric

Well the MB_NG is a Software you can find in the Download section of ucapps.de.

What you need to get that wonderfull software running is just the newest core. The STM32F407.

If you are interessted in the board i made to attach 8 OLEDs seamless have a look to vlrlab.com. The dokumentation to the VLR_8oDisp is in work and will be available soon.

To those displays from taobao you have to check. It seams to me that there is a missing Enable line. And the Driver is not the same (SSD1106 instead of SSD1306)

Best Regards, novski

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Hi Fredric

Well the MB_NG is a Software you can find in the Download section of ucapps.de.

What you need to get that wonderfull software running is just the newest core. The STM32F407.

If you are interessted in the board i made to attach 8 OLEDs seamless have a look to vlrlab.com. The dokumentation to the VLR_8oDisp is in work and will be available soon.

To those displays from taobao you have to check. It seams to me that there is a missing Enable line. And the Driver is not the same (SSD1106 instead of SSD1306)

Best Regards, novski

Many thx novski.

I will order the exact same as you did.


looking forward to this.


Have enyone made Analog UV (retro with needle) to work with a DAW?


Best regards Fredric

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this had the 1306driver. and if my google translate works good, its about 3.3euro + shipping.

Now thats cheap:)


I would defently be interested in your pre made oled-attachment-board. Do you ship to sweden?


Is the core8-kit the ringt thing for me? it looks like the stm32f407 board.

What pic´s do i need?!

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Hi Fredric

Well the MB_NG is a Software you can find in the Download section of ucapps.de.

What you need to get that wonderfull software running is just the newest core. The STM32F407.

If you are interessted in the board i made to attach 8 OLEDs seamless have a look to vlrlab.com. The dokumentation to the VLR_8oDisp is in work and will be available soon.

To those displays from taobao you have to check. It seams to me that there is a missing Enable line. And the Driver is not the same (SSD1106 instead of SSD1306)

Best Regards, novski

Did you go with the 0.9"? iwas thinking of going with the 1.3" so that would make your mounting board not working for me. more soldering for me :)

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Hi FredericSweden

There exists a way of configuring a MB_NG with a chain of 32 OLEDs it is described in the Wiki here: http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=fadercore_-_fadermodule_for_audio_daw

And John E. Finster is a Username of a guy who already finished his setup and made a nice Tutorial about it in the Wiki as well: http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=john_e._finster

Best Regards





Welcome FredricSweden to the MIDIbox forum!


There is no readily available solution for what you want to do, not even on the MIDIbox NG platform. You will need to do a lot of programming, for which it will be necessary to understand the hardware concept. Honestly, it's a bad idea to start the project with purchasing some LCDs. I'd recommend you to read about the MIDIbox NG on ucapps.de and then estimate how far your own DIY skills will get you. If you feel it is manageable, then go ahead - if you feel it's over your head then honestly I would start with some smaller MIDIbox project, i.e. one that you just follow instructions for and for which you don't have to develop things yourself.


Best, ilmenator




Iv done some more reading, sorry for not being that up to date with the hardware and software, im i newbie but eger to learn.

I found the PCB breakoutboard for STM32F407, but it seems that it comes without parts and i cant find a diy-kit.

Do i need the breakoutboard for STM32F407 or can i connect the oleds according to your schematics directly to the STM32F407.

I dont mind it being ugly or messy, this first project is more of a beta test. if it works i will try to build one or several more to a friend and studiopartner. then i want it as clean an pro as possible.


Best regards Fredric

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Have enyone made Analog UV (retro with needle) to work with a DAW?


Hello Fred

analog is analog... if you want to drive analog meter (Vu or PPM) you have to send your 2bus soundcard analog out to the meter (with at least buffer circuit)



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Hi Frederic

You don't need the breakeout. Its just a sort of Basis for connecting different Modules.

You can try to extract the pins you need with this schematic (http://ucapps.de/midibox_ng_manual_lcd.html) and the schematic of the Core.

My pcb is made to fit 0.96" oleds. What size are you targeting?

Best regards


I couldent fins a presolderd breakoutboard from midibox_shop so i bought a Chines one. 

Im going with the 1.3" oleds, it no idea for me to go 0.96", i wouldent see anything.

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Hello Fred

analog is analog... if you want to drive analog meter (Vu or PPM) you have to send your 2bus soundcard analog out to the meter (with at least buffer circuit)



Yes i could go from my soundcards output. But i was thinking of going from a LED-Vu meter, taking the upper leds having them send a smal puls, the lover leds sending a puls but with a resistor.

Something like that. Goind digital to analog via led-VU. The main thing is that i want it from MIDI-out to the VU

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I still can't follow your topix here. Do you have digital or analog VU meters?

quite the same for me :)


The only way I can imagine now is to use HUI meter data (CC? PB? note and velocity??), send them to AOUT, then to some buffer/calibration amp/ tension to current converter, and in some case depending of the galvanometer characteristic you have to add a time circuit to match Vu or PPM ballistic specification.

I'm not sure it worth the effort...


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I think that you don't have to care about the measurement type because your DAW will send the Midi-Meterdata acording to your settings in the DAW it self. So if you have a Analog Needle Meter (generally called VU-Meter) you only have to convert the Midi Value in to the Voltage needed by your Needle.

And if you like to have LEDs (digital Meter) you can just make a LED-Matrix. I have done that for me and created also supporting PCBs.


Best regards


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Hi Fredric

Well the MB_NG is a Software you can find in the Download section of ucapps.de.

What you need to get that wonderfull software running is just the newest core. The STM32F407.

If you are interessted in the board i made to attach 8 OLEDs seamless have a look to vlrlab.com. The dokumentation to the VLR_8oDisp is in work and will be available soon.

To those displays from taobao you have to check. It seams to me that there is a missing Enable line. And the Driver is not the same (SSD1106 instead of SSD1306)

Best Regards, novski

Hi again.

Now i just got this board in the mail. It says it have the STM32F407 chip.

Hope this is gonna work. Just waiting for the oleds.


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Hi again. Now i just got this board in the mail. It says it have the STM32F407 chip. Hope this is gonna work. Just waiting for the oleds. http://www.aliexpress.com/snapshot/6647247023.html?orderId=67140077962116'>http://www.aliexpress.com/snapshot/6647247023.html?orderId=67140077962116
This will not work! Why don't you just use the recommended STM32F4DISCOVERY board. Its available for only €15,00. Have you read this: http://www.ucapps.de/index.html?page=mbhp_core_stm32f4.html ?
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Did you look in to the ucapps.de site? Seams to me that thats not compatible to the standards set by midibox. You will have to get a special sd card adapter and make a adapter to get a J8/9 as well.


This will not work! Why don't you just use the recommended STM32F4DISCOVERY board. Its available for only €15,00. Have you read this: http://www.ucapps.de/index.html?page=mbhp_core_stm32f4.html ?

OKey my bad, in an earlier post i just saw the STM32F407. dident know that it was diffrent,

The main reason was that it had the expansion-board. Less soldering for me.

But i could use the board for my home automation projects, and try to get it to work with my Control4-system.

And the shipping for the oleds is a few weeks so i will have time to order a proper f4discovery.

Is there a premade breakout board or do i have to make my own?

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Did you look in to the ucapps.de site? Seams to me that thats not compatible to the standards set by midibox. You will have to get a special sd card adapter and make a adapter to get a J8/9 as well.

i found a sd-card adapter to the kit i bout for only 2dollars. The J8/9 is a different story. 

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